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General Election Thread: Two Weeks Out

I try to be but this is something I can't handle. And I know plenty of well educated people -- doctors even -- voting Trump. I get people don't like Hillary. But Trump? C'mon.

So you're writing us all off as dumbasses.
The left, and especially its leadership, basically thinks that people who don't agree with them are deplorable. There is plenty of evidence for that on these boards, and that leftist attitude is the single most divisive factor in the western world today.

See, this is a right wing post.
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is that open mindedness that is sure to bring this country together.

Don't mean to channel RJ here, and I've brought this up before, but I don't think Trump 2016 is any different than Wallace in 1968. Probably weren't too many people outside the south and rural communities talking about Wallace as a great option but I'm sure plenty of people said that they thought you had to be an idiot to vote for Wallace. I view them on the same playing field.
You clearly have zero respect for Trump supporters. And you're not alone. That goes for most of the Hillary voters on here. You look down on Trump supporters.
The left, and especially its leadership, basically thinks that people who don't agree with them are deplorable. There is plenty of evidence for that on these boards, and that leftist attitude is the single most divisive factor in the western world today.

Holy hyperbole alert.
You clearly have zero respect for Trump supporters. And you're not alone. That goes for most of the Hillary voters on here. You clearly look down on Trump supporters.

That's correct. I have no respect for that specific choice and I do look down and think less of people who support Trump.
That's correct. I have no respect for that specific choice and I do look down and think less of people who support Trump.

Because no one in their right mind should support that awful man.

Well, you folks are making a different choice than me but I don't think it makes you dumbasses or bad people. I don't think less of people because they're supporting Hillary.
Don't mean to channel RJ here, and I've brought this up before, but I don't think Trump 2016 is any different than Wallace in 1968. Probably weren't too many people outside the south and rural communities talking about Wallace as a great option but I'm sure plenty of people said that they thought you had to be an idiot to vote for Wallace. I view them on the same playing field.

Pat Buchanan was a similar candidate in the 1990s, but he did not get much traction in the Pub party. Trump is a better and more entertaining vehicle than Buchanan was, but I think the bigger cause is there were far fewer angry white folks back then, and the economy was ticking along fine back then. Hard economic times provide more fertile ground for nativist and authoritarian demagogues.
Well, you folks are making a different choice than me but I don't think it makes you dumbasses or bad people. I don't think less of people because they're supporting Hillary.

You just want to find out who is doing the raping. I get it. It's an important question, because somebody is doing the raping.
Well someone's doing it. Until we find out who it is, I think the prudent decision is to build a wall (and make Mexico pay for it).
Well, you folks are making a different choice than me but I don't think it makes you dumbasses or bad people. I don't think less of people because they're supporting Hillary.

No you just think they're "Hill shills," "judgmental assholes," and "globalist assholes," who don't care about poor people in this country because they're too busy caring about poor people in other countries.

And that's just in the last two pages of this thread.
Well someone's doing it. Until we find out who it is, I think the prudent decision is to build a wall (and make Mexico pay for it).

We know who is doing it:

"For 2013 (the most recent year available), it shows that whites accounted for 71 percent of all sexual assaults documented (above their total percentage of 63 percent of the U.S. population), while Latinos accounted for 9 percent, far below their total percentage of 17 percent. And as a percentage of all “serious violent victimizations,” sexual assaults represent 11 percent of the violent crimes against Latinos. For gabachos? 18 percent. The BJS also noted that for the period from 2005-2010 about 66 percent of sexual assualt victims knew their perp, and that whites had strangers commit violent victimizations against them at a rate of 9.2 per 1,000 people, compared to 9.8 per 1,000 for Latinos—so much for the notion of an army of faceless Mexicans stalking their fair-skinned prey.

For those who don’t comprende: white American citizens are far more rape-y than Mexicans can ever hope to become."
He has personally and intentionally used racially charged rhetoric throughout his campaign. He started his campaign by calling millions of hardworking Mexicans "rapists, murderers and drug dealers". Then he wanted to bar EVERYONE from a major religion from entering the US. He initially lied about not knowing who David Duke is. He said a judge, who was born in America and has been very hard on Hispanic drug dealers, couldn't be trusted to be fair in court due to his parent's homeland. He hired as CEO of his campaign a person who runs a website that is the home of the racist alt-right. He insinuated all blacks live in poverty, have no jobs and aren't educated.

These are merely a partial list of his "greatest hits" of this campaign. There's much more.

To say Donald Trump hasn't intentionally created racial and religious divisions in our country is nonsense. You can't be honest and not admit his campaign has encouraged hared and division.

I'd be lying if I denied that Donnie didn't shoot himself in the foot, over and over, throughout this campaign. He has not been politically correct and he's said a lot that I bet he wishes he could take back. The guy is playing to win at all costs, and while he wasn't my first, or second choice in the primaries, he is the guy who I hope dismantles HRC in the general election. While there is a very strong argument that Donald has played a part in our nation's division over the last year in a half, people are still accountable for their own actions, have every right to think for themselves and help themselves(for the most part).

My main point is the racial divide in our country didn't just appear out of nowhere when Donald Trump decided to run for office. The other view would be that President Obama has done little to nothing to help diffuse the racial tension in his presidential tenure. He's helped wage a war against LEO's, hes failed to put a process in place to eliminate some of the awful crime in Chicago, Illinois, where he happened to be a senator. He ran a campaign on hope and change, but most African American's I've spoken to about politics, don't feel that their race is in ANY better position than they were 8 years ago.