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Billboard Up Today

I hope he handles it better than he did his jayleague dues...

Sarcasm aside, I'm excited to see what he's able to come up with. I just want change.

the billboards are more about punking Wellman rather than actually swaying TPTB. There's not a magical combination of words and graphs and pictures that will cause Hatch and the BOT (or whoever is in "charge") to be like "OH SHIT I GOTTA FIRE THOSE GUYS!"
No one closer to home took any initiative. Yet we shit all over their good intentions.

Who gives a fuck what it looks like? Something far, far uglier is on the horizon.
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WTF are you talking about. This has nothing to do with being online.

Sorry that I have some pride in my degree and don't want the Stratts dumbass billboards associated with Wake Forest.
Time a million.
The whole non-WFU alum thing keeps getting brought up in a joking or condescending tone, but I think there's a very valid point hidden within.

Fans of Wake sports that did not go to Wake and have little affiliation with the actual school can be the biggest of fans, however rarely do they care much about the university beyond athletics. Most non-alum Wake fans aren't going to be bragging to their friends or posting on their facebook about how Wake is ranked top 25 or how important it is to have great facilities and teachers in the classrooms. They can still be die-hard Wake fans, but their allegiance is to the sports program.

The Stratts probably had good intentions and felt that the best way to go after Wellman was to show the negative repercussion he has on the entire school. That's fine, however we've all gotten very upset because that attack goes beyond just Wake sports, but attacks a very important campaign for the future of Wake Forest, something far more important to the university than sports.

Stratts, glad you've continued the good fight but I hope you can step back and understand why there was such strong negative backlash. Your positive intent to get rid of Wellman was seen as far more of an attack on Wake Forest than simply the target at hand.

Thanks for being civil and not telling me "to fuck off" like some of the others.

I would argue that maintaining the integrity of Wake Forest is much more important than any fundraising campaign. The Wake honor code speaks of integrity and specifically mentions that lying and cheating are not tolerated. The real issue for me isn't even about sports anymore. It is that the President of Wake Forest and the BOT publicly support Ron Wellman and his hiring of Randy Casstevens. My understanding is that Casstevens is not just the Finance Director of the Athletics Dept. He is also on several prominent WFU committees.

This is no longer just a Wellman issue. This is a Hatch and BOT issue. You have Don Flow proudly proclaiming that the Wake Will campaign will provide "excellence" for future WFU students yet the university supports and rewards a man that swindled millions from investors. Earlier today, someone said I don't know anything about Casstevens and that it is a stretch to say that he defrauded investors. Call it "questionable accounting practices" all you want but at the end of the day, he and two other CXOs manipulated KKD's stock price, took advantage of it by selling their personal shares, and left investors holding a bag of shit. Doesn't that sound a lot like MCI and Enron? Didn't their C level execs all go to prision? I don't care if you are 100% positive that Casstevens was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, you DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, elevate someone like that to high positions in the university.

I fully get that alums may not like tying Wellman to Wake Will but it's 100% the right move. The BOT and Hatch have made it perfectly clear that they have chosen money over values. They don't care about what you or I think and have dismissed our more discreet advice. If you want things to change, you now have to call them out publicly. If you don't want to do that, your silence means acceptance and you have no room to call anyone "public school filth" or talk about how much better you are than me because you got a degree from Wake Forest. Your President, BOT, and Athletics Director are shitting all over your core values. I'll take integrity over a top 25 degree any day of the week.
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I fully get that alums may not like tying Wellman to Wake Will but it's 100% the right move. The BOT and Hatch have made it perfectly clear that they have chosen money over values. They don't care about what you or I think and have dismissed our more discreet advice. If you want things to change, you now have to call them out publicly. If you don't want to do that, your silence means acceptance and you have no room to call anyone "public school filth" or talk about how much better you are than me because you got a degree from Wake Forest. Your President, BOT, and Athletics Director are shitting all over your core values. I'll take integrity over a top 25 degree any day of the week.

To let you into the inner circle for a second, the honor code is a joke. It's a tool the admin uses to try to sell Wake to future students and parents but then really just uses to trump up charges against students.
i love the know it alls who claim the billboards won't work but then sit around and do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Hey, guess what? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING GETS NOTHING DONE!!!!

Wellman needs to go and I am a proud supporter of any effort that gets that done. I won't sit around and try to guess what will/wont work while i do nothing!!

the billboards are more about punking Wellman rather than actually swaying TPTB. There's not a magical combination of words and graphs and pictures that will cause Hatch and the BOT (or whoever is in "charge") to be like "OH SHIT I GOTTA FIRE THOSE GUYS!"
i love the know it alls who claim the billboards won't work but then sit around and do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Hey, guess what? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING GETS NOTHING DONE!!!!

Wellman needs to go and I am a proud supporter of any effort that gets that done. I won't sit around and try to guess what will/wont work while i do nothing!!

Guess what? These billboards and all the other publicity gets absolutely nothing done too.

Wellman will retire/move on in the next year or two, when he decides he will. There is absolutely nothing that any of us can do to change that timeline
Stratt, seriously you continue to look like an idiot with your posts. You have no idea what you are talking about and I think if you are so confident in your position you should post the original design. Stop beating around the bush and just put it out there!!! Your continued juvenile tirades may be hurting Wake Athletics but you want to damage the University with this crap. That is unacceptable and that is my problem with you and your brother. You may be fans of the school and the athletic department, but the way you demonstrate it shows you have no idea about Wake Forest. The school is an academic institution that has sports teams, and if you are putting your enjoyment in life based on the performance of 18 to 22 year olds you are more of an idiot than I have already thought.

If you also think that your efforts are helping to move Bz, Ron, or Randy out of their jobs you are seriously delusional! My guess is they know you are a NC State grad who has probably not donated to Wake Forest, why should President Hatch or the BOT give one iota about you? Ron is not going anywhere until he retires, your billboards and or newspaper ads not withstanding. If you and others choose to waste your money on these things, that is your choice, but it just shows how naïve and actually stupid you are.

Have a nice day!!!
Stratt, seriously you continue to look like an idiot with your posts. You have no idea what you are talking about and I think if you are so confident in your position you should post the original design. Stop beating around the bush and just put it out there!!! Your continued juvenile tirades may be hurting Wake Athletics but you want to damage the University with this crap. That is unacceptable and that is my problem with you and your brother. You may be fans of the school and the athletic department, but the way you demonstrate it shows you have no idea about Wake Forest. The school is an academic institution that has sports teams, and if you are putting your enjoyment in life based on the performance of 18 to 22 year olds you are more of an idiot than I have already thought.

If you also think that your efforts are helping to move Bz, Ron, or Randy out of their jobs you are seriously delusional! My guess is they know you are a NC State grad who has probably not donated to Wake Forest, why should President Hatch or the BOT give one iota about you? Ron is not going anywhere until he retires, your billboards and or newspaper ads not withstanding. If you and others choose to waste your money on these things, that is your choice, but it just shows how naïve and actually stupid you are.

Have a nice day!!!

Lol. You forgot to put "Buddy" after "Have a nice day".
This is a campaign and campaigns take time. Will these billboards cause Hatch to fire Wellman and Casstevens? Maybe not....but it is a step in the right direction. I applaud the Stratts for putting forth the effort and then taking a bunch of unnecessary heat. Thanks guys!
Legaldeac, what is your personal connection to Casstevens/KKD? Don't say there isn't one because no one will believe you.
This is a campaign and campaigns take time. Will these billboards cause Hatch to fire Wellman and Casstevens? Maybe not....but it is a step in the right direction. I applaud the Stratts for putting forth the effort and then taking a bunch of unnecessary heat. Thanks guys!

Any heat received for targeting Wake Will and possibly baiting a lawsuit is far from unnecessary. I'm pretty sure that is far, far, far from what billboard donors had in mind, and it's certainly not something that I would have even given serious thought when I had the reins on this thing.
Any heat received for targeting Wake Will and possibly baiting a lawsuit is far from unnecessary. I'm pretty sure that is far, far, far from what billboard donors had in mind, and it's certainly not something that I would have even given serious thought when I had the reins on this thing.

Lol. No oneis attacking wake will see the revisions. No lawsuit can come from this.
Lol. No oneis attacking wake will see the revisions. No lawsuit can come from this.

Right, and you're getting way less "heat" now that you decided that attacking Wake Will and accusing Casstevens explicitly was fucking dumb. It isn't rocket science.
Sorry, I'm a little confused about where we are in this pyramid scheme: Is the money to pay for these billboards from the prior billboard fund? Or is this air banner money?
Lol. No oneis attacking wake will see the revisions. No lawsuit can come from this.

I feel like there is missing punctuation in this sentence, but I'm not exactly sure where.