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Official Election Month Thread: COUP falls short, nothing to see here

This shit is razor thin either direction.
So I have a new theory that may explain the blue wave in 2018 and no wave this year and the polls. Trump greatly outperforms the polls in FL and the Midwest. The old truism was that Dems do well when there is a presidential election but not in off years. Maybe Trump has turned that on its head. Dems who hate Trump show up in the midterms. His voters, many of whom are non college educated whites who didn’t used to vote regularly, don’t show up in midterms because they care deeply about Trump but not congress. This is why the polls were pretty accurate in 2018, and this year were reasonably accurate in NC, GA, AZ and NV. And it’s why it’s only going to be a 4-5 point victory instead of the 7 points that the polls said. So where pollsters are missing the boat are in FL, PA, OH, IA, MI and WI in presidential election years. And normally, you’d say 2 Dems in runoffs in GA on 1/4/21 would normally never stand a chance, because, like in midterms, Dems and especially the African American vote don’t turn out as well. But maybe this year, Warnock and Ossoff have a better chance than they would in off years because Trump supporters won't care as much. And with 50K votes remaining in GA, yeah, I think Ossoff makes it to a runoff. The other FL thing the polls missed this year was the yuge Miami Cuban turnout. Maybe the turnout wasn't as good in 2016 because of Trump's attacks on Rubio and Cruz. But this year, Trump started working the Miami area earlier than Biden did with the message Biden will give in to socialists like Sanders, AOC, Castro, Ortega and Maduro. They were probably also happy that Trump reversed Obama's course in opening relations with Cuba.

It looks like GA will be wrapped up today, and I like Biden's chances. He needs to take about 70% of the remaining 50K votes. And Biden will pass Trump in PA by the end of the day. AZ will probably tighten further, though Kelly is probably safe, having a 50K bigger lead than Biden has.
You should be appreciative of how the Democratic Party caters their platform
to appeal to conservative trolls like you. Whenever a Democratic Politician responds to protests over abusive policing by promising to give the Police *more* funding, they’re begging for *your* vote. That’s how special and wonderful you are. They love you sooo much, and you don’t even appreciate it.

I know you hate it, but if democrats didn't successfully court moderates they would have gotten smoked in this election.
So I have a new theory that may explain the blue wave in 2018 and no wave this year and the polls. Trump greatly outperforms the polls in FL and the Midwest. The old truism was that Dems do well when there is a presidential election but not in off years. Maybe Trump has turned that on its head. Dems who hate Trump show up in the midterms. His voters, many of whom are non college educated whites who didn’t used to vote regularly, don’t show up in midterms because they care deeply about Trump but not congress. This is why the polls were pretty accurate in 2018, and this year were reasonably accurate in NC, GA, AZ and NV. And it’s why it’s only going to be a 4-5 point victory instead of the 7 points that the polls said. So where pollsters are missing the boat are in FL, PA, OH, IA, MI and WI in presidential election years. And normally, you’d say 2 Dems in runoffs in GA on 1/4/21 would normally never stand a chance, because, like in midterms, Dems and especially the African American vote don’t turn out as well. But maybe this year, Warnock and Ossoff have a better chance than they would in off years because Trump supporters won't care as much. And with 50K votes remaining in GA, yeah, I think Ossoff makes it to a runoff. The other FL thing the polls missed this year was the yuge Miami Cuban turnout. Maybe the turnout wasn't as good in 2016 because of Trump's attacks on Rubio and Cruz. But this year, Trump started working the Miami area earlier than Biden did with the message Biden will give in to socialists like Sanders, AOC, Castro, Ortega and Maduro. They were probably also happy that Trump reversed Obama's course in opening relations with Cuba.

It looks like GA will be wrapped up today, and I like Biden's chances. He needs to take about 70% of the remaining 50K votes. And Biden will pass Trump in PA by the end of the day. AZ will probably tighten further, though Kelly is probably safe, having a 50K bigger lead than Biden has.

My theory is that Pub voters who may have sat this out saw the reports about the amazing turnout for early and mail voting and went into panic mode on election day.
I know you hate it, but if democrats didn't successfully court moderates they would have gotten smoked in this election.

You are correct, both Texas and Florida were handed to trump because they fear socialism and did not get a response from the party to trump ads, If you want there support you have got to listen to the voters.
Really just want PA to release a batch that puts Biden over the top so the big networks can call the race, then look at GA and AZ with the weight of the world off my shoulders.

Really looking forward to Nevada's Christmas surprise when they announce Trump actually won.
Yep, it’s a mess having such widespread variance in how elections happen and results are reported.

I do think this reality makes it more challenging to do some widespread hacking or actual fraud...??

Use blockchain. It ends tons of fuckery. And then figure our a range of software programs that onboard the data onto the chain so there's no one throat to choke. Hell, use decentralized cloud computing protocols to help with this.
Per CNN, Biden has around 150k votes to make up. Not sure how you reach the conclusion it's over.

There are still 700k ballots across the state total per CNN. Biden is winning the recent batches in Philadelphia by 75-80% which cuts almost entirely into the Donald lead. The ballots counted now skew a little more towards Biden due to the mail-in/early vote nature (regardless of where in the state).

I wouldn't be surprised if Biden wins by 100k+ at this rate.
I know you hate it, but if democrats didn't successfully court moderates they would have gotten smoked in this election.

C’mon man. Neoliberalism is older than I am, pretending as if Biden and Nancy just invented a new version of it for this election is ridiculous. You’re talking about electing the same guy who championed the 94 crime bill.
Use blockchain. It ends tons of fuckery. And then figure our a range of software programs that onboard the data onto the chain so there's no one throat to choke. Hell, use decentralized cloud computing protocols to help with this.

Yes. You should definitely use whatever process deacman has been using this week to determine election outcomes.
A big fuck you to the PA GOP state legislature which caused these delays. I hope they all die of the Rona.
Why didn't the Biden campaign do more phone outreach? I got probably 50 calls/texts from Donald, but zero from Joe. A few from Cooper/Cunningham but zero from Joe. Granted I wish they were all illegal, but curious as to the lack of them from Biden.
Probably just sample size/anecdotes. Are you a registered Democrat? I work for an organization that hired thousands of phonebankers for Democratic candidates and the last month or so the focus shifted to mobilization to turn out the Democratic base rather than trying to siphon off registered Republicans.
Biden's well on his way to win PA's 20 electoral votes= 273 total.

Game over.... Donald Trumpf, YOU'RE FIRED!
Oh good armed protestors on hand outside vote counting location in Phoenix.
I officially do not trust these PA vote totals. Think it ends up being a 20-30K margin one way or the other.
You are correct, both Texas and Florida were handed to trump because they fear socialism and did not get a response from the party to trump ads, If you want there support you have got to listen to the voters.

Where’s the evidence of this? I’ve heard this claim repeated by corporate media with no evidence to support it.