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It's been a pleasure


Well-known member
Apr 3, 2018
Reaction score
If you've missed it on the N.C. State game thread or on Twitter, the pandemic and brilliant minds at the Journal and Lee Enterprises have made me expendable and I've been laid off.

Nine years in the industry so this was bound to happen eventually, and I always told myself not to worry about it because there was nothing I could do ... but fucking hell, I kinda figured once football season started I had a little security.

It's been a pleasure covering Wake Forest. When I took this beat three years ago I knew I was stepping into some big shoes and I hope to have at least partially filled them. I've made some mistakes, like defending Bz's basketball acumen, but really felt like I could be in this spot for a long time.


I have no idea what's next. I'd love to stay in the area. All I've ever known is sports writing -- it's literally what I've known I wanted to do since 8th grade.

Hey, maybe it's finally time for The Athletic to have a Triad presence.
Damn, that sucks. Your coverage of Wake has been great, and you’ve written some really insightful things for Wake fans to read. I’m sure your quality of work will help you land on your feet, but that’s going to suck for Wake fans to not have you covering Wake anymore.
Man, this is rough. Your coverage is a huge improvement over what we had before. I'm sure you'll be fine long-term. Definitely come back and stay involved with our OGBoards community.
WS Journal might as well shutdown if they can't retain a beat reporter to cover WF Sports -- the largest sports entity in the WS/G'boro/High Point area that Journal is supposedly covering.

Will miss your coverage, but you have a strong portfolio which will carry you to other awesome opportunities. Hope you continue to check-in here.
Definitely sucks. I really enjoyed the game film reviews and your insight on this board. I assume this means no one is covering Wake full-time at the Journal now? If so, I guess we'll be lucky to get a fluff piece once a week or so.
Jesus, man. That's awful. Always enjoyed your work. No point to read the WSJ anymore.
Man, this is rough. Your coverage is a huge improvement over what we had before. I'm sure you'll be fine long-term. Definitely come back and stay involved with our OGBoards community.


You've been awesome. This is a huge bummer.
I hate to hear that. You've been great both on this board and in the paper. Best of luck going forward
Damn. Sorry Conor. I have really enjoyed reading your work. Was looking forward to your interviews with our head basketball coach.

I know you will land on your feet. I look forward to see your next chapter.
FWIW, the WS Journal is going to lose what few website clicks that is has. Doubt those running the paper will grasp the causal connection between providing legit content covering WF sports and website traffic.
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This definitely sucks Conor, hopefully the Athletic can throw some money your way to cover the Winston/Greensboro/High Point sports area (aka Wake sports). That would be the best thing to come out of this for sure. Journal is donezo if they can't even keep a beat writer to cover the local D1 sports team.
If you've missed it on the N.C. State game thread or on Twitter, the pandemic and brilliant minds at the Journal and Lee Enterprises have made me expendable and I've been laid off.

Nine years in the industry so this was bound to happen eventually, and I always told myself not to worry about it because there was nothing I could do ... but fucking hell, I kinda figured once football season started I had a little security.

It's been a pleasure covering Wake Forest. When I took this beat three years ago I knew I was stepping into some big shoes and I hope to have at least partially filled them. I've made some mistakes, like defending Bz's basketball acumen, but really felt like I could be in this spot for a long time.


I have no idea what's next. I'd love to stay in the area. All I've ever known is sports writing -- it's literally what I've known I wanted to do since 8th grade.

Hey, maybe it's finally time for The Athletic to have a Triad presence.

YES - that would be awesome! The Journal doesn't deserve you. Best coverage of Wake - in my lifetime of being a Wake alum. Thank you very much.
That sucks, man. Thanks for all your work over the years and fantastic coverage of WFU. Your next employer will be lucky to have you.
Sorry to hear this.
Appreciate your work. It is a bit puzzling to drop the Wake coverage you provided.
Did WSJ drop App St. too? Best wishes to you. I have a digital subscription on a special offer that WSJ made. Looking less likely for need to continue.
Horrible news for the Wake Forest community, you were killing it man. I really hope that this didn’t have to do with you taking a stand for the players and their support of BLM. You’re going to do well wherever you end up and you can bet your ass I’ll be keeping up with you in the future.
WTF, honestly just shut down the paper then. If it can’t cover local sports then what’s the point.

Conor you’ve been great man. Best of luck with you next move. We’re all rooting for you.