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Rush Mafia - Game Over - Rush Wins Again


Mar 16, 2011
Reaction score
Welcome to the world of Rush Mafia, a world of creativity, fantasy, and yes, sometimes Ayn Rand. The good news is the Ayn Rand span was back in the 70s and short lived. The bad news is, for some reason, not everyone is a Rush fan. Believe me, I am just as surprised as you.

Some of these people, who obviously have poor taste in music, are doing their best to bury Rush. To do so, they must rid the world of Rush and their great music. Unfortunately, the lies and propaganda have corrupted some of Rush’s greatest albums, who are aiding these no fun-havers in the quest to make the world a worse place.

The good news is that the rest of the albums have banded together to keep the music of Rush alive. And, the good guys aren’t powerless. Part of the magic of Rush is the belief that everyone has the potential for greatness, and that spirit is extended to everyone in this game.

Many characters are represented by a Rush album. These characters are given the ability to acquire a special power on their day. On each game day, an album is chosen at random. The player who is represented by said album can PM the mod and receive a special power.

But that’s not all! Rush is known for live albums that represent the previous 4 albums. If a live album is chosen for the album of the day, ANY of the albums represented in the live album can PM the mod for his power on a first come basis.

Good luck to all, and as a wise man once said, “If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.”
Mafia Rules

1. If you have any questions about rules or game setup or need clarification on a specific issue, please PM me. Do not post these questions on the thread. I will not be lenient and will err on the side of AA’ing mod talk EXCEPT IN LIMITED INSTANCES WHERE MOD INTERACTION HAS BEEN STATED TO BE SPECIFICALLY ALLOWED. If the question is something that I feel that needs to be addressed for all players, I will post a Mod Note in the thread.

2. Votes must be made by bolding or starring a player’s name (ex: bym051d or ***bym051d***). If you would like to switch your vote from one player to another, please indicate this clearly by using language such as “switch to ***bym051d***.” I will try to provide frequent vote counts; this will help tremendously in making sure these vote counts are accurate.

3. Two missed votes will result in an AA. If you absolutely know that you will not be available to make a vote during a specific day round, I will allow players to send a proxy vote to me. Any proxy votes will be posted as a Mod Note and will only contain the vote itself.

4. If there is a vote count that you do not think is accurate, DO NOT POST AS SUCH IN THE THREAD. Refer to Rule #1 and send me a PM, preferably with what is the correct vote tabulation and/or what post # contains a different vote than what I have listed.

5. The clock I will be using is the clock at time.gov. Day rounds will end at 10:30:59am/1:30:59pm/4:30:59 pm Eastern Time unless otherwise indicated in a Mod Note.

6. If two or more players are tied at the end of a day round, an instant OT will start. The first additional vote on a player in the tie will instantly end the round and that player will die. If no player has received an additional vote by 10 minutes after the scheduled deadline, the kill will be RNG’d between the players in the tie.

7. In the event of a player receiving a majority of votes prior to the scheduled end of a round, an instant majority vote will be called and 5-minute twilight will begin. During this twilight period the player receiving a majority of votes will not be allowed to post, but all other remaining alive players may continue to post normally. I will make every effort to be around to track majos but please police yourself. At the close of the 5-minute twilight period night will be called. And normal night rules will apply. If a majo has occurred but twilight is not called and posting/voting continues, the majo will still count and no switches after the majo will be recognized.

8. Majority votes will not occur when there are 8 or fewer players remaining. Majority votes will not occur when there is 20 minutes or less remaining in a round.

9. Absolutely no night posting. Similar to mod talk, I will not be lenient. I understand some lag between trying to get a post in at the buzzer and the board registering it, but any posts outside of a very narrow window post-“NIGHT” will likely result in an AA unless extreme extenuating circumstances exist. Some discretion MAY come with majority votes. Do not test this.

10. Every player will receive a PM with their role, including vanilla civs. PMs may not be discussed and/or posted in the game thread. If you decide to claim your role, you may not copy and paste your role PM. Roles may have restrictions surrounding claims.

11. Any player who is role-blocked will be notified of the role-block.

12. Jailer actions will not remove a targeted player from the game. The targeted player may still be the subject of investigations and strong man hits will succeed.

13. Other jailer-style actions can remove a player from the game and will prevent the target from being investigated and strong man hits will fail. In this instance, the investigator or hitter will receive a report that their action failed and will be refunded, if applicable. This distinction will be written in the applicable role. Depending on the power, role-blocking the user may not succeed.

14. Unless otherwise stated, players may take multiple actions in a night.

15. Order of Operations is as follows:
a) Role-blocking abilities
b) All other actions
c) Night kills

16. Other general rules: No editing or deleting posts, No repping of posts, No angle-shooting or cheating.
Player List

1. Gouda
2. Numbers
3. Nonny
4. Gater - Feedback - Hit N1
5. Redwing
6. DV7 - Clockwork Angels - Lynched D1
7. Doofus - Rock and Roll Hall of Fame - Lynched D3
8. Mako
9. Rommy - Hold Your Fire - Hit N4
10. Toogs - Roll the Bones - Hit N5
11. SD3
12. Townie
13. Ryala - Hemispheres - Lynched D5
14. Da - Fly by Night - Hit N2
15. Hoophead - Moving Pictures - Hit N3
16. Eaglez - TownieDeac - Lynched D5
17. Parlay - 2112 - Lynched D2
18. JMan
19. Timmay - Geddy Lee - Lynched D4
20. JTP - Signals - Hit N6
21. Knight - Rush - Hit N6
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Save for Roles

Geddy Lee – Timdunk - You are Geddy Lee, the bassist and keyboard player for the greatest rock band of all-time, Rush. As one of the living members of Rush, you are hunting down anyone who is trying to ruin your band’s name. In this game, you serve as the 3n-2 tracker. On any night where the night number is 3n-2 (1, 4, 7, etc.), you may track one target and learn who your target visited that night.

Fun Fact: Geddy is a huge baseball fan and memorabilia collector. He donated a large collection of Negro League autographed baseballs to the Negro League Baseball Museum in Kansas City.
You win with Rush (town).

Safe Claim – Caress of Steel

Moving Pictures – Hoophead - You are Rush’s seminal album (and warning system color), Moving Pictures. Your track The Camera Eye is an investigation of two cities, New York and London, and the inspiration for your power.

On your album’s day, if you are successful in claiming your power, you will be awarded with the ability to perform two (2) investigations of players on separate nights to determine their alignment. You will be informed if the player is Rush (town) Anti-Rush (mafia). It is possible for your power to not return a result.

Note: You may only claim one (1) copy of your power.

You win with Rush (town).

Feedback – Gater - You are the EP of cover songs, Feedback. Your album is full of works by bands who inspired Rush, such as The Who, The Yardbirds and Buffalo Springfield. In this game, you will be covering the rest of the Rush albums’ abilities.

On your album’s day, if you are successful in claiming your power, you will be awarded with one of the other album’s powers, chosen at random. Some of these powers are more useful than others, but that’s how random works.

You win with Rush (town).

2112 – Parlay - You are signature Rush album 2112. Like the priests of the Temple of Syrinx, you try to deny others with what they want.

On your album’s day, if you are successful in claiming your power, you will be awarded with the ability to role-block a player in one (1) future night.

You win with Rush (town).

Fly by Night – Da - You are Rush’s first commercial success, Fly by Night. Sure, there’s some Ayn Rand garbage on this album, but there are great songs as well. On your album’s day, if you are successful in claiming your power, you will be awarded the ability to “fly by night away from here” and leave the game for 1 night. On that night, any actions targeting you, including role blocks, investigations and strong man hits will fail.

Note: You may only claim one (1) copy of your power.

You win with Rush (town).

Roll the Bones – Toogs - You are Rush’s 90s album Roll the Bones, a great work that includes songs about chance and death and yes, unfortunate attempts at rapping. On your album’s day, if you are successful in claiming your power, you will be awarded with a 1-shot dead chat reincarnation.

Any night following this powers acquisition, you may select a player from dead chat to bring back from the dead. That player may make one (1) post that may contain only a vote, which will be treated as an actual vote.

After voting, that player will return to the dead, but his vote for the round will still count. If that player chooses to post more than a vote, both of you will be removed from the game (AA).

Note: You may only claim one (1) copy of your power.

You win with Rush (town).

Hold Your Fire – RomanovKU - You are the 80s synth loaded album Hold Your Fire. I’ll admit I didn’t dig too deep to find something for your character.

On your album’s day, if you are successful in claiming your power, you will be awarded with the ability to cancel all night actions for an upcoming night.

Note: You may only claim one (1) copy of your power.

You win with Rush (town).

Signals – JTP - You are Rush’s album Signals, an album that spoke to the heart of the suburban teenager. On your album’s day, if you are successful in claiming your power, you will be awarded the ability to Subdivide the players. You may divide the players (excluding yourself) into equal groups of three (3) players (if needed, one group will have two (2) or four (4)). I will randomly choose one of the groups and tell you how many mafia members are contained that group.

Note: You may only claim one (1) copy of your power.

You win with Rush (town).

Rush – Knight - You are the album that started it all, Rush. This album transformed Rush from a band that “ruined high school proms” to a band that actually drew crowds. This album was before Neil Peart and before decent lyrics.

The best-known song from this album is Working Man and that’s what you are. “I got no time for livin’ / Yes, I’m workin’ all the time / It seems to me / I could live my life / A lot better than I think I am.” You have a job to do. You gotta go to bed and get up in the morning. You don’t have time for this mafia crap. As such, you won’t be targeted by any actions overnight except kills.

Note: Any non-kill action performed on you at night will fail.

You win with Rush (town).

Clockwork Angels – DV7 - You are Rush’s final album Clockwork Angels. You’ve become corrupted and just like you were the end of Rush’s career, you seek to end the band.

Like the subject of your track’s The Anarchist, the pools of poison, the scarlet mist spill over you into a rage. This rage allows you to make one (1) vigilante hit at night. You may not make the vigilante hit the same night you make the standard hit. You may not make the vigilante hit the same night you use your bonus hit listed below.

Additionally, on your album’s day, if you are successful in claiming your power, you will be awarded with the ability to disrupt any and all protection for one (1) night. Just like your track The Wreckers tells us, sometimes, you have to be wary of a miracle too good to be true.

Note: You may only claim one (1) copy of your power.

You win with Anti-Rush (mafia).

Rock and Roll Hall of Fame – Doofus - You are the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, perpetrators of perhaps the most heinous crime since the kidnapping of Charles Lindberg’s baby. Your exclusion of Rush, from their eligible year of 1998 until 2013 while accepting Donovan, the Hollies, Blondie and The Red Hot Chili Peppers was an exercise in pettiness.

Just like you strong manned Rush from the Hall of Fame for so long, you may enhance any one (1) mafia kill to make it unstoppable.

Note: If you are prevented from using your power, its use will be refunded.

You win with Anti-Rush (mafia).

TownieDeac – Eagles_Legendz - You are connoisseur of hipster music and hater of good music, TownieDeac. Your massive lists of the year’s top music drowns out any and all other discussion, and from these lists you derive you power.

Once a day, you may post a list of at least 15 enumerated game or music related items (PM me when you do). The following night, you may silence any other player. During the following day, that player may only make one (1) post that may contain only a vote.

You win with Anti-Rush (mafia).
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Day 1 is the day of Vapor Trails.


Vapor Trails is the first album released after Peart's hiatus. It's a great album, tragically marred by a horrible mastering process, by which many songs demonstrate excessive compression and background noise. Luckily, it was later remastered and the new version is much better.

My favorite tracks on the album are Vapor Trail and Earthshine.

Day 1 begins now and ends at 1:31PM.

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Next to post - who's it gonna be?

Old man up early Parlay is my bet. He's either next to post, or he'll respond on Wednesday.

Then again it could be Redwing who's old too (but younger than me)

And PHDeac's not playing so it won't be him

Could it be Knight? We'll know when he arrives for sure if nothing else

Ryala will be last to roll in late to get a vote in before the deadline

Unless of course, timdunk plays his normal game of hiding as long as possible and making throwaway votes

Mako, I have no idea on, but at some point he'll play very well while remarking how badly he's playing

Bym - thanks for starting this when only I'm up and around so I can make a natural entrance to the thread
I'm masons with bym

[mostly since there's no one here and he's the only one up]
6 hrs of monday morning banter i'm here hoop let's go
i wish #1 in my rankings #1 in my heart manning was playing this game
I was much better prepared for the Stephen King game.

Holy shit. Just scanned the list again. Can’t wait to see what jtp has for us broke ass bitches this game.
it's not yet 8 am on monday morning and i've already read like six rush wikipedia pages

nice guitar work on this truly odd choice of a lead single

the original

a better cover

the best cover

it's not yet 8 am on monday morning and i've already read like six rush wikipedia pages

nice guitar work on this truly odd choice of a lead single

the original

a better cover

the best cover

Researching fake claims on a Monday brah? RIP