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12/15/15 Republican Debate

I thought Jeb was very good last night, even if he is a bit awkward. Hillary won't break a sweat defeating Trump. Rubio or Christie would be tough in different ways. Cruz would be a cakewalk as well.

Can't see how Christie could win a state like Nevada or Wisconsin which the Pubs have to get if they are going to win this thing. Its really doesn't that much about the candidate, but the message the GOP is having to send right now to the base has totally turned off the independents. I for one would never vote for any of these clowns.

If you could somehow get to a brokered convention and pull Mitch Daniels or Mitt Romney out of a hat, then you might have something.
I think its about time to start getting some of these guys out of here and start getting serious about challenging trump. Guys like Christie who talk about shooting down Russian planes, have no business being on stage. Fiorina is awful and has to go. Jeb, although most of what he says is reasonable, needs to go too, in my opinion. I like Kasich, but he has just proven to be a absolutely horrendous debater (black belt in karate chops) and probably needs to go. Get it down to Rubio, Cruz, Trump, Paul, and maybe Carson (I'd argue he needs to go too). Just way too many candidates up there spouting nonsense. Also, pray that somebody out there who is better comes along ha (if there is anyone out there).
CNN is re-airing the debate. It's too bad Paul has no chance. He seems like he's the only one who isn't running right on ISIS or, worse, really believes that right is the place to be on ISIS.

With his sincerity and candor, I daresay Paul is the Bernie Sanders of the right.
I'm not sure that thinking on one's feet is really that important of a trait for a president, but I think Christie will regret threatening to shoot down Russian planes in Syrian airspace. Oof.
I'm not sure that thinking on one's feet is really that important of a trait for a president, but I think Christie will regret threatening to shoot down Russian planes in Syrian airspace. Oof.

Christie is just trying to be "tough" because, in his desperation, he feels that is what he has to do to be heard in the GOP race.

And it's a damned shame that a man with as much common sense as Rand Paul has no chance in the emotionally charged atmosphere in this country today. I don't agree with some of Paul's fiscal positions, but he is head and shoulders above everyone else on that stage, in my opinion....and I would easily vote for him over Hillary Clinton.