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Bball Recruiting Megathread: Devin Mitchell on campus

[Redacted] recruited at this same level in Colorado. He went 36-58 against a weaker conference with 2 and 3 star recruits and lots of transfers. Colorado didn't make the tournament until 2 years after he left and that tournament team only had 1 starter that [Redacted] recruited, a 4 star player. Why is it that some of you all expect a formula that failed in Colorado to work in the ACC?

What is the difference between Miles Overton and Nate Tomlinson? Devin Thomas and Toby Veal? Shane Harris-Tunks and Andre Washington? Do you all want to go back and gush over their highlight videos? They were bzz recruits too, and i'm sure the 15 people on the Buffs message boards talked themselves into excitement then too. It's like we're filling a cupboard with cans of things we've never heard of and aren't going to eat, yet we're supposed to just be happy that the cupboard is full because "we have food!" When mid season comes around and you're trying to make a dinner with cream of celery, pumpkin pie mix, and turkey stuffing you're gonna be pissed off.

I gotta admit this analogy is pretty funny
Welcome, Miles. May you rain threes like Taron Downey at the end of a WV NCAA game, or Harvey Hale at the end of a GT ACC tourney game. May you never experience anything else in your career resembling what happened in the rest of those or most other Wake Forest postseason appearances.

(That is, if you play on any teams that have substantive postseason appearances.)
Hate the coach, not the player. This applies to the 2.3 million dollar man as well.

I'm pos repping people left and right, just so I can neg rep the troll clown on this board again!
If you want to label me an optimistic realist, maybe that would be more accurate. The point is, while I think Bzz has the charisma of a tube sock, I still want him (and hence our team) to win. A lot of posters on here want him to lose so they can be proven right. Difference between an optimist (or optimist/realist) and pessimist is that I am excited about a new commitment and think that he will have a good career at Wake, vs using his signing to condemn the coach as inept. My opinion of a man's personality can't really be described as optimistic or not. I am excited about the future of the program as I think we are getting some good players together. I'm cautiously optimistic that we will win a bunch more games in the next 2 years (granted the bar is pretty low). I am realistic or maybe somewhat pessimistic about a coach with little charisma/motivational ability leading us to a final four (unlikely but in my mind, still a possibility) but would be ecstatic if it happened. Again, the difference is I feel good about the signing versus being angry about it.
Please enlighten me as to why we should hate 'Buzz' so much. Are you talking about him as a person or as coach? I would love to have Shaka or Brad Stevens, but Wellman did not go in that direction. Recruits read this board and I'm not sure how much it helps for certain fans to say they 'hate' the coach. In my opinion, He is a much better coach than Guadio! As far as recruiting goes, I like the Overton commitment because I believe we needed a shooter. I think this could open up some time for Mcclinton at the two and quite possibly remedy some of the potential log-jam at the three.
I like the signing. He'll fit better with an athletic shoot-pass point guard than Reed IMO. It's not a bad thing when former NBA players send their sons to Bzd. I think this is the second or third signing Bzd has had since Colorado. Positive sign. Teeth gnashing hilarious.

You're really stretching if this is one of the few good things about Bz. He may only win 20% of his games and he may recruit at a mediocre to bad level, but damn that dude sure can recruit the 2 to 3-star sons of former NBA role players.
In my opinion, He is a much better coach than Guadio! As far as recruiting goes, I like the Overton commitment because I believe we needed a shooter. I think this could open up some time for Mcclinton at the two and quite possibly remedy some of the potential log-jam at the three.

How does adding an undersized SG remedy the potential log-jam at the three, exactly?

And, in regards to the other garbage: I think everybody, with maybe 2-3 exceptions, would love to see our guys win this year. I know that I do.

The difference is that our AD evidently thinks ~15 wins in year three of a self-imposed house cleaning is enough to make us fall in love with Jeff [Redacted]. It's not enough for most people. The man hasn't gotten it done as a coach or on the recruiting trail.

On that note, most are excited about Miles. I know I am. I hope he's an exception to the 2.5/3 star rule and it seems like the conditions are ripe for him to be this way. That being said, we were in the top-3 for Anton Gill, Stanford Robinson, Kam Williams, and Davon Reed, four higher-ranked shooting guards that Jeff [Redacted] and his staff were unable to bring onto campus. Miles was obviously the 4th or 5th option at the position in the class of 2013. There's a big difference between pointing that out and being a bad fan. I like the Overton commitment just fine, but it's stupid to delude yourselves as to the reality of the situation. Given the caliber player that was left, Overton is an excellent addition to the program.

Like has been said a lot elsewhere, I hope that Scout, Rivals, and ESPN are wrong. That being said, in terms of borderline three-star prospects from big cities, they're often right.
Get a new thread for Coach Bz. Let's keep this one focused on recruiting.

Amen. It is getting beyond tiresome when people use the tacked basketball recruiting thread to continue to spew anti Buzz venom. And one or two use it to direct their disdain for the football coach. Give it a rest, or at least take it elsewhere. This is NOT the thread for that.
I, like most of you would love to have landed any of the other top recruits! However, from what I read about Overton, we have landed a potentially great shooter. In reference to Mcclinton taking up some time at the two and helping the log-jam at the three comment, there will be nights when we will need a longer/rangier/potentially more athletic defender at the two and Mcclinton could help here. Reed would have been perfect for this type of assignment, but that is not the card we have been dealt. I work with teenagers all the time and there are many reasons why Reed may have chosen Miami over the Deacs. Although he is ultimately responsible, I don't believe you can blame Bz for everything; He needs to show he can win and I do believe 18-22 win seasons could be right around the corner.
He needs to show he can win and I do believe 18-22 win seasons could be right around the corner.

Mediocrity FTW!

Sorry, 18-22 win seasons aren't "winning". Teams occasionally break into the Top 25 with 22 wins, but by playing Top 10 schedules.
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Amen. It is getting beyond tiresome when people use the tacked basketball recruiting thread to continue to spew anti Buzz venom. And one or two use it to direct their disdain for the football coach. Give it a rest, or at least take it elsewhere. This is NOT the thread for that.

If you're referencing me, you should go back and check my posts because I have been specifically talking about our current recruiting. Maybe you just have a problem with opposing viewpoints. In addition, I'm not going to clutter up the boards with basketball threads out of season when the program hardly needs or deserves 1 thread right now.
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I did not call anyone out and am not going back to check people's posts. I simply don't have time for that. At the same time, it is obvious some people feel free to spew Buzzout vitriol whenever and wherever they want. If someone wants to post that our recruits suck, that is their right on this thread. But the constant Buzzout over and over does not belong here and clutters up this tacked thread on recruiting. If people want a tacked Buzzout thread or "Coaching Commentary" thread, have at it, and I'm sure the mods will oblige. I don't think everyone else has to constantly be bombarded with "this is why Grobe and Buzz suck" on every thread over and over. WE GET IT. WE CAN HEAR YOU. WE KNOW MANY PEOPLE HERE HATE BUZZ. YOU DON'T HAVE TO KEEP SAYING THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER AND OVER ON EVERY FUCKING THREAD!

Ok, I feel better now.
We have arguably the worst D-I coach in the nation (certainly the worst major conference coach) and we are supposed to pin our hopes on the future, yet in every valid metric, he is slipping further behind our competition. Since we do not have wins and (blow out) losses to gauge his failures, all we have is recruiting rankings.

Our highest hopes are mediocrity until he is gone.