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2018 Ballot Measures


Antwan Scott
Mar 29, 2011
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I figured I'd just start a thread on ballot measures since there will be a bunch - voter disenfranchisement in Florida, Medicaid expansion in Nebraska, Utah, Idaho, and Montana.

In Michigan:

Michigan Supreme Court says let voters decide gerrymandering proposal

A proposal to create a bipartisan commission to draw Michigan's political lines — intended to stop political gerrymandering — will appear on the Nov. 6 ballot, the Michigan Supreme Court ruled late Tuesday.

The ruling was a major victory to the Voters Not Politicians group, which had gathered more than 400,000 signatures in an effort to put the proposal on the ballot. The proposal would shift the responsibility for drawing district lines from the party in control of the Legislature to a 13-member bipartisan commission.
Volunteering Saturday to knock doors for "Vote No on Prop A" in Missouri. Prop A is a right to work ballot initiative.
Volunteering Saturday to knock doors for "Vote No on Prop A" in Missouri. Prop A is a right to work ballot initiative.

Good on ya. Based on the wording, actually talking to people about what it means seems really important.

Cap income tax at 7% (current rate 5.49%; current cap 10%)
Right to hunt and fish
Voter ID
Added rights in legal system for victims of felonies
Switch power of appointments to boards from Governor to Legislature/Legislature picks 8 member ethics/elections enforcement board
Appointing judicial vacancies process (commission selects candidates, legislature narrows to 2, governor picks)

Cap income tax at 7% (current rate 5.49%; current cap 10%)
Right to hunt and fish
Voter ID
Added rights in legal system for victims of felonies
Switch power of appointments to boards from Governor to Legislature/Legislature picks 8 member ethics/elections enforcement board
Appointing judicial vacancies process (commission selects candidates, legislature narrows to 2, governor picks)
NC legislature has neutered the Governor's office. Will be very interesting to see how the next republican Governor is affected.
Interview with the founder of Voters Not Politicians, the group that created the ballot initiative to end gerrymandering in Michigan:

Why Redistricting is the Key to Saving Our Democracy

I didn't realize just how from the ground up the campaign has been.


Fahey's quest to put a proposal before voters to establish a citizens commission for redistricting started with a Facebook post two days after the November 2016 election: "I'd like to take on gerrymandering in Michigan, if you're interested in doing this as well, please let me know."

"Quickly, I got a lot of people messaging me, asking 'How can I help?'" she said.

Over the winter of 2017, Fahey and the disparate band of Facebook friends started studying redistricting laws and court rulings in other states to try to craft a proposal that could pass constitutional muster in Michigan.

With an abundance of eager volunteers, Fahey designed the campaign to have 14 regions with a regional director in charge of 300 captains, who then had teams of four to 60 people each that gathered signatures in all 83 counties. Over 110 days between August and December last year, the teams collected 425,000 signatures, providing padding above the minimum needed in the event of a legal challenge, Fahey said.

the progressive strategy hinges on whether or not it rains? FFS

huh? It was actually a conservative strategy to hold this vote on primary day rather than November because they want low turnout.
Lazy, entitled millennials. Back in RJ's day, they had to walk through a monsoon, uphill both ways, being chased by trained dogs just to get to the polls.
With 52% of the vote in, the NY Times is calling "No" on Prop A (Right to Work bill in Missouri.) Congrats, MHB.
hey i'm allowed to snark until proven otherwise

oh hi

With 52% of the vote in, the NY Times is calling "No" on Prop A (Right to Work bill in Missouri.) Congrats, MHB.

my kids are at their grandparents and im gonna play hearthstone and get fucked up and celebrate. solidarity.