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2021 Fitness / Weight-Loss Accountability Thread - BACK FOR 2024!

no that's totally fine also and how it should be done.
but if someone is benching heavy or doing squats, 3 minute recovery between sets is reasonable IMO
We finished up leg curls and a girl was on 1 leg press machine and a guy hopped on the other one. The girl had been on the leg press machine for like 10 minutes already it seemed like. We hopped on a couple of recumbent bikes and watched the guy sit there on his phone for a few minutes before doing anything. So frustrating! Finally the calf machine opened up so we hopped on that and then magically both the girl and the guy left their respective leg press machines. It was a conspiracy, I'm sure of it!
We finished up leg curls and a girl was on 1 leg press machine and a guy hopped on the other one. The girl had been on the leg press machine for like 10 minutes already it seemed like. We hopped on a couple of recumbent bikes and watched the guy sit there on his phone for a few minutes before doing anything. So frustrating! Finally the calf machine opened up so we hopped on that and then magically both the girl and the guy left their respective leg press machines. It was a conspiracy, I'm sure of it!
yeah...i would have gone up to them and asked them how much time left...then i leave my bag by the machine so they know i'm still here...
i really struggle running. I have flat feet and my feet just hurt like crazy when i do. Bought some Hoka's on my daughter's recomendation. Seemed to support my arch better...gave it a go doing intervals. 30 seconds on, 1:30 off. banged out 1.5 Miles. Looking to go to :45 on 1:30 off tomorrow.

Of course i destroyed shoulder day at the gym before hand. :)
I wear Hoka's cause I'm a bigger dude. Love them. I've gotten to where I just do intervals now for running. I can do a 5k distance and "run" the whole time but why bother, I'm never going to be elite.
Got in a nice 4.5 mile run this morning, then benched 5x5 at 275 and crushed a Crossfit workout. Today is lovely. The human body is a wonderful thing, man. You can feel better at 42 than you did at 22.
God i feel stuck repping 135-140. Any tips on breaking through a plateau?
I hate when people hop on a weight machine at the gym and sit there for 5 minutes before doing anything or sit there for 5 minutes between sets. Do we have a name for these people who seem to workout with no purpose?
I also see people sitting on a machine next to their friend and just talking. Or they are using squat rack but sitting on bench press while they rest. I try to keep my rest to 2 minutes for things like bench, squats, leg press.
God i feel stuck repping 135-140. Any tips on breaking through a plateau?
I'm no Mako, but if I remember correctly from my 20s, you need to go lower weight and higher reps for a week or two, then go back up. Basically change it up to confuse your muscles or something like that.
I'm no Mako, but if I remember correctly from my 20s, you need to go lower weight and higher reps for a week or two, then go back up. Basically change it up to confuse your muscles or something like that.
Yep. Muscle confusion. Some sort of Oscillating Periodizatiin Program where you change up the reps and weight weekly is fun.
God i feel stuck repping 135-140. Any tips on breaking through a plateau?
It really helps to have a spotter and force yourself through failure reps at heavy weights. If you're trying to get just your max up, low rep scheme and heavy weights is the way to go.
God i feel stuck repping 135-140. Any tips on breaking through a plateau?

Agree with what others have said. Would also add to just stick with it. Keep doing the work. Progress isn't linear. I'll have a rut for a few weeks and then get in there one day and everything just feels easier.
It really helps to have a spotter and force yourself through failure reps at heavy weights. If you're trying to get just your max up, low rep scheme and heavy weights is the way to go.
this. also...if you have access to a smith machine go a couple weeks using that for Bench.
an don't misundertand me...i've f-ing timed dudes between sets to see if they are being d-bags. guys on their phones and legit taking 5 to 10 minutes between sets...i will and have gone and said something to them
I do a set, look at the boards and maybe write a witty post, do another set, check the boards again to see if anybody liked my witty post, do a third set and then move to another machine and start over. I don’t have any gym buddies, so checking the boards is like the same thing. Is that ok with you guys?
God i feel stuck repping 135-140. Any tips on breaking through a plateau?
If you are stuck for a while and have been consistently working out, sometime a short break (1-2 weeks of either nothing or much lighter weights) to sort of re-set and let yourself recover can weirdly help.

For me, I also like to mix in some workouts where I will take lighter weights and focus completely on form. Really slow on the negative, full 2 second pause at the bottom of the rep, then explode upward with force (but still under control). I sometimes will switch to dumbbells too to get a deeper stretch at the bottom. Just be careful if you have any shoulder issues.
Terrible run this morning, legs were dead and HR unreasonably up. Hate when that happens sometimes - maybe dinner was too light last night or sleep sucked. At least it was short.

Another vote for hokas here - I’m not heavy but they are really comfortable for knocking out daily miles.
Terrible run this morning, legs were dead and HR unreasonably up. Hate when that happens sometimes - maybe dinner was too light last night or sleep sucked. At least it was short.

Another vote for hokas here - I’m not heavy but they are really comfortable for knocking out daily miles.

For aspiring runner, I recommend going to a good store, like a Fleet Feet and having them work with you to find the best shoe type and brand for your running. Some places do 3D mapping of your foot.

I’ve been happy in Altra, but can also run in Mizuno. My toes are too wide for Nike or Adidas.

Haven’t tried Hoka because I like a low drop with minimal sole.