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Republicans for POTUS, 2016 Edition

ELC, I can see it being stolen from Trump, but not both Trump and Cruz. Letting Cruz get the nomination at the convention does a couple of things for the Pub establishment. First, it denies Trump. Second, they should be thinking they're probably going to lose anyway this year, especially if Trump runs as an independent. By running Cruz, you kinda ruin his future, which is good because you hate him as well. And going into 2020, you can say to the Religious Right and tea baggers that they lost with a right wing zealot again in 2016, so be quiet and let us go with a more moderate candidate who has a better chance of winning. And you hate Hillary anyway, so just jump on board to deny her a 2nd term, and we'll let you talk about abortion as much as you want at the 2020 convention.

GOP's not losing the gerrymandered House this round, but 2020 is another reshuffle and a Trump presidency would make losing the House a very real possibility in 2018 or 2020. Best play to hold the Senate would be Cruz/Kasich and an independent Trump run. GOP's really screwed with an HRC presidency, Dem Senate, and a weakened House. Would be interesting to see if Obama would stick with Garland, a deal the GOP would take in a heartbeat if they lose in November or if Obama defers to Hillary on a younger, more liberal nominee in January.

In the unlikely scenario Trump wins, he'd draw a primary opponent in 2020 if he even serves that long. Would have an adversarial relationship with Ryan. Ryan is still young, so can see a case for keeping his powder dry. OTOH, HRC is damaged goods and he's only going to lose more ground in the House during either a Trump or HRC presidency, so stil a shot he accepts a brokered convention nomination.

Trump knows he's cooked without a first ballot nomination. Brings lots of new voters, but talking about Kasich, Little Marco, or Walker as VP over Sleepy or Palin. Christie's MIA. Trump/Palin ticket would blow up the Tea Party and a more viable GOP could emerge. Have to move to the center on immigration, social issues, and foreign policy. That's not Trump or Cruz.
A thought occurred to me.....

Everyone is talking about the disastrous effect that an unlikely Trump presidency would have on the nation and on the Republican Party. If there has ever been an example of nearly universal CW, this has to be at the top of the list. What nobody has even considered, though, is this: What would be the effect on the nation and the Democratic Party if somehow Trump was elected and actually turned out to be a competent president?

Oh, I understand that both of these things are extremely unlikely....but aren't they at least possible? I mean, everyone has been completely wrong about Trump from the day he entered this race....so why is everyone so cock-sure that 1) he can't get elected and, even more certain that, 2) he wouldn't turn out to be a competent president if he did?

I don't really see any way that Trump can be elected, either, but when he announced that he was a candidate I also never thought there was a chance in hell that he would ever be the Republican nominee. So far at least, Trump has understood the mood & mindset of American voters better than all of his supposedly more politically savvy opponents have understood it.

The odds are strong that Trump will finally crash and burn in a general election, even if he can prevail in getting the GOP nomination....but after everything that has happened in the last nine months or so, I don't understand how everyone is still 100% certain that this will happen.
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No such thing as a universally competent president. People don't really change their opinion on whether or not a president is competent based on his actual presidency.
No such thing as a universally competent president. People don't really change their opinion on whether or not a president is competent based on his actual presidency.

No such thing as a universally competent president. People don't really change their opinion on whether or not a president is competent based on his actual presidency.

I'm not sure what this really means or what point you are trying to make...if, in fact, there is one.

All I'm saying is this: I feel that the odds that Trump would be a competent president are far better than his odds of becoming president. However, that same attitude may be held by far more Americans than some might want to realize....which could improve his odds on the latter.
I'm not sure what this really means or what point you are trying to make...if, in fact, there is one.

All I'm saying is this: I feel that the odds that Trump would be a competent president are far better than his odds of becoming president. However, that same attitude may be held by far more Americans than some might want to realize....which could improve his odds on the latter.

So you think a guy who flies off the handle at the slightest provocation would make a good President? Really?
I'm not sure what this really means or what point you are trying to make...if, in fact, there is one.

All I'm saying is this: I feel that the odds that Trump would be a competent president are far better than his odds of becoming president. However, that same attitude may be held by far more Americans than some might want to realize....which could improve his odds on the latter.

Stop being a dumbass. How many people who didn't vote for Obama do you think approve of his presidency? Repeat the question for Bush.
Quant jocks in Moneyball showed that somebody like Billy Beane can be a high draft pick, but not a great MLB player. Mitt was the presidential version of Beane. Trump can definitely win the GOP nomination and may be able to win a general election, but his unfavorables among women and Latinos make that highly unlikely. Probably would have been more profitable for Trump, Inc to have gone public at some point, but he would have tanked the stock multiple times and ultimately been removed as CEO of a public company. Trump's not an idiot, but he's doesn't have the raw candlepower to go it alone as POTUS. Too polarizing to build a team of strong advisors. He's not slapping together a team of has been Nixon goons by choice. Maybe he's more Joe Montana or Tom Brady than Ryan Leaf or RG III, but haven't seen anything since embracing the birthers to indicate otherwise.
If Trump didn't want to be viewed as an easily provoked, egotistical maniac with racist, sexist, and xenophobic presidential candidate, then he probably should not have presented himself as an easily provoked, egotistical maniac with racist, sexist, and xenophobic presidential candidate.

If it quacks like a duck, swims like a duck, and flies like a duck, then it's probably a duck...not a bald eagle. It could be, but it's not.
If Trump didn't want to be viewed as an easily provoked, egotistical maniac with racist, sexist, and xenophobic presidential candidate, then he probably should not have presented himself as an easily provoked, egotistical maniac with racist, sexist, and xenophobic presidential candidate.

If it quacks like a duck, swims like a duck, and flies like a duck, then it's probably a duck...not a bald eagle. It could be, but it's not.

I've been over this before. There are plenty of things that look, sound, walk and fly like ducks but are not actually ducks: Coots, Loons, Cormorant, Grebes, etc. However, you are correct that none of them could be mistaken for an eagle...in fact, little known fact, Bald eagles kill and eat quite a few ducks, coots and grebes in the winter when fish are harder to come by. Personally, I'd say that Trump is much closer to a loon or a coot than a duck. But that's just, like, my opinion, man.
If Trump does gets the required delegates before the convention, his first move will be to topple Reince Preibus immediately and replace him with his own personal flunkie so the RNC can't hose him at the convention. Would be bloody, but highly entertaining.
I've been over this before. There are plenty of things that look, sound, walk and fly like ducks but are not actually ducks: Coots, Loons, Cormorant, Grebes, etc. However, you are correct that none of them could be mistaken for an eagle...in fact, little known fact, Bald eagles kill and eat quite a few ducks, coots and grebes in the winter when fish are harder to come by. Personally, I'd say that Trump is much closer to a loon or a coot than a duck. But that's just, like, my opinion, man.

So you are an actual bird man. I like it.
I've been over this before. There are plenty of things that look, sound, walk and fly like ducks but are not actually ducks: Coots, Loons, Cormorant, Grebes, etc. However, you are correct that none of them could be mistaken for an eagle...in fact, little known fact, Bald eagles kill and eat quite a few ducks, coots and grebes in the winter when fish are harder to come by. Personally, I'd say that Trump is much closer to a loon or a coot than a duck. But that's just, like, my opinion, man.
Now let's say you and I go toe-to-toe on bird law and see who comes out the victor?

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So you think a guy who flies off the handle at the slightest provocation would make a good President? Really?

All I'm saying is that it is possible.

Many posters here seem to be 100% convinced that it isn't even possible. That kind of cock-sure arrogance is scary.
If Trump does gets the required delegates before the convention, his first move will be to topple Reince Preibus immediately and replace him with his own personal flunkie so the RNC can't hose him at the convention. Would be bloody, but highly entertaining.

It would not be good for the country but would be highly entertaining if Trump could get to 1237 and then watch the mayhem begin.
Laughable is the wrong word too. Who would actually laugh except someone without a functioning sense of humor able to discern funny from not funny? For example, birdman's post was funny and thus, in a sense, laughable as in capable of inspiring laughs. Folks not thinking Trump has a realistic chance of being elected is not really a laughable concept. But I would not take my humor cues from a grown ass man for whom Bobby Knight is a hero like Captain America is a hero to a 5-year-old boy, so it's fine.