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ACC Sports Journal: Ron Wellman’s Risky Call

VT, that's pretty funny, but in context he took his time and gave the best answer he could to a tough question.
We used to blow the roof off of the Joel when that place was rocking. Good times.
Think Wellman read this? Or does he avoid anything that runs counter to his decisions?
would love to have that video posted next to "Massive Fail" Collins article
VT, that's pretty funny, but in context he took his time and gave the best answer he could to a tough question.

I remember watching that live and thinking the exact opposite - how are you not prepared for that question?
"As a Wake Forest Trustee - much credit of Notre Dame joining the ACC goes to Wake's @PresidentHatch & our AD Ron Wellman. Visionary leaders!" (Sep 2012)

Because I'm bored this morning, my curiosity got the best of me so I did a little google search on one of Wake's BOT members. Let's just say he has been very influential in the past (and probably still is) and I know from personal experience that he was tight with Skip Prosser and Co. However, he has been much less vocal in his rah-rah support of the Deacs during basketball season. I'm wondering if his perspective has changed after another pathetic season of Buzz. But if the sentiment expressed above is still indicative of the prevailing wisdom and opinion of our most respected BOT members, then we're destined to sink even deeper into the depths of irrelevance under the guidance of Mr. Wellman.

Who knows? Perhaps the lure of big money via expansion and the guarantee of security for WFU's long-term athletics future :)couch:) was enough for them to sacrifice the short-term, but man it sure does seem bleaker than ever right now.
From the article...
"...Wellman is about to confirm the riskiest decision of his career. At some point next week, he will express his full confidence in the progress of the basketball program, including coach Jeff [Redacted]."

Your help is needed! We are ~ $1,250 dollars away from meeting the Crowdtilt amount and funding at least one, possibly two or three, billboards in time to get some March Madness publicity. We might even get one up before Wellman makes his big announcement next week. Visit the billboard thread. There is some really good stuff being suggested! Vt is handling the content and as you know he has done an excellent job with the website and the newspaper ads. GO to the Crowdtilt website, SIGN UP and make your PLEDGE. If we don't make the target by the deadline your credit card is not charged. The owner of Crowdtilt is a Wake grad.

Aye.. If you run, you may live. And if you live; dying in your bed many years from now, would you trade THAT day and THIS day and EVERY day in between for one chance JUST ONE CHANCE to come back here and tell our enemies; you may TAKE our basketball program but you'll NEVER TAKE OUR FREEDOOMMMMMM!!!


AND REMEMBER - The basketball program you save, may be your own.
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Even the Dookies hated the coach [Redacted] hire (http://www.dukebasketballreport.com/forums/showthread.php?20922-[Redacted])... Doomed from the start.
So if we really wanted a culture change, why arent we recruiting like Duke?
The thing that really bothers me about this article is that it makes it sound like Buzz is a high risk, high reward sort of proposition and that Wellman is making some kind of nuanced, calculated gamble. Buzz is a massive risk, ultra low reward coach. He has never shown any ability to create a winner at any time in his life. The preposterous notion that Wellman has a chance to have the next Coach K in Buzz is irresponsible.

The article has some excellent information in it, but it gives far too much credit to Wellman who plain and simply exercised exceedingly poor judgment.
^ Good post. I've written it before, but I really think Wellman's mindset was that he was simply swapping out Dino for a better tactician and keeping everything else the same, so [Redacted] would take over a well-oiled machine. Instead, soon after he was hired, we discovered the machine was totally fucked up, our talent was not as good as we thought it was, and all of a sudden [Redacted] is charged with rebuilding the program, which was not why he was hired and is a task that transcends his abilities.
The risk in firing Buzz is a hell of a lot less, than the risk of keeping him.
I don't think that's true at all. The absolute worst thing that could happen right now is to have another weak hire......the NCSU path......and there is no reason to think that won't happen given the last 2 weak hires, the building lack of confidence in Wellman, and the trend of having a 3 year trigger which everyone ignores. I think it's actually less risky to keep him.
None of the recruits had major red flags but it shouldn't have been a surprise that tabb and JT might not fit in academically or culturally if you talked to people they went to high school with (at least in Tabbs case)

Have you? What did they tell you?