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Let us never speak of this again.


Mod Emeritus
Mar 9, 2011
Reaction score
Sherlock Holmes Themed Mafia

  1. Vote using bold or ***vote***
  2. No night talking. After night has been declared, no posting of words. Funny gifs are OK to post.
  3. No dead talking. Except for funny gifs at night. Do not post anything that could be construed as about a player still alive in the game, doing so will AA a player from your faction.
  4. If you have a question or concern, PM me. I will get back to you as soon as I can. DO NOT ADDRESS THIS CONCERN IN THE THREAD. I will ignore it if it is placed there.
  5. Stay patient during night turns. A lot of moving parts means that nights might take longer than usual.
  6. Deadlines are at 10:30 AM, 1:30 PM, and 4:30 PM
  7. Insta-majority lynches in play when >50% of living players have their votes on the same person at the same time. This goes away when just 6 or fewer players are left in the game.
  8. Missing 1 vote is OK. Missing 2 votes is not and will result in an AA.
  9. You may PM the moderator with a vote for the next day if you know you'll be away.
  10. Have fun!

This is an “open” game where all possible roles are known, but not all powers will be revealed in the roles listed. But you are warned that I’ve listed more “vanilla” civs here than there will be in play. Nobody will know which vanilla civ character names are in play aside from the moderator. Mafia may try to “safe claim” with one of these vanilla names, and may be lucky that it wasn’t assigned to a player, but nobody was given a “safe claim” knowing it wouldn’t be in the game. The vanilla civ character names in the game were randomly given out.


  • Sherlock Holmes, Investigator Extraordinaire. Cop, Citizenry. Sherlock Holmes is the greatest sleuth the world has ever known. Due to his astonishing ability to use deductive reasoning he can ascertain a players’ exact role with one, and only one, exception. That of Professor Moriarty, criminal mastermind and Godfather of the mafia. Moriarty and all vanilla civs will return a “vanilla civ” investigation result. Beware! Hugo Oberstein is able to frame people and have them turn up as mafia goons! Sherlock Holmes also has the bonus of the Baker Street Irregulars, young children near Holmes’ dwelling that watch the streets at night – they will report back to Mr. Holmes if anybody visited the person they were watching the previous night. Holmes will not know the player playing the Irregulars, nor will they know him, but will get their results via the mod. Holmes will also be searching for Irene Adler, or as he refers to her, “the woman”, each night in order to ensure she doesn’t turn bad. Professor Moriarty will also be searching for Ms. Adler to recruit her to the mafia. If Holmes finds Adler first, the mod will set up a chatzy for you two to discuss the game, and Ms. Adler will have powers come into play at that point. Holmes has come back from the dead before, so he has a one-shot bulletproof vest (first night hit on him will fail) in this game.
  • Mycroft Holmes, Sherlock’s older brother. Backup/Inefficient Cop, Citizenry. Mycroft is said to have even better deductive reasoning skill than Sherlock, but due to laziness and apathy he does not put these skills to good use. In the even that Sherlock Holmes is killed, Mycroft will get some sort of motivation to actually be useful…but only enough motivation to be somewhat useful. Each night after assuming the cop role he will get one investigation, but this investigation only has a 50% chance of actually happening, and then only a 66% chance of actually revealing the correct information. To determine if the investigation happens/is correct the moderator will ask chatzy to say if the investigation goes through with “yes” and “no” as options. If chatzy chooses yes, the moderator will ask chatzy if the investigation reveals the correct result with “yes”, “yes”, and “no” as options. If an investigation does happen (50% chance) and then turns up to be incorrect (33% chance) then the moderator will PM Mycroft the incorrect result – i.e. if a civ was investigated the result would be mafia, or vice versa.
  • Dr. John Watson, Holmes’ most trusted friend and army trained doctor, Doctor (Angel), Citizenry. Watson may not protect the same person 3 nights in a row. Watson may not protect him/herself at any point in the game. Dr. Watson also had a big gambling addiction, and with that in this game he is also a bookie. That means that each night in addition to his doctor responsibilities Dr. Watson also will PM the mod his guess on who gets killed during the same night by mafia. If correct, Dr. Watson will be awarded a random night (1-night personal bpv, 1-shot vig hit, tracker, or watcher) action to be performed the next night. If Watson is incorrect in his gambling 3 nights in a row then the mafia get one of the items instead.
  • Baker Street Irregulars, Wily Children of Baker Street, Watcher, Citizenry. The Baker Street Irregulars are often employed by Sherlock Holmes to keep tabs on certain things around London, as such, every night they may sit and watch any player in the game. They will be told all visitors to that person that night. Those results will also be given to Sherlock Holmes. The two will not know what player is playing the other role. Knows Wiggins. Not masons. NOTE: Even though the character name is plural The Irregulars are played but just 1 player in the game.
  • Inspector Lestrade, Scotland Yard Investigator. Godfather Hunter, Citizenry. At first you were Mr. Holmes was skeptical of your abilities as an investigator, but over time he grew to appreciate and admirer your abilities. Your tenacity was likened to a bloodhound because you never gave up looking for your man no matter the circumstances. However, you did suffer from tunnel-vision from time to time as a result of your single-tracked focus. Your undivided focus during nights is to find the criminal mastermind we all know is on the loose. You have the ability to find Professor Moriarty, but none of the other mafias as a result.
  • Inspector Hopkins and Inspector Gregson, Scotland Yard Investigators. Masons, Citizenry. Two fine inspectors from Scotland Yard, but your investigatory work is not needed here with the Holmes brothers around. Instead you will be invited to a chatzy where you can discuss the game amongst yourselves.
  • Monsieur Dubugue; French detective, Desperado. A noble French officer but also had a reputation for being a little too quick in his judgements on guilt. Within the first 3 nights you must use a vig kill on somebody. If the target is mafia or a non-town aligned Irene Adler (hasn’t been recruited by Holmes yet) then they will die and you are a hero and live. If the target is town aligned they will still die but you will also kill yourself with the grief of killing an innocent person. If you do not make a hit in the first 3 nights then you will die night 4 due to a feeling of ineptitude with not being able to figure out the bad guys.
  • Don Juan Murillo; aka Henderson, Central American Tyrant Relocated to England, Paranoid Gun Owner, Citizenry. Don Juan was a bad man back in Central America as a tyrant but just tried to keep his head down and live out his days with his stolen wealth. However, having all that money makes a man a *little* paranoid. If Don Juan is targeted at night, for any reason, he will shoot the person visiting him. Henderson does not use his guns to make vigilante kills. If targeted for a hit at night both Don Juan and the assailant will die.
  • Wiggins, Leader of Baker Street Irregulars, knows Baker Street Irregulars. Not masons.
  • VANILLA CIVS (from): Mrs. Hudson, Mary Morstan, Thaddeus Sholto, Shinwell “Porky” Johnson, Langdale Pike, Janine Hawkins, Sir Henry Baskerville, John Barrymore, Jabez Wilson, Mr. Merryweather, John Turner, Louisa Carmichael.


  • Professor Moriarty, Criminal Genius, Mafia Godfather. Moriarty is one of only two people that have gotten the better of Sherlock Holmes, Irene Adler being the other. As a criminal mastermind, Moriarty is able to disguise himself as a vanilla civ and any investigations from Sherlock Holmes, or his brother Mycroft, will result in vanilla civ. Beware that Inspector Lestrade is out on the street searching for you at night and he will be able to nose out that you are the Godfather. You also get to search for Ms. Adler once a night and if you find her before Mr. Holmes then she will join the mafia. At that point an unknown power will be revealed to her (and the entire mafia team in chatzy).
  • Hugo Oberstein, German Spy, Mafia Framer. Hugo is an accomplished German spy that can sneakily frame innocent citizens as mafia goons. Each night Hugo targets one player in the game and if that player is also investigated by Sherlock Holmes the same night, the investigation will return false information. Oberstein cannot frame the same person twice within a 3 night period (i.e. - if player x is framed n1 he cannot be framed again until n4.) If Sherlock Holmes dies and Hugo is still in the game, this power dissolves as the moderator doesn’t want to deal with it in the case Ineffective Cop Backup investigates the same person the same night, what a nightmare.
  • Sebastian Moran, ex-Army Colonel turned criminal, Mafia Ninja/Strongman. Nobody is really sure why Sebastian Moran turned to a life of crime after an impressive career in the military, but he did. While in the military Moran showed his incredible marksmanship time and time again. He is so good with his altered air rifle that shoots revolver ammunition that he can make kills from great distances. But, Sebastian only has 2 revolver bullets to use during the game. With these two bullets, Sebastian can make one “strongman” kill that cannot be blocked by Watson, and one “ninja” kill that cannot be seen by the Irregulars. These two "super kills" cannot be used at the same time.
  • Charles Augustus Magnusson, Tycoon Blackmailer, Mafia Investigator. Magnusson is a very wealthy man with tons of contacts and knows all the deep and dark secrets of people’s affair in town. He uses this knowledge to blackmail his victims into telling him their role. Every odd night (i.e. nights 1,3,5,etc.) Magnusson can blackmail to learn the role of any player remaining in the game. The player blackmailed will be informed that they were indeed blackmailed.
  • Mafia Goon 1, 2, and 3. These are the nameless henchmen of Professor Moriarty’s criminal enterprise. They may make night kills and vote in the game but have no special powers outside of that.


  • Irene Adler, “the woman”, Recruitable Independent. Irene has incredible wit and supreme intelligence and will use these capabilities once she has a side to belong to. Irene was married but quickly bored of her dull husband and wants adventure in her life. She has stolen private photographs from European Royalty, so there is some bad to her, but then again, she is kind-hearted and looks out for those less fortunate than herself. So is she bad or is she good? Sherlock Holmes and Professor Moriarty will both be searching for Ms. Adler each night and whoever finds her flips her to their side; citizens for Holmes, mafia for Moriarty. If both men find her on the same night then Ms. Adler will be killed (so don’t say who you are in the thread – even hinting who you are could be detrimental if both Holmes and Moriarty pick up on the hint at the same time.) If Adler joins the mafia then she will be sent an invitation from the moderator for the mafia chatzy and then wins with the mafia. If Adler is found by Holmes first, then a chatzy will be created for her and him. Adler will be given specific, but unknown at this point, powers once she joins a team. Searching will stop and the town will be notified the next day once Irene is found and is recruited to a side. Does not count towards the numbers for either side if not recruited, wins with either side if never recruited.

PLAYER LIST (in order of signups)

  1. doofus
  2. assturtle
  3. rommy
  4. bym -- Thaddeus Sholto, vanilla civ, killed by God night 1
  5. rsf
  6. dadeacs
  7. PhDeac
  8. Chaos
  9. Knight
  10. decay
  11. tsy
  12. jtp
  13. tejas
  14. damo
  15. redwing
  16. nonny
  17. Mystery -- Professor Moriarty, lynched day 1
  18. ryala
  19. timdunk
  20. sd3
  21. gouda
  22. loki
  23. toogs -- Louissa Carmichael, vanilla civ, murdered night 1
  24. smidge
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10 minute overtime between any players tied. Any and all votes will count in OT; both those cast during the normal time plus any changes made during OT. If still tied, it will go to RNG and chatzy will decide the lynch.

So it is a full 10 minute overtime. No sudden death kill-shots.
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Final vote counts each day will be posted here.



Did not vote: phdeac (1), smidge (1)
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All roles are out. GAME IS NOW OPEN.

Day 1 ends at 10:30 AM tomorrow.
Hopkins and Gregson come out immediately. Don Juan should probably come out too.

Irregulars could come out, get confirmed by Wiggins, then Watson protects irregulars and gambles as he sees fit. That one I'll leave for debate.
***gouda*** and ***gooner*** and ***rommy***

Bring it on wheat fuckers. IM FROM MARYLAND AND NOBODY CAN BEAT ME.

MOD NOTE: Sherlock Holmes will be made aware if his 1-time bullet proof vest is needed and used.
Hopkins and Gregson come out immediately. Don Juan should probably come out too.

Irregulars could come out, get confirmed by Wiggins, then Watson protects irregulars and gambles as he sees fit. That one I'll leave for debate.

For clarification on why Don Juan comes out:

You're an innocent child for the first three days. Mafia can't touch you. If an investigation role gets a guilty, they immediately out, and Don Juan hits that player the following night. Really tough for Mafia to fake unless they want to waste multiple goons and/or one of their power players.
For clarification on why Don Juan comes out:

You're an innocent child for the first three days. Mafia can't touch you. If an investigation role gets a guilty, they immediately out, and Don Juan hits that player the following night. Really tough for Mafia to fake unless they want to waste multiple goons and/or one of their power players.

I'm missing something here.

From above:
Don Juan Murillo; aka Henderson, Central American Tyrant Relocated to England, Paranoid Gun Owner, Citizenry. Don Juan was a bad man back in Central America as a tyrant but just tried to keep his head down and live out his days with his stolen wealth. However, having all that money makes a man a *little* paranoid. If Don Juan is targeted at night, for any reason, he will shoot the person visiting him. Henderson does not use his guns to make vigilante kills. If targeted for a hit at night both Don Juan and the assailant will die.
I'm missing something here.

From above:
Don Juan Murillo; aka Henderson, Central American Tyrant Relocated to England, Paranoid Gun Owner, Citizenry. Don Juan was a bad man back in Central America as a tyrant but just tried to keep his head down and live out his days with his stolen wealth. However, having all that money makes a man a *little* paranoid. If Don Juan is targeted at night, for any reason, he will shoot the person visiting him. Henderson does not use his guns to make vigilante kills. If targeted for a hit at night both Don Juan and the assailant will die.

Sorry, I mistook that
For clarification on why Don Juan comes out:

You're an innocent child for the first three days. Mafia can't touch you. If an investigation role gets a guilty, they immediately out, and Don Juan hits that player the following night. Really tough for Mafia to fake unless they want to waste multiple goons and/or one of their power players.
This doesn't make sense. Don Juan's biggest value is in getting killed at night by the mafia. If he gets hit, he takes a mafia down with him. Why would he come out now and lose his greatest value?

If he gets close to getting lynched that's one thing but if I'm Don Juan, I'm making myself look like a special to try and get mafia to hit me.
This doesn't make sense. Don Juan's biggest value is in getting killed at night by the mafia. If he gets hit, he takes a mafia down with him. Why would he come out now and lose his greatest value?

If he gets close to getting lynched that's one thing but if I'm Don Juan, I'm making myself look like a special to try and get mafia to hit me.
Because it negates his biggest weakness - he kills anyone that visits him. There are more cit specials than mafia specials so him being hidden is not a good thing for the town.