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BillBrasky Memorial Political Chat Thread

That plan is basic conservatism down to selling off our government buildings to their cronies.
The best is how after 5 years all legislation sunsets. Basically we would have zero laws because there’s no way congress gets anything done or passed.
We finally have a GOP policy agenda/platform, and it is just as batshit as you would expect:

jhmd when he read that:

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Every day there’s something shittier and grosser to add to the shit sandwich jh and Junebug have to choke down when they look in the mirror and say they’re still republicans. What a coalition of shitbags they’ve duct taped into that party.
I mean that's just a list of grievances really. Just an unapologetic appeal to the fear in the hearts of straight white Christian Americans. It reads like some Jr. High School young republicans club wrote it.
Every day there’s something shittier and grosser to add to the shit sandwich jh and Junebug have to choke down when they look in the mirror and say they’re still republicans. What a coalition of shitbags they’ve duct taped into that party.

They're not choking down anything -- they fucking love it. It's delicious navy bean soup being spoonfed to their racist, geriatric, drooling asses.
I mean that's just a list of grievances really. Just an unapologetic appeal to the fear in the hearts of straight white Christian Americans. It reads like some Jr. High School young republicans club wrote it.

That's basically where the deplorables landed in life.
I would never say anything hurtful...except for that time I did say those hurtful things

But I was blacked out! Doesn't count!
The OK Dem Party Chair announced they’re looking for other candidates. She made some other good comments as well.


“There are candidates who don’t call me and tell me that they’re running…This is the Democratic party. We don’t stop people from running. That’s not what we do,” ODP Chair Alicia Andrews said in Monday’s live video.

“I ask that you find me a candidate that you can support,” she added, lamenting the focus Abby Broyles’ actions has brought to one race. “I wanna be very clear. The Democratic Party does not support, condone, approve of or have tolerance for racism. Nor do we approve of misogyny. What strikes me is that Democrats this weekend fell for the culture war that Republicans are trying to lob.””

“Andrews said she was disappointed that folks focused on the racial aspect of the slur rather than the fact that little girls in general were verbally abused.

“The Democratic Party is not just this chick,” Andrews continued. “If you have a candidate under your ballot that you can’t support that is running under the Democratic banner, the answer isn’t for one person to say that person has to go. The answer is for the collective to find a candidate that people can support.””
This board must’ve been carnage since 2016, when I left. Who’s survived from the old crew?
A few of the old conservatives sat out Trump and/or changed their names. Their bravery and dignity has been astonishing
We finally have a GOP policy agenda/platform, and it is just as batshit as you would expect:

I feel like someone reviewed the original version of this and was like, shit we'd better stick "and Jews" in there a few times...
The jokes write themselves
Joe Arpaio is a product of a different time, when conservatives thought being called racist wasn’t a badge of honor.
That guy ending up as Sherriff in the snowbird paradise of Maricopa County is totally unsurprising.
These people, also interesting that a lot of alt right shit has lost steam online now that the bot and trolls have been redirected/taken offline.
