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Facebook Gold from Crazies

Ball State Deac

Well-known member
Mar 15, 2011
Reaction score
I'll start with "Mark," who has had this to say today:

Speak for yourself jimbo. You don't know me ! N my names mark. As I read ur post I can see ur mentality. U have tunnel vision probly Born that way. Your faith n ur beliefs in politics are that of ur forefathers probly. Most peoples are. Built on the foundation of pride. The facts of this are coming in as we speak. But people like u are to bias n full of their ignorant pride to see past Anything they believe. I USED to be this very same way. I was a total idiot blinded by my pride. Ha I was raised a catholic n a democrat. They go hand n hand. I didnt have a clue about any of it BUT that's what I WAS n because of that I was right n the best. Ha what a fool I was. It wasnt till I met Jesus Christ in 1992 that I wld learn how wrong I was of both. Praise God for he set me free. Obama is a traitor a liar total scum of the earth n a vote fir him is a vote for satans kingdom. That's my opinion n I'm sticking to it. I love my God/Jesus my guns n my Harley. I'm a stone cold conservative I believe that abortion in Anyway is cold blooded murder. I believe that homosexuality is a Abomination n a dispicable vile thing. I believe that government is for us not us for them. N I believe a whole lot more sorry this is so long. So here u go jimbo send this up ur flagpole n let it wave at ya. Have a good day. DEFEAT OBAMA OUR COUNTRY DEPENDS ON IT.

Well buddy I'm glad u aren't mad at me. But Gosh I've seen all this total injustice fir years now with these left wing god hating liberals. I stand back helpless as they spewed their hatred toward bush n our Christian beliefs. I watched n heard fir the last 15 years now. It
Fuels a righteous indignation not of my own but by the Holy Spirit that dwells in me. It's just not right but what can I mark a nobody really do about thus ? Not much but stand up n voice my beliefs to plead the case of the innocents. Babies for one. But righteousness for another. The drive by media lie n lie n slander n malign n nobody practically holds them accountable. If this wld have been bush they would have crucified him. But because it is their own they turn a blind eye just like jimbo here. I thank God I don't walk on their side of the line. Praise God I stand on his side. N fight the satanic forces of hell. So ya lol I'm not going to vote fir Obama. In darn proud if my country I grew up saying the Pledge of Allegence proudly. I darn proud if our valiant Military n support them always 100% even if they make scum militants wear panties to interigate them. Haha. To funny. I'm proud to be a hard worker at my job rather them milk the clock n the American people n work fir a union. I'm I'm ok I'll hush getting me riled up.
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Got this one this morning:

Thanking Obama for the death of Bin Laden is like thanking Ronald McDonald for your Big Mac. You should thank the people who put it in the bag, not the clown.

She then posted this one this afternoon:

I think there is a ghost in my house. Making all these weird things happen this past week. I just walked into the kitchen and things are not where I put them. And no I am crazy.
I have completely highjacked a status update thread on Deadbolt's page, but I will leave it up to him to bring it here as I am being a monumental dick.
Believing that Obama, Biden, and/or Clinton (all three lawyers) told the father of one of the dead Marines that they were going to prosecute the guy that made the video that "caused" the Libya mess:

This is so sad!! They told the father - we're going to prosecute the person that made the "video". Crazy!!

And not to be outdone:

And from what I have heard, they KNOW this did not even happen because of the video! Just a scapegoat! It is bad enough they knew this was a threat to happen, that the man TOLD THEM it was going to happen ahead of time and that he needed help, then for them to NOT help and to see it all happening...yea...bad enough. But do you really need to lie about it? Why waste all these weeks LYING to us and as it comes out bit by bit...disgusting. Absolutely disgusting!
I won't post the full thing here, but:


"Rogue" U.S. General Arrested for Activating Special Forces Teams; Ignoring Libya Stand-Down Order
3 weeks before the election and gas prices magically drop. How about that!

After getting called out as an idiot:

I know better than to think the president can control gas prices. It isn't really "controlled" by anyone, but the people we buy it from that set the price and control the supply - and the vast majority comes from countries like Saudi Arabia. With the president's policies on domestic oil production, it's not hard to understand why the foreign oil markets would favor Obama's reelection. When prices come down, the general "sheep" population feels better about the whole "gas price" issue and many people DO attribute it to the president, and actually do think Obama the Great can personally make things better. So my point, essentially, is that it IS in fact related. I remember oil prices being quite high around the election 4 years ago.
I'm already getting excited about the election night threats to move to Canada.
honestly some hot chick should run for that office and campaign on hot pics in all elevators. race over.

Not a bad idea. You forget that too many dusty old clap traps vote in NC for this to happen.
After getting called out as an idiot:

I know better than to think the president can control gas prices. It isn't really "controlled" by anyone, but the people we buy it from that set the price and control the supply - and the vast majority comes from countries like Saudi Arabia. With the president's policies on domestic oil production, it's not hard to understand why the foreign oil markets would favor Obama's reelection. When prices come down, the general "sheep" population feels better about the whole "gas price" issue and many people DO attribute it to the president, and actually do think Obama the Great can personally make things better. So my point, essentially, is that it IS in fact related. I remember oil prices being quite high around the election 4 years ago.

What a dumbass. Gas was $1.85 a gallon around the election. I'm so upset that my most crazy FB friend de-friended me during the 3rd debate. She'e really gonna get worked up over the next few days. And I'm gonna miss it.
Re Apple's "use" (I have no idea) of child labor:

hahahahahaha - uh oh whats the left going to say about this one. They decry "child labor" - while doing so on their iPhone, iPad, iMac ...so next time you see a lib using an apple product, you may laugh hysterically at them and when they ask why you can explain their hypocrisy :)

I guess he's OK with child labor? Not sure.
IMO I think it is classless to post political posts on FB. I know all of my friends do not see eye to eye with me so what good is a senseless social media debate going to do?! I do laugh at the BS that is posted and that is by both sides of the aisle. I do have to admit that it has been very tempting to post fact checks to a FB friend's outrageous posts.
I have quite a few conservative and/or Republican friends in my FB feed, but only one on the lunatic fringe (from which I've subsequently had to unsubscribe). She posted this gem a few days ago:

The best part is the number of views...
This is a great thread idea.

From the McDonald's at lunch today: "Obama is selling all of our jobs to China so he can get rich."

From FB: "America electing Obama would be like Rihanna taking Chris Brown back"

"Have you looked at your paycheck lately? Do you like what you see? Give Obama 4 more years and there's a good chance you won't have one!!"

"Obama is the biggest threat to our country."

"Ask the First Lady, the President hasn't stimulated anything."

"Even the Weather Channel is in the tank for Obama."
A former poster:

Mr Romney......and obama......I will have you know that MACHINE GUNS are NOT BANNED in AMERICA !
The 1934 National Firearms Act which governs this kind of weapon created a registry, into which ALL privately owned machine guns etc must be entered. To own one you must apply on an ATF Form 4. Fingerprints and photographs (duplicates) are required. A one-time transfer fee (look at it as a FEDERAL
EXCISE TAX) of $200 accompanies the application. You must reside in a state which does not disallow private ownership, an example being Illionois. Silencers and short-barreled rifles and shotguns are treated the same way and are thus regulated. Also, the Chief Law Enforcement Officer (CLEO) must sign your ATF Form 4. By signing he assumes NO LIABILITY!!! Rather, he affirms that YOUR possession violates NO state or local ordinance, nor has he reason to believe you would use the weapon for criminal purposes.


Ok Here is the Deal ...
Biden has been in the White House for FOURRRRRRRR LONG ASS YEARS !!!!



WTF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The ring Obama has worn since he was a single college student apparently has the words inscribed "There is no God but Allah" in Arabic.
Read more at http://www.reagancoalition.com/articles/2012/20121010005-obama-ring.html#4FByY93Q7H3dMYyi.99