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Trump attacks on the military


Well-known member
Jul 20, 2011
Reaction score
Davie County
First removing birthright citizenship for children of service members living abroad.

Now, taking funding from schools, childcare centers, West Point, and other services.
Trump's Homeland Security has spent over $118M on OFFICE FURNITURE while telling the world there is no money for beds, clothes, soap or Tampons.

Those clowns will still vote for him.

Yep. I have a number of vets who are friends on facebook, and most of them love Trump. They're mostly high school classmates I grew up with, and I hardly ever see them in person anymore. They're all extremely right-wing, deep into conspiracy shit, and they all spout boilerplate conservative rhetoric about LibDems being "weak" and anti-military and so forth. They tend to call liberals "sheeple", and love to portray themselves as rugged independent-thinker types. Some are flat-out racist. If anyone mentions Trump's attacks on veteran families over the past three years, or cutbacks in vet programs, they usually just ignore it and stay silent. I have no doubt they'll gladly vote for Trump again next year, no matter what he actually does to the military or to vets. I do know some vets who are more liberal and hate Trump, but they're definitely in the minority.
Hey, give military families a break. they started brain washing us at the first moment of basic training. You have to remember that most of these people are 18-23 when the sign up and a lot of them did not have a great education. It was a mind fuck, sort of like pledging a frat but with more of a family feel. Nobody circles the wagons like military families. There are some that can see though the BS (and thousand of times hearing god bless the USA, literally) but most buy in and don’t question. Military and civilian life is quite a bit different.
Recently graduated an MA student is an Army LT deployed overseas. It’s nuts to see military life from the perspective of a guy with one foot in the military world and a few toes in academia. He’s writing three books including his thesis about how soldiers struggle to adjust to civilian life. He lost a soldier and he sent me 5 pages about it for one of his chapters.

He’s politically fascinating too. Trump supporter in 2016 but critical. Hated the military parade. Posts a lot of conservative memes. Totally supports anti-racist and pro-LGBT causes. Last I saw, he supports Kamala.
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Hey, give military families a break. they started brain washing us at the first moment of basic training. You have to remember that most of these people are 18-23 when the sign up and a lot of them did not have a great education. It was a mind fuck, sort of like pledging a frat but with more of a family feel. Nobody circles the wagons like military families. There are some that can see though the BS (and thousand of times hearing god bless the USA, literally) but most buy in and don’t question. Military and civilian life is quite a bit different.

I definitely respect anyone's military service, especially if they've served in a combat zone/situation. I have a number of relatives that served in the military, including one who served in Vietnam and, according to family members, was never quite the same after that. His experiences there almost certainly contributed to his behaviors (alcoholism) that led to his early death, which I well remember. My comment just related to the fact that many vets I see or know on social media appear to be avid Trumpites who loathe liberals as weak, unpatriotic "commies" who hate America, and are basically blind to any damage or derogatory behavior or comments Trump dishes out to the military. I do know some vets who are definitely anti-Trump and quite liberal, but the majority I see appear to be otherwise, unfortunately. Admittedly, that may just be because they are the loudest or most vocal.
Yeah. I respect military service but I already realize a large percentage of it isn’t truly necessary and merely serves the interests of the wealthy.
I have a friend who is a VA psychology who talks about that from time to time. He has patients who talk about protecting freedom who don't know how to live without someone telling them what to do and when to do it. And those patients think everyone would be better off with a strong leader telling them how to live.
I have a friend who is a VA psychology who talks about that from time to time. He has patients who talk about protecting freedom who don't know how to live without someone telling them what to do and when to do it. And those patients think everyone would be better off with a strong leader telling them how to live.

just get married, guys
That posts are prefaced with "I respect military service" is all you need to know about how the message is dominated by conservatives in their giant con against america.

Everyone respects military service, even the smelliest hippie burning his draft card in the 60's. The disrespect is for the war-for-profit and exploitation of American patriotism to line the pockets of energy and MIC assholes with the blood of the poor and lower middle class in our volunteer army.

The American right is a cesspool of lying pigs and exploitation, and the American left is the meek who shall inherit whatever ball of shit that is left