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Planned Parenthood Attack


Antwan Scott
Mar 29, 2011
Reaction score
Three dead, nine (?) wounded. Killer is Robert Lewis Dear. The only identified victim so far is Garret Swasey, University of Colorado police officer, part time pastor, and father of two young children.

NY Times Link

The Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood location had a "security room" with bullet proof vests for just such an occasion. What a world we live in.
The Colorado Springs clinic is not the first Planned Parenthood facility to come under attack this year. On October 1, an unknown arsonist threw an ignited container of gasoline inside one of the organization’s centers in Southern California. The Southern Poverty Law Center identified three similar incidents at Planned Parenthood facilities in Illinois, Louisiana, and Washington in recent months. In September, the FBI warned law-enforcement agencies throughout the country about “lone offenders using tactics of arsons and threats all of which are typical of the pro-life extremist movement.”

Time to consider a Christian registry?
Which one of the 'Pub candidates will say the most opportunistic pandering thing about the Planned Parenthood shooting: Huckabee, Santorum, Fiorina, Cruz, Carson, or Trump?
Have they determined yet if Planned Parenthood was actually the target of the attack, or just happened to be the location of the attack.

The only thing that's certain at this point is it's yet another mass shooting by another idiot with guns.
What would they say? They can't come out against the shooting because they risk angering their pro-life extremist base. They can't come out in favor of the shooter because he's a cop killer.
0/14 GOP candidates have said a word.
What would they say? They can't come out against the shooting because they risk angering their pro-life extremist base. They can't come out in favor of the shooter because he's a cop killer.

Didn't know who he was at the time, but Louie Gohmert appeared on the Sunday morning shows after the Colorado movie theatre shooting and was yammering on about how he wished the theatre had been full of gun owners. Made one wonder if Gohmert realized that movies are shown in pitch black rooms filled with people. More than one of the chuckleheads will blurt out something about abortion is murder, Obama is coming for your guns, or religious freedom. Bonus points if they can work in Benghazi, illegal immigrants, Syrian refugees, Kaitlyn Jenner, the War on Christmas, or gay marriage.
I see the usual suspects are jumping to conclusions prior to any facts being released.
I see the usual suspects are jumping to conclusions prior to any facts being released.

yeah, what kind of asshole would do that

Kinda like allowing "Syrian refugees" into your country/continent resulting in terrorist attacks? I guess the difference is no one is surprised by this result. Does that make this an intended or unintended consequence?
I must be misinformed. Were none of the Paris terrorists part of the "Syrian refugees"?
I must be misinformed. Were none of the Paris terrorists part of the "Syrian refugees"?

1. The majority of the Paris attackers were EU citizens.

2. Who cares? If this shooter was motivated by Christianity does that mean we should stop allowing any more Christians into the country?
I see the usual suspects are jumping to conclusions prior to any facts being released.

Like video footage of thousands and thousands celebrating in Jersey City on 9/11 or Carson's high school friends praising him for hiding them during riots? What's Alex Jones' "theory"?