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Facebook Gold from Crazies

Its a cool map, but it distorts reality because its not accurate to population density. The majority of the map should be grey, tinged with pink.
Raw data does not "distort reality" and that's all the map is.
Not crazy

man i used to crush some pabst back before I started making money. those were the days. wait no that was terrible.
Facebook lost ONE MILLION dollars in market value today!

Whoops, I meant to say 120 billion.

Well that’s the joke.
I clearly grew up in Trump country.

My current precinct (not neighborhood) went 52-42 for Clinton.
The way that data is presented certainly determines how that data is interpreted.

There's nothing to interpret on that map. I guess I have to say it again: it's raw data, not trying to paint a picture or persuade anyone. If you want to see how a district voted, click on that district, this is only purpose of that map.
I think he’s saying dumb people look at the map and think land equals people.