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Nicaragua revolt


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2013
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Not sure it needs a thread but I am uncertain where else to post this:


This is getting almost no media attention in the US and I wanted to spread the word, at least a little bit. I am not sure it has political implications for the US, unless this devolves into a humanitarian problem and people need to flee the country. Nicaragua is in it's 6th day of widespread protest and revolt against Ortega's government. Up to 25 people killed by police at violent protests which started last week as demonstrations against the government's plan to modify the country's social security system (increase individual contributions and simultaneously reduce payouts) but University student took the opportunity to protest the increasingly dictatorial nature of Nicaragua's government over the last decade. Over the weekend things turn violent as the Policia National used tear gas and live ammunition to disperse crowds. There has been wide spread looting reported. Today the US Embassy decided to remove some embassy staff and their families from the country and issued travel warnings to US Citizens

I've been to Nicaragua twice in the last two years and was planning to return this August. If you are interested in following what's going on down there you can follow the twitter hashtag #SOSNicaragua. https://twitter.com/hashtag/SOSNicaragua?src=hash
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another Marxist shithole following on the heels of the Venezuelan fiasco
Ortega, once the rebel who helped overthrow the dictator, is now the dictator desperately trying to keep power. Hypocrite.
another Marxist shithole following on the heels of the Venezuelan fiasco

Yes, blame the 30 years of socialism for the poverty and anger, not the centuries of imperialism and colonialism that proceeded it.
Ortega, once the rebel who helped overthrow the dictator, is now the dictator desperately trying to keep power. Hypocrite.

Even democracies are made up of leaders who defeat established leaders and are desperate to keep power.
Nicaragua protests and marches continued over the weekend, with out violence though. Tens of thousands of people took to the streets again on Saturday for marches against Ortega:

Yes, blame the 30 years of socialism for the poverty and anger, not the centuries of imperialism and colonialism that proceeded it.

Those 30 years of a leftist regime did a lot to better peoples lives.
Yes, blame the 30 years of socialism for the poverty and anger, not the centuries of imperialism and colonialism that proceeded it.

Marxist Horseshit, College boy. Revisionist bullshit. Without colonialism you’d be pissing in dirt hole inside your straw hut.

Ridiculous college kids with minds soured by the sorry fucking profs in the academy today. Keep preaching that noble savage garbage - Tnx Rousseau, you ignorant ass.

Meanwhile, in Peru, they just dug up the largest mass grave of children yet found.
Marxist Horseshit, College boy. Revisionist bullshit. Without colonialism you’d be pissing in dirt hole inside your straw hut.

Ridiculous college kids with minds soured by the sorry fucking profs in the academy today. Keep preaching that noble savage garbage - Tnx Rousseau, you ignorant ass.

Meanwhile, in Peru, they just dug up the largest mass grave of children yet found.

Marxist Horseshit, College boy. Revisionist bullshit. Without colonialism you’d be pissing in dirt hole inside your straw hut.

Ridiculous college kids with minds soured by the sorry fucking profs in the academy today. Keep preaching that noble savage garbage - Tnx Rousseau, you ignorant ass.

Lol, this is good. Still waiting for you to answer my genuine questions about your autodidact reading list. If you like I can suggest some less antiquated selections. Ripping on Marx and Rousseau makes you seem pretty pretentious.
Those 30 years of a leftist regime did a lot to better peoples lives.

Actually, they did.


Not going to argue that Nicaragua is a paradise or that I want to live there, but the country has seen substantial improvement in several measures of quality of life since 1990. Probably helped that we stopped funding and underwriting their civil war after the Iran-Contra debacle. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_history_of_Nicaragua.

The main problem in Nicaragua is not "socialism", but the recent slide into totalitarianism and dictatorship under Ortega. As evidenced by those noted socialist shitholes Germany, Britain, and all of Scandinavia, it is certainly possible to have a fully functional, economically vibrant democratic state that coexists with a much greater degree of "socialism" than the United States.
For anyone interested, Ortega initiated another round of violent crack downs on this weekend. What little international attention there has dampened and so he sent he police back in to the streets. From what I can read on Twitter (it's mostly in Spanish and my Spanish is weak), the violence is not restricted to Managua. Reportedly the Police burned down the market place and some houses in Masaya over the weekend and at least one person was killed in the small city of Matagalpa. It's about 2.5 hours north east of Managua. Here are images of a standoff in the streets between the police and protesters in Matagalpa:

So what does Bernie Sanders think of Daniel Ortega now?

Not sure that's relevant. Dictators can arise in all manner of economic systems. From full on communism to lassie fair capitalism and the variants in between, ruthless dictators find ways to seize power and fuck over the people. The idea that socialism is predisposed to dictatorships, if that's what you are trying to imply, is false.
My news has been filled with Oliver North and Daniel Ortega recently. I hope the folks in Grenada and the Falklands are prepped for an invasion as we reboot the 80s.
Not sure that's relevant. Dictators can arise in all manner of economic systems. From full on communism to lassie fair capitalism and the variants in between, ruthless dictators find ways to seize power and fuck over the people. The idea that socialism is predisposed to dictatorships, if that's what you are trying to imply, is false.

My post was a gratuitous jab at Bernie, not a geopolitical commentary as to particular forms of governments. Back in the 80s I did volunteer work for several months for an organization that assisted Salvadoran and Guatemalan refugees and disagreed strongly with the Reagan administration's heavy military assistance in El Salvador, Guatemala and Nicaragua. That said, I didn't go so far as to party with Daniel Ortega as Bernie did. That was part of the oppo research that Hillary didn't hit him with, but the Pubs certainly would have in the general.