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CTYB8.0: broke boards are broke (alternate title: Meck Dec Day? More like Meck Meh Day)

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Hey guys, I really needed to get some work done this morning, so thanks for not talking about anything I felt I needed to weigh in on.

@mako1331 what is your favorite Keith Whitley song, OR favorite Keith Whitley tribute song? We lost Keith 35 years ago today, but his music still resonates. (I have an answer but dont want to unfairly influence anyone)
I may have told this story before, but here I go anyways because I dont want to deal with the FAR right now.

Anyways, before my dad passed he told us he didn't have a will, and despite me telling him he should really get one, he mever seemed too inclined, since he didnt own much propoerty. So when he dies we start doing stuff as if there is no will. Well in Connecticut, you can file a will up until 30 days after the death of someone. And on the 29th day, after my dad died, after he had already been cremated, buried, laid to rest etc. etc. his girlfriend filed a will and didn't tell any of his kids. She also did this the day before she had everyone over for a 4th a July party where she failed to mention anything about a will let alone filing one. It came out a week later what she had done and I had to call up a friend of mine in Connecticut to get a copy of it because she wouldn't show it to us. The will for what it was, was from a decade before and witnessed by two of her relatives. Shoddy piece of work that it was, literally a couple lines, typos and everything. He probably forgot about it, or didn't think it was legitimate but anyways it was good enough for CT. The will had included some things he wanted for his burial, which didn't happen because she held onto it for so long so she could what she had wanted. Also it kind of messed up everything we had been doing for the estate.

So ya, I am a proponent of good estate planning.
I know the CT is pretty casual, and most everyone except me doesn’t post all their intense personal life shit on here. Sorry for making it weird, everybody.
My guy, you must not have been paying attention about 10 months ago. You're all good. It has been my experience that this place is full of caring and supportive folks. And Palma.
I may have told this story before, but here I go anyways because I dont want to deal with the FAR right now.

Anyways, before my dad passed he told us he didn't have a will, and despite me telling him he should really get one, he mever seemed too inclined, since he didnt own much propoerty. So when he dies we start doing stuff as if there is no will. Well in Connecticut, you can file a will up until 30 days after the death of someone. And on the 29th day, after my dad died, after he had already been cremated, buried, laid to rest etc. etc. his girlfriend filed a will and didn't tell any of his kids. She also did this the day before she had everyone over for a 4th a July party where she failed to mention anything about a will let alone filing one. It came out a week later what she had done and I had to call up a friend of mine in Connecticut to get a copy of it because she wouldn't show it to us. The will for what it was, was from a decade before and witnessed by two of her relatives. Shoddy piece of work that it was, literally a couple lines, typos and everything. He probably forgot about it, or didn't think it was legitimate but anyways it was good enough for CT. The will had included some things he wanted for his burial, which didn't happen because she held onto it for so long so she could what she had wanted. Also it kind of messed up everything we had been doing for the estate.

So ya, I am a proponent of good estate planning.

a serious Greatest and Boomer problem. i see this shit every day.

My MIL has been dealing with her now passed dad and living mom and their refusal to finish their estate planning and a fight with 4 siblings over stuff. She swears he'll never let that happen to my wife but has she finished a will? NAH
I’m not telling you how to parent your kid, and I don’t know thier situation, but have you considered that there might be some kind of school related anxiety? As a dyslexic kid I used to go to the nurse before English class if I knew there was as going to be out loud reading in the class that day. Reading out loud was super hard and embarrassing so I’d be like, “my ear hurts” and get out of class.

Appreciate it and it is possible although imo improbable. My kids are 7 and 9 and do love school. I think in their cases they genuinely have a “hurt” and they’ve both been legit sick enough to get in the mindset of going to school nurse when sick but not yet developed that introspection of “is this really a go home worthy thing” bc that’s basically what the school nurse can do is take a temp and send you home.
I know the CT is pretty casual, and most everyone except me doesn’t post all their intense personal life shit on here. Sorry for making it weird, everybody.
My man…I think a lot of us post our shit here. Not making it weird at all. It’s cool there is a place you can let this stuff out
a serious Greatest and Boomer problem. i see this shit every day.

My MIL has been dealing with her now passed dad and living mom and their refusal to finish their estate planning and a fight with 4 siblings over stuff. She swears he'll never let that happen to my wife but has she finished a will? NAH
I ended up paying for my parents' estate planning because I would have had to pay for it later one way or another if it wasn't done.
What does a will even cost? Could I get one for the same cost as going to see a Star War?
It's fine. It's memorable and it gets the point across.
does the thickness of the iPad matter that much? like how much thinner, a few millimeters?
I’m not telling you how to parent your kid, and I don’t know thier situation, but have you considered that there might be some kind of school related anxiety? As a dyslexic kid I used to go to the nurse before English class if I knew there was as going to be out loud reading in the class that day. Reading out loud was super hard and embarrassing so I’d be like, “my ear hurts” and get out of class.
I used to go to the nurse like 5 mins every Friday before my speech therapist came in on Friday. They caught on very quickly.
I may have told this story before, but here I go anyways because I dont want to deal with the FAR right now.

Anyways, before my dad passed he told us he didn't have a will, and despite me telling him he should really get one, he mever seemed too inclined, since he didnt own much propoerty. So when he dies we start doing stuff as if there is no will. Well in Connecticut, you can file a will up until 30 days after the death of someone. And on the 29th day, after my dad died, after he had already been cremated, buried, laid to rest etc. etc. his girlfriend filed a will and didn't tell any of his kids. She also did this the day before she had everyone over for a 4th a July party where she failed to mention anything about a will let alone filing one. It came out a week later what she had done and I had to call up a friend of mine in Connecticut to get a copy of it because she wouldn't show it to us. The will for what it was, was from a decade before and witnessed by two of her relatives. Shoddy piece of work that it was, literally a couple lines, typos and everything. He probably forgot about it, or didn't think it was legitimate but anyways it was good enough for CT. The will had included some things he wanted for his burial, which didn't happen because she held onto it for so long so she could what she had wanted. Also it kind of messed up everything we had been doing for the estate.

So ya, I am a proponent of good estate planning.
So should we set up my Dad’s shit so it goes into a trust when he dies? I’ve heard conflicting things about it in NC. He has a will already. I’m the executor. Mom died a few years ago.
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