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The Democratic Party Left Me Behind


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2011
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Down Yonder
op-ed from USA Today

I think it could apply to Republicans, too.

Politicians from both parties have gotten away with letting down ordinary Americans for decades because millions of Americans are culturally wedded to their tribal political identities of Republican or Democrat, and can’t think outside the box.

Would President Donald Trump’s supporters have preferred a decent, moral, well-behaved, well-informed populist? Sure, but in dire times, you take the populist who shows up because beggars can’t be choosers, etc.

For an opinion writer, self-identifying as a Democrat (or Republican) can be constricting. It can consciously or unconsciously make you hew to positions, make you defend the indefensible. It can give you cognitive dissonance
Scott Adams talks a lot about cognitive dissonance and its tells.
"It has gone off the rails on immigration, free speech, identity politics and some other issues — a topic I’ll defer for another day."

This is nonsensical drivel that comes from RW Brainwashing 101. The GOP won by laser focusing on identity politics. Their campaign was to bring out pockets of irrationally scared white people and turn them against their own best interests.

Re: immigration - the position of Dems is accepted by a large majority of all Americans. It's extreme Rwers that have blocked logical comprehensive immigration reform during the W and Obama Administrations.

Free speech doesn't mean freedom from responsibility for what you say.

Adams has no clue what he's talking about, but he does show how well RW messaging and brainwashing has worked.
“I’m no Trump supporter, but I’ve been horrified and repulsed by the political and cultural left’s hatred, demonization and mistreatment of President Trump, his family, his administration officials and his voters, which is even worse (if that’s possible) than what the right did to President Obama.”

Trump and his family are worse people than the Obamas. What kind of hole does someone live in if they don’t think Don Jr, Eric, and Ivanka deserve more criticism than Sasha and Malia?
Trump purposefully seeks to create adversarial relationships in every situation he is in. It is his modus operandi to gain support from his base. He goads and provokes endlessly, on the left and right and center.

It is mystifying how someone who supports this method of energizing his supporters can in the same breath condemn the reaction it gets from opponents. You're being played, fools. wake up
Just gonna keep posting these every time we get these shitty, warmed-over David Brooks takes:

“I’m no Trump supporter, but I’ve been horrified and repulsed by the political and cultural left’s hatred, demonization and mistreatment of President Trump, his family, his administration officials and his voters, which is even worse (if that’s possible) than what the right did to President Obama.”

Trump and his family are worse people than the Obamas. What kind of hole does someone live in if they don’t think Don Jr, Eric, and Ivanka deserve more criticism than Sasha and Malia?

not to mention administration officials like Tom Price and Scott Pruitt, who created more scandals in one year than Obama's entire administration created in 2 terms.

i do think that the demonization of all Trump voters as racist rubes is overdone.

This. It's amazing at how all of these people now claiming "I'm not a Trump supporter, really I'm not" nonetheless manage to espouse nearly all of the policy positions he held before the 2016 election (are they just now figuring out what he stood for and against?), and their own positions on the issues (like immigration) are somehow almost exactly the same as Trump. Yet, they don't really support him, but are "independents" who are "tired of both parties", even though the specific positions they take on issues almost exactly lines up with the GOP and Trump supporters. I often get the impression that these people have more or less been reliable Trumpites all along, but are embarrassed to say it publicly, so they do the whole "bosides" thing, in which they generally declare a pox on both parties, even while they condemn nearly every Democratic position, and praise Trump and the GOP. Most of them, I suspect, are in reality about as "independent" as sailor or bkf are now.
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the potential for realignment is there

the group of unaligned voters is larger than either the dems or the pubs

the constant barrage of toe the line and immediately condemn everything connected to Trump is idiotic, infantile, and counterproductive, the you are either completely with us or completely against us is immature and bound to fail
the potential for realignment is there

the group of unaligned voters is larger than either the dems or the pubs

the constant barrage of toe the line and immediately condemn everything connected to Trump is idiotic, infantile, and counterproductive, the you are either completely with us or completely against us is immature and bound to fail

it worked for the pubs under Obama. look at all the gains they made
the potential for realignment is there

the group of unaligned voters is larger than either the dems or the pubs

the constant barrage of toe the line and immediately condemn everything connected to Trump is idiotic, infantile, and counterproductive, the you are either completely with us or completely against us is immature and bound to fail

Calling the left immature while supporting a President that has the intellectual skills of a 3rd grader and the emotional capacity of a teaspoon is incredibly rich.
it worked for the pubs under Obama. look at all the gains they made

I'm sure poor dem policies and governing had nothing to do with it

hell, even now the dems are headed into midterms with solid popular ideas for the basis of successful government: I hate Trump, socialism, I hate Trump, open borders, I hate Trump, abolish ICE, I hate Trump, raise taxes, I hate Trump, we need more bureaucracy, I hate Trump, Russia, Russia, Russia, I hate Trump ...
I'm sure poor dem policies and governing had nothing to do with it

hell, even now the dems are headed into midterms with solid popular ideas for the basis of successful government: I hate Trump, socialism, I hate Trump, open borders, I hate Trump, abolish ICE, I hate Trump, raise taxes, I hate Trump, we need more bureaucracy, I hate Trump, Russia, Russia, Russia, I hate Trump ...

Republicans, 2010 and 2014: I hate Obama, Obamacare!, I hate Obama, he's a Mooslim!, I hate Obama, he was born in Africa!, I hate Obama, he's a Socialist!, I hate Obama, Obamacare! (again), I hate Obama, illegal immigrants!, I hate Obama, etc, etc,. What's the difference?
Republicans, 2010 and 2014: I hate Obama, Obamacare!, I hate Obama, he's a Mooslim!, I hate Obama, he was born in Africa!, I hate Obama, he's a Socialist!, I hate Obama, Obamacare! (again), I hate Obama, illegal immigrants!, I hate Obama, etc, etc,. What's the difference?

when you figure it out, you'll start winning elections
I'm sure poor dem policies and governing had nothing to do with it

hell, even now the dems are headed into midterms with solid popular ideas for the basis of successful government: I hate Trump, socialism, I hate Trump, open borders, I hate Trump, abolish ICE, I hate Trump, raise taxes, I hate Trump, we need more bureaucracy, I hate Trump, Russia, Russia, Russia, I hate Trump ...

The criticism toward Trump has nothing to do the actions of his administration. It's pure liberal jealous hatred.
Would President Donald Trump’s supporters have preferred a decent, moral, well-behaved, well-informed populist? Sure, but in dire times, you take the populist who shows up because beggars can’t be choosers, etc.

yes it is, really

time for a long look in the mirror by the left

No, it really isn't. The GOP should have looked into the mirror before nominating Trump. Again, being attacked by Trump supporters for being uncivil and hateful is like being called ugly by a frog. Your side has zero credibility on this issue. Do you even read his tweets or statements?