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ATP: Single-Serve Coffee Makers


Beer me
Mar 21, 2011
Reaction score
wherever good beer is
Now that I'm working at home, I'm missing coffee and am looking into acquiring a single-serve coffee maker. Considering I really didn't even like coffee until about 2-3 years ago, this is a new venture for me. 1297 is not a coffee fan, but I know they make hot chocolate, tea, and hot ciders that can be used in them too, so I figure it might be a nice thing to have for both of us.

I know that Keurig is the most recognizable brand for these, but I'm looking for recommendations, experiences, any other info you can provide to help us in the decision-making process. Don't want or need anything fancy or high-tech, just something that works well and has options to make other beverages than coffee too. Looking to keep the cost under $150.

For example: I've seen 2 Keurig models that are typically $20 different in price: Keurig Elite is usually around $119.99 & Keurig Mini-PLUS is around $99.99. Can anyone speak to why one would be better than the other?

Thanks y'all!
I'm the only coffee drinker in my house and I use this:

It has a setting for making 1-4 cups which is what I use unless we have guests and I make a big pot of coffee. I don't feel like there's much waste and I have more control over how I want to make the coffee (weaker or stronger).

I believe the pot is based on a 6 ounce coffee cup, so 3-4 cups is the same amount as a "Large" to-go cup from someplace.

My issue with the K-Cups is that if you brew a "large" cup you're just pushing more water through the same cup, leaving you with a tall, weak cup of coffee.

That said, my friends with Keurigs love them.
I bought my GF a Kuerig from Sam's Club as a house warming gift last month... I think I paid $135 and it included something like 48 K-Cups (and its one of the nicer models with the digital display and <1-minute brewing time).

She has used it every single day since (and loves it).

I've never tried it (I've never even tasted coffee), but I just bought a 12 pack of Hot Chocolate K-cups so i might give it a try here soon.

ETA- This is the one (her parents have the smaller one and she claims this one is 10X better):
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I'm the only coffee drinker in my house and I use this:

It has a setting for making 1-4 cups which is what I use unless we have guests and I make a big pot of coffee. I don't feel like there's much waste and I have more control over how I want to make the coffee (weaker or stronger).

I believe the pot is based on a 6 ounce coffee cup, so 3-4 cups is the same amount as a "Large" to-go cup from someplace.

My issue with the K-Cups is that if you brew a "large" cup you're just pushing more water through the same cup, leaving you with a tall, weak cup of coffee.

That said, my friends with Keurigs love them.

i have the same one.

my friend swears by using one of these:

We have the Elite and the Mrs loves it. No need to get the fancy digital faced one. If you're too lazy to push a button for coffee, then you've got bigger issues.
Also... I'll add- When i bought the Kuerig from Sam's Club; I got a pack of the 'perfect touch' paper cups and matching coffee lids... for 250 of each was like $15.

I think that was a pretty good purchase because the thing is pretty much used when she's running out the door & this makes everything a lot easier.
we have the elite. love it.
I used a Keurig for a year, but now I'm going back to this. So simple and easy to control the amount. For someone who's sensitive to caffeine yet still likes coffee, that's important.
Got a Keurig almost 2 years ago and love it. I'm the only one in my house that drinks coffee and usually only a cup a day so it is perfect for me. If you have more than one coffee drinker or drink a lot of coffee everyday, it might not be worth the cost.
Buy a $20 French Press. If you don't like it, shell out for the kourig. If you can't wait 3 minutes for a superior cup of coffee, then something something.
Buy a $20 French Press. If you don't like it, shell out for the kourig. If you can't wait 3 minutes for a superior cup of coffee, then something something.

French press = more clean-up bro. Plus you gotta boil the water yourself... so annoying.
Buy a $20 French Press. If you don't like it, shell out for the kourig. If you can't wait 3 minutes for a superior cup of coffee, then something something.

French press = more clean-up bro. Plus you gotta boil the water yourself... so annoying.

While I admit to being a beer snob, I'm definitely not that about coffee. Most people I know who have a French press are very particular about their coffee beans, etc. and I don't really care that much, so I'm all about easy to make, easy to clean, easy to care for.
you could always purchase a hot pot and have boiled water on hand.

bought one at a Asian grocery store.

yup. and a french press is super easy to clean. i just rinse mine out and put it in the dish rack. if ease outweighs the cost savings and taste, then go for a keurig. i just see a keurig as something taht takes up more counter space, costs more, and isnt as good. to each his/her own, though.