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What is the best book you've ever read?

Sirens of Titan is really fucking good maybe my second fav
Not a feature film, but recently discovered this hour long adaptation of a Vonnegut piece starring Chris Walken and Susan Sarandon, directed by Jonathan Demme, with music by John Cale! (pardon the tangent)

It starts to lose a little steam for me as it goes on, but the audition scene is one of the best things I've watched recently.
I like alcoholic white guys as my protagonists, so three of my favorites are Tropic of Cancer, Under the Volcano, and A Fan's Notes.

But also Laughter/Forgetting and Unbearable Lightness of Being, are up there, as well. Just to echo those.
Into Thin Air - John Krakauer
Crusade In Europe - Eisenhower's personal war memoir. Kindled my fascination with WW2 history.
As a child, Lord of the Rings was the first epic that truly captured my imagination. I read all 3 books multiple times over before I finished high school.
Also American Gods, and because of that Anansi Boys. TV ruined them, so stick to the books.
I met Pat Conroy walking on the beach a few years ago, super chill guy.

If you want Game of Thrones with a hero myth vibe, the Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss are amazing. Really enjoyed them.
Denis Johnson's short stories have been talked here a few times but his novels are very good too

I read Name of the World this summer and I really, really liked it -- that and Tree of Smoke need a re-read from me
I know he's divisive (as is DFW) but I also really enjoy Jonathan Franzen, especially The Corrections.
I never really got down with Franzen but I only half read the Corrections and my appreciation for DFW (used to really love Of Course You End Up Becoming Yourself) has kinda dropped in the last few years idk why
I read this in high school and loved it. Reread it last year and some parts are still cool, but it doesn’t hold up for me.

Did you read the whole series or just the first book?
I got into some "hard sci-fi" earlier this year and read Artemis and Project Hail Mary, both by Andy Wier (who wrote the Martian), and Seveneves by Neal Stephenson, and I thought all three were great. I tried another one by Stephenson called Termination Shock but I just couldn't get into it and gave it up. Crichton was great at these kinds of books as well . Anyone have any similar authors or novels they've liked? And I'm thinking about more current authors rather than Asimov or Arthur C. Clark.
On Seveneves

I loved it up until the final act. I got taken way out of the story to go so far into the future. Felt like it should have been a separate book! It was completely disconnected from the central narrative.
My wife loves Conroy. I was assigned Prince of Tides as summer reading in high school and did not enjoy it, but that could have been because it was assigned summer reading. Maybe I should give him another chance.
Yeah I don't necessarily disagree with that Townie