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Game of Thrones - House of the Dragon - (and beyond) Discussion (spoilers allowed)

could be just the drastic temperature change/difference, moisture converted to steam, etc
where are the physicists
reading a thinkpiece about the ep and it mentioned this scene re: Cersei's character and damn, remember when we still had writers and Martin? like a different show:

Regarding Harrenhals appearance and the differing damage between it and what happened to King’s Landing: Harrenhal was built to be the strongest, impenetrable and impregnable fortress in history. It’s rumored that one of the Starks was instrumental in its construction. It took over 40 years to complete on the backs of thousands of slaves (most of whom died) taken captive by the Iron Islanders. It had extremely thick walls that were curtained (double layered)that would deflect projectiles like pebbles. It’s rafters and beams had to be made from the largest weirwoods in The Riverlands to be able to support the gratuitous amount of stone. To put the size of this place in perspective, the Lords personal chambers were bigger than the great hall at Kings Landing. All of the buildings, towers, and walls that were blown to shit by Drogon were not constructed with nearly as thick or sturdy stone. I’m willing to give them the benefit of the doubt with the level of destruction that’s Drogon caused, especially if we are comparing to the damage done to Harrenhal.
Way better alternate road to get to the current path (stitched together from reddit):
(1) Euron's surprise attack from the ocean doesn't kill Raegal, but instead makes Dany and her two dragons return to home to work up a better plan. However, Dany forbids Jon from flying Rhaegal because she does not trust him anymore...

(2) During the planning stages of the attack, Daenerys loses trust in all her advisors and allies and so decides to attack with just her dragons, the Unsullied, and Dothraki. A pitched battle for King's landing ensues. Dany and her two dragons begin to gain the upper hand, so the citizens of King's landing take matters into their own hands and ring the peace bell.

Right around this time Danny loses a dragon to a last ditch effort by Euron/Qyburn (dragonfire)/whoever and Dany starts wrecking shit and burns the Red Keep in retaliation, where Jaime just killed Cersei, the flames envelop him as he sits there weeping at his sister's corpse.

(3) Meanwhile, Jon arrives with the Northern rearguard to find the city being pillaged and shocked at what he sees, Jon orders the Northmen to put an end to the pillaging which ends up with the Northerners fighting Danny's army in the streets.

(4) Then Danny sees the Northerners attacking her men and believes herself betrayed by Jon and this on top of everything else finally causes her to snap and burn the city down.

(5) If they had played it so that the bells were ringing and Euron took out Rhaegal (this would assume some of the Iron Fleet survived) and with the rest of your take here, we could have panned from Jon fighting her troops (possibly fighting with Greyworm), to her dragon screaming, to the bells, that could have been the perfect descent into madness moment that would make the scene make sense. The fact that the bells would be signifying the death of one Queen (Cersei), the era of a new (mad) Queen, and would be intermixed with the screams of the townspeople and the screams of her dying child (Rhaegal)... god it would have been perfect.
Beautiful parallels between Dany and Cersi going crazy for their children there.

(6) Cut sceens reveal Cersei's plan to pull a Mad King and take the city with her, Jaime kills Cersei in a parallel to how he became the Kingslayer, but this time he's the Kinslayer.
And as he stands there heartbroken over his sister's body, Daenerys lights the city up and he realizes it was for naught.

(7) Instead of Arya running through King's Landing aimlessly, Davos (who actually grew up there) is the one seeing the result of Dany/Cersi being dumb.
Regarding Harrenhals appearance and the differing damage between it and what happened to King’s Landing: the writers don't give two fucking shits about the internal rules of this universe so nothing matters except what looks cool during the 90 min you watch it for the first time.
I'll say this - the rush job that D&D have done on this show make GRRM not finishing the books in his lifetime all the more painful.
I mean, straight up murdering hundreds of babies and kids is a little different. Again, not at all surprised by it, just the easy way out. Would've like to have seen Cersei with some sort of trick up her sleeve (other than just sitting in a tower all season), that requires Dany to make a choice to either lose the battle or kill innocents -- and maybe people don't know that's the choice for her. Would have made Cersei the conniving villain we have come to know, and made Dany's turn more plausible and interesting. If they were still employing writers, they could have figured something out.

This lays it out along the lines I was thinking:


"So, Dany’s got two dragons; her on one, and Jon on the other. And just like in “The Bells,” she trashes the Golden Company and the Iron Fleet; she and Jon circle King’s Landing, wiping out the wall-mounted Big Crossbows, and she blasts a huge hole in the wall of city for her army to pour through. It becomes shockingly apparent, right away, that for all of Cersei’s small-time victories in the lead-up to this final battle, there’s still nothing to match two full-grown dragons and she cannot possibly hold the capital.

The people of King’s Landing surrender, just like they did in “The Bells,” by ringing, uh, the bells. The Lannister soldiers drop their swords. Dany and Jon perch Drogon and Rhaegal on high points and look toward the Red Keep. Maybe they share a weary but guardedly affectionate glance. And then Euron skewers a stationary Rhaegal through the fuckin’ eyeball* with a Big Crossbow heretofore hidden on one of the rooftops of King’s Landing!!!!

*In his writing, George R. R. Martin has made clear that the only previous time in the history of this fictional world that a weapon that wasn’t a dragon itself has ever killed a dragon was when a Dornishman landed a million-to-one shot from a Big Crossbow straight through the eye of a dragon, one of the only places where it was not protected by scales as hard as steel. In fact no subsequent attempts to kill dragons with Big Crossbows ever yielded so much as a serious wound. So this would be both a good nod to the written text and a plausible way for Euron to kill a dragon.

Dany can only watch in brain-melting shock and grief as one of her two remaining children—the loves of her life, the sources of her identity—whom she’d nurtured back from the brink after the Battle of Winterfell, topples to the streets dead as hell, killed pointlessly and vindictively at what should have been the end of a battle she’d already won. His fall takes down and (as far as she can tell) kills the doofus she still kinda loves and relates to, the one dude in all of Westeros who still unquestioningly supported her claim to the throne. And—oh shit, there are still big arrows flying at her, from an untold number of Big Crossbows still out there on the rooftops of King’s Landing, camouflaged on the rooftops of civilian buildings; she can’t even really tell where the big arrows are coming from!"
After Drogon proved to be the GOAT, it's going to be pretty brutal when Arya kills him with a standard arrow to the eye. Pretty sure all that Arya bow practice they showed earlier in the season is leading to that.

I think just like Olly killed Ygritte with an arrow to save john, Arya will use an arrow to save John from Dany. Jon Snow then kills Drogon.
Varys went out like Salvatore Tessio in The Godfather. Tyrion was his Tom Hagen.

It all comes back to The Godfather.
The ending has already been leaked. All the other leaks for eps 4 and 5 have proven correct. So this is just a magnificently set up joke Andy Kaufman style, orrrrr.....

...It will be the worst fucking ending in television history. Just monumentally stupid and asinine. Lost is off the hook! (never watched it, btw, but heard it was utter crap)

What a waste of a great series.
Varys went out like Salvatore Tessio in The Godfather. Tyrion was his Tom Hagen.

It all comes back to The Godfather.

I think I've counted 6 "Saving Private Ryan" slow-mos while a person is in the middle of an horrific battle and taking account of everything within the last 3 seasons.
The ending has already been leaked. All the other leaks for eps 4 and 5 have proven correct. So this is just a magnificently set up joke Andy Kaufman style, orrrrr.....

...It will be the worst fucking ending in television history. Just monumentally stupid and asinine. Lost is off the hook! (never watched it, btw, but heard it was utter crap)

What a waste of a great series.

I haven't seen the spoiler you are referring to but I believe they filmed multiple endings. Hopefully it's not as bad you are suggesting, but after the shitshow of this whole season and especially last episode, I am not optimistic.
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I haven't seen the spoiler you are referring to but I believe they filmed multiple endings. Hopefully it's not as bad you are suggesting, but after the shitshow of this whole season and especially last episode, I am not optimistic.

I heard it was bad and thought, "nah, I cannot be that bad"
