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Billboard Up Today

I've read the first post in this thread, and that's it. Someone PLEASE tell me the line chart billboard is a horrible joke. I am convinced that nobody even REMOTELY associated with Wake Forest is capable of creating something that makes so little sense. The only thing that the Billboard says is that "overall Wake Forest athletic performance" has 100 of something in 2013.

What the hell does that mean? Literally the most illogical and nonsensical thing I've ever seen. This HAS to be a parody.

Yeah, you're really missing out if you're not reading beyond the first post. I haven't been contributing much, beyond my armchair quarterback attempt at a better billboard using MSPaint and 10 minutes of time yesterday, but my finger has been on the F5 key all day today
I'm afraid I'm going to give myself an aneurysm if I start reading from the top...
I've read the first post in this thread, and that's it. Someone PLEASE tell me the line chart billboard is a horrible joke. I am convinced that nobody even REMOTELY associated with Wake Forest is capable of creating something that makes so little sense. The only thing that the Billboard says is that "overall Wake Forest athletic performance" has 100 of something in 2013.

What the hell does that mean? Literally the most illogical and nonsensical thing I've ever seen. This HAS to be a parody.

You should keep reading. It's worth it.
Man, this thread may just have the same potential longevity as the Miami incident.
I'm not even remotely ashamed to admit that I just sat here and read this thread in its entirety. Ruined my entire goddamn day. Plus I think I pooped my pants.
Jay you had the same avatar for years. Hell your kid is probably driving now. And you replace it with that?

Haha. He's 4 1/2! I just wanted to prove that the heisen-delik is the holy grail money shot. You want folks to NOT think you're venomous and nerdy wack jobs only capable of indecipherable graphs? The heisen-delik tells them you are in on the joke. You want him gone so you can get back to having fun. Period
Let's all just hope to God these idiots are trying to get any more press coverage out of this. The last thing the BzOut movement needs is for this to end up on the local news, or in the Journal, or in a piece from a national sportswriter.

If any of you are connected to the media in any way, please run away from this.
I'm afraid I'm going to give myself an aneurysm if I start reading from the top...


Reputations being forever made and lost in this thread

Well played qcdeac!

I wish I was still mad at phdeac. This thread would be more enjoyable.
A bunch of really smart Wake grads gave State grads money to save athletics at Wake and are unhappy with the outcome. Am I missing anything?
Just saw the demand accountability billboard. I think it looks great. Short, sweet, and easy to read from the road.
I demand accountability from HTTD to teach his womenz to shut their pieholes
Obviously the wrecking ball version would be better but it's a vast improvement.
So do we have a list of the posters who approved the billboard? That would be truly interesting to see.

I personally give the billboard crew credit for effort and won't ridicule but I must admit this thread is incredible. Pretty obvious that no one behind the final product has a lot of advertising sense. At least it only runs for a week.