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The Pit Parenting Thread


Butts - Jessica Biel's in particular
Mar 21, 2011
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There is nothing parents like more than to talk about their kids. This is the place. I have been littering the Chat Thread with my kiddie stories, but figured I'd start this thread with the hopes of drawing in more parents. Plus, scrooges like TWDeac hate babies and they can ignore this thread easier than they can ignore the CT when it goes into #babytalk mode.

FTR, I've got a 2.5 year old girl (affectionately known as Birdie) and a little boy due in April (already dubbed Rambo).

First thing I'll throw out there and hopefully it will lead to more conversation/stories: What worked best for you when you were potty training? We've got one of the toilet seats that fits inside of the normal one and have been trying to bribe with M&M's. Right now, we can't get her to tell us when she has to go or even that she needs to be changed. Just doesn't seem to mind running around with a wet diaper.
She's going to train when she's ready. The separate potty chair worked for my son when he was training, but the first two times we tried he wasn't there yet. Third time was the charm. Long weekend, let him pick out his big boy underwear, armed with carpet cleaner...within a day he was dry in the daytime. Nights and #2 took longer. Good luck!
I don't post often, so I didn't announce with a new thread, but I'm a new parent. My first kid, Harvey, was born 12/28. Having a bitch of a time getting him to sleep at night. Sleeps all day and wants to be up between hours of 11 pm-3 am.

Wife sometimes seems like she is on brink of breaking down. Any tips?
yikes. i have no advice for you, but wish you the best and lots of congratulations!
first, welcome to the club. second, harvey is a boss name. third, solid timing with regards to taxes.

i'm pretty sure the first several weeks just blows for everyone. they can't eat enough to stay full for more than a few hours and they just nod off randomly throughout the day. hard to start working in any schedule.

is your wife nursing? that was automatic sleepy time for birdie for the first couple of months.
Thanks both.

Yes, we love the name Harvey. Fun to say and great nickname options. I'm an accountant, so as soon as our doc said we could induce on the 28th, I was happy.

She is nursing. But he will nod off while eating, then wake up few minutes later. Seems like cluster feeding is normal, especially if they are going to growth spurt. Last night I just had to take Harvey out of the room and let mom sleep for awhile. Read him Harold and the Purple Crayon.

Tonight might try keeping him awake some in the evening.
I'm not sure whether to use this thread for advice or avoid it to keep from hearing horror stories as we prepare for our first due in early June. :eek:hnoes:
I found out this weekend that apparently the "flushable" wipes are not actually flushable. Our neighborhood is extremely hilly, but the County would not permit a sewer lift station because it is along the drinking water resevoir. As a result, each house has an individual grinder pump that is basically like a big garbage disposal for sewage that chops everything up into a fine mist that can then be pumped uphill to the sewer lines. Literally the shit hits the fan with every flush. There is a siren and flashing strobe light on the side of everyone's house (and another light relay in the garage) that lets you know if the grinder has malfunctioned. Otherwise, you have about a day's worth of flushes before the tank either overflows in your yard or backs up into the house.

So yesterday, the siren and light go off for the first time in the 8 years since we built the house. We call the repair place and the guy comes out and opens the grinder tank (actual response stated by the repairman when I almost vomitted while he was leaning out over the open tank cleaning it with a rake: "it's what we do, play in the poo"). Inside there were about 5 of those flushable wipes wrapped around the grinder blade axle locking it tight. He cut them off and it started right back up. So now we are using regular TP to wipe our kid's ass after he drops a deuce instead of those wipes. Probably cheaper in the long run, though less convenient.
I don't post often, so I didn't announce with a new thread, but I'm a new parent. My first kid, Harvey, was born 12/28. Having a bitch of a time getting him to sleep at night. Sleeps all day and wants to be up between hours of 11 pm-3 am.

Wife sometimes seems like she is on brink of breaking down. Any tips?

We have a 8 week old, seems like each makes up their own mind regarding sleep, but what we've found to be helpful:
-Make sure he eats every three hours or so during the day (don't let him sleep through meals).
-Baby wearing seems to give her good sleep during the day, and that translates to better sleep at night. We have a Boba wrap that works well for this.
-The book, Baby Wise had lots of good tips, including have a set routine (eat, play, sleep). I'd recommend it.
-Ours was not falling asleep until 1-2 am, but then she was good in 3 hours intervals. Now it's more like 11 pm, seemed to turn the corner around 6 weeks. Hang in there.
I found out this weekend that apparently the "flushable" wipes are not actually flushable. Our neighborhood is extremely hilly, but the County would not permit a sewer lift station because it is along the drinking water resevoir. As a result, each house has an individual grinder pump that is basically like a big garbage disposal for sewage that chops everything up into a fine mist that can then be pumped uphill to the sewer lines. Literally the shit hits the fan with every flush. There is a siren and flashing strobe light on the side of everyone's house (and another light relay in the garage) that lets you know if the grinder has malfunctioned. Otherwise, you have about a day's worth of flushes before the tank either overflows in your yard or backs up into the house.

So yesterday, the siren and light go off for the first time in the 8 years since we built the house. We call the repair place and the guy comes out and opens the grinder tank (actual response stated by the repairman when I almost vomitted while he was leaning out over the open tank cleaning it with a rake: "it's what we do, play in the poo"). Inside there were about 5 of those flushable wipes wrapped around the grinder blade axle locking it tight. He cut them off and it started right back up. So now we are using regular TP to wipe our kid's ass after he drops a deuce instead of those wipes. Probably cheaper in the long run, though less convenient.

cant you still use wipes (which, wouldn't you want to for their soothing benefits?) and just toss them in a diaper genie or something?
I don't post often, so I didn't announce with a new thread, but I'm a new parent. My first kid, Harvey, was born 12/28. Having a bitch of a time getting him to sleep at night. Sleeps all day and wants to be up between hours of 11 pm-3 am.

Wife sometimes seems like she is on brink of breaking down. Any tips?

Congrats dude. Lil' Harv is only 1.5 weeks old, my friend. He's going have some crazy sleep schedules these days. It gets better.
We have a 8 week old, seems like each makes up their own mind regarding sleep, but what we've found to be helpful:
-Make sure he eats every three hours or so during the day (don't let him sleep through meals).
-Baby wearing seems to give her good sleep during the day, and that translates to better sleep at night. We have a Boba wrap that works well for this.
-The book, Baby Wise had lots of good tips, including have a set routine (eat, play, sleep). I'd recommend it.
-Ours was not falling asleep until 1-2 am, but then she was good in 3 hours intervals. Now it's more like 11 pm, seemed to turn the corner around 6 weeks. Hang in there.

wait, what? !!! congrats! unless i already congratted you and completely forgot, like i did to MBDeac08 about 8 times!
cant you still use wipes (which, wouldn't you want to for their soothing benefits?) and just toss them in a diaper genie or something?

Theoretcially yes, but have you ever tried to wipe someone else's ass while they are sitting on the toilet, especially when that person doesn't have the greatest stability to begin with?? You definitely want to keep the motions to a minimum. Having to change angles and operate the footpedal of the diaper genie would just be a recipe for disaster. We're just going with the wipe and drop.
Theoretcially yes, but have you ever tried to wipe someone else's ass while they are sitting on the toilet, especially when that person doesn't have the greatest stability to begin with?? You definitely want to keep the motions to a minimum. Having to change angles and operate the footpedal of the diaper genie would just be a recipe for disaster. We're just going with the wipe and drop.

ah, didn't realize your bugger was old enough to be ON the toilet; thought you were walking the wipes from changing table to toilet.
Congrats dude. Lil' Harv is only 1.5 weeks old, my friend. He's going have some crazy sleep schedules these days. It gets better.

Tired babies are sleeping babies. You can't get a baby tired if you coddle him every time he wimpers. Cry, little man, cry, for soon you (read: we) shall be asleep.

Now if you can figure out how to convince your wife of this, please come back and tell me.
I don't post often, so I didn't announce with a new thread, but I'm a new parent. My first kid, Harvey, was born 12/28. Having a bitch of a time getting him to sleep at night. Sleeps all day and wants to be up between hours of 11 pm-3 am.

Wife sometimes seems like she is on brink of breaking down. Any tips?
It may be an old wives tale, but babies come out with days and nights mixed up. All three of mine did. So, they are partying at night and sleeping all day. My son (now 9 months old) just liked to eat and sleep, so we were actually worried the first week or so that he would not wake up. Boy were we wrong.
He is just learning to pull up on stuff and wants to pull up on everything. He pulled over our fireplace screen on top of himself yesterday. Screen has ten sharp points. Wife was not happy with me. Not sure what to do though. Either he crawls into the fireplace our we put a screen. He was fine, just scared (as was the wife).
Congrats to the new parents. We have a 17-month-old son, who we commonly refer to as "The Munchkin."

I think I've put those first few weeks out of my mind in terms of sleep. We did have some success with a giraffe that played white noise and seemed to help with the sleeping, I think. Mostly I feel like he was either hungry or needing to be changed, and feeding or changing, followed by some holding/rocking, would do the trick.

The current thing we're struggling with is him throwing stuff or generally having a tantrum. Tossing the sippy cup or food from his high chair, throwing the remote, pretty much any toy. It's great that he can whip a ball at me (future lefty specialist out of the pen, I'm thinking), but we're really trying to teach him that he can't just chuck stuff and then ask for it back.
I don't post often, so I didn't announce with a new thread, but I'm a new parent. My first kid, Harvey, was born 12/28. Having a bitch of a time getting him to sleep at night. Sleeps all day and wants to be up between hours of 11 pm-3 am.

Wife sometimes seems like she is on brink of breaking down. Any tips?

Learn the difference between crying for attention and crying for need. If you want him to sleep through the night, you have to ignore him at night when he isn't wet/hungry.
Yeah, I would say that babywearing might help, also getting him into the fresh air during the day (especially a walk around 2 pm) is highly recommended for aiding in nighttime sleep (bundle up, Harv!) but honestly, it's just going to be that way for a while. I never woke E to nurse, so I can't comment on whether that might help, but the cluster feeding from weeks 3-7 or 8 almost broke me.