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Regurgitation TheReff Recites


THE quintessential dwarf
Jun 20, 2011
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No inaction from Trump. His action of closing off China flights at end of January saved hundreds of thousands of lives. Yet Uncle Joe Biden called it xenophobic and racist of Trump to do so. Meanwhile at end of February Crazy Pelosi was telling people to go out into Chinatown in San Fran. So get your facts right first RJ instead of just your Trump Derangement Syndrome running so rampant.

DT has been vetted & vetted on all of his stuff. Your Libs have tried to remove him from office with a phony investigation from Mueller thanks to false info from Strozk/Page/Comey/Brennan/McCabe and RussiaGate didn't work. Then the bogus impeachment didn't work with Shifty Schiff, Nasty Nadler and the rest of those jokers on the left. Just a bunch of junk from the left wing media. Nothing was there & Pelosi knew it but was made to do it. Now they are going to try another one from the Coronavirus. You left-wingers are absolutely despicable! We somehow survived 8 terrible years under the OBummer administration and all their corruption and mistakes [Fast & Furious w/ Holder, Lehner & IRS-Gate, VA-Gate and the deadly waiting lists, Hillary's illegal use of hackable servers]. All of those the media either downplayed or ignored. And we aren't talking about all the under the table junk pulled for monetary gain for him & friends. Things like deeming industries like coal mining, offshore drilling, cash advance companies & for-profit colleges as either destructive or exploitative, watching them go down in value and having his buddies go in & snap up the companies for .10 on the dollar. [Vistria swooped up Apollo, Biden & Kerry son's went into business together, meanwhile Biden & Kerry were negotiating China deals & helping their son's company Rosemont Seneca!!! Plenty on this list of Obama scandals the media never covers.
He is exactly the type of guy Fox News targets.

Imagine writing those nicknames in anything other than a mocking/joking fashion. I mean good god what a joke.
this is exactly the kind of stuff Hannity does on his radio show. just listing anyone involved in Russiagate and then bringing up stuff like IRS and Fast and Furious. "Oh so they want to investigate Trump? Well, what about....."
Fox News Boomer Brain Rot, my mother has it too

Once decent, sane, and logical people; now irrationally bitter and paranoid
Fox News Boomer Brain Rot, my mother has it too

Once decent, sane, and logical people; now irrationally bitter and paranoid

theReff was never logical nor sane. He has always been a mouth-breathing welfare queen who orally services big government for his handouts.

Sources say Russia probe transcript came up empty on collusion. Schiff in ‘panic mode’!

This would align with the results of former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation — which found no evidence of illegal or criminal coordination between President Trump, the Trump campaign and Russia in 2016 — but the numerous transcribed interviews could raise further questions about committee Chairman Adam Schiff’s past statements saying that there was “direct evidence” of collusion.

After more than a year of unnecessary delay, the ODNI has finally concluded its protracted classification review of the committee’s transcripts, and it also appears the White House has now abandoned its improper insistence on reviewing key transcripts, which the committee appropriately rejected,” the spokesman said.

Also expected to be released, according to the source: transcripts for interviews with Obama officials such as former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper; former Attorney General Loretta Lynch; former Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power; former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe; former National Security Adviser Susan Rice; former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates; former Obama adviser Benjamin Rhodes; and former Obama counselor and Hillary Clinton Campaign Manager John Podesta.

Two sources familiar with the transcripts told Fox News that not one of the 53 witnesses could provide evidence of collusion. The transcripts show a total lack of evidence, despite Schiff personally going out saying he had more than circumstantial evidence that there was collusion,” one source involved in House Russia investigations said. Mueller, similarly, at the conclusion of his nearly two-year-long investigation, said he and his team found no evidence of criminal conspiracy or coordination between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Many Dems are “fixin” to go to prison. Especially when Barr & Durham get finished with all this. Plus Flynn will get exonerated and then win millions in court against the corrupt FBI of Comey & Strzok.
this is exactly the kind of stuff Hannity does on his radio show. just listing anyone involved in Russiagate and then bringing up stuff like IRS and Fast and Furious. "Oh so they want to investigate Trump? Well, what about....."

I hear that from many different hard core Trump supporters. “But, but [Hillary, Obama, Nancy]”.
He is exactly the type of guy Fox News targets.

Imagine writing those nicknames in anything other than a mocking/joking fashion. I mean good god what a joke.

Just to piss off all you with Trump Derangement Syndrome. You can't see anything but fire in your eyes for this guy and none of the crap that Hillary did her entire 30+ years in politics. It is hilarious to watch you all squirm the longer Trump stays in office and keeps defeating every single attempt to not only commit treason against him by undermining his presidency, really before it started, but put up bogus charge after bogus charge that gets defeated. Resounding defeat I might add.
And now Flynn is exonerated and heads are getting ready to roll from Obama on down the line to the top of the FBI. It is going to be quit funny to watch!

Who is going to be you Dem candidate for pres since Biden is soon to bow out from his sexual predator charge? Hillary coming back? Socialist Sanders?
Donald has been accused of sexual misconduct by 25 women. Not saying any aren’t credible or are, just strictly going off outstanding publicly made allegations.

Why are Biden’s disqualifying or problematic if Donald’s aren’t?
You’re really going to attempt a dialogue with someone who believes heads are going to roll 4 years after a party took control of every branch of the federal government under the rallying cry of “lock her up”?
I need to stick with my advice to Leebs on the non political virus thread and not talk to idiots.
Donald has been accused of sexual misconduct by 25 women. Not saying any aren’t credible or are, just strictly going off outstanding publicly made allegations.

Why are Biden’s disqualifying or problematic if Donald’s aren’t?

Because Trump has been FULLY VETTED and EXONERATED. Except the times he had to settle out of court, of course, or the time where he was caught on camera saying he assaults women because he's famous. Or wait, the tens of times where nothing has happened and the accusations are just sitting out there. Other than those, VETTED, numbers!