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Breaking Bad - Final Season - SEASON 5 (Part II) Premieres Aug. 11

I know the needed a means to show Walt that Gray Matter was talking shit about him, but is kinda hard to believe that he would be national news. In New Mexico, sure, but not national as a dope dealer. Not right away.

it was just charlie rose
High school chemistry teacher turned meth kingpin/ mass murderer? I think that would make national news.
Anyone else catch the irony in Walt now using "Lambert" as his moniker and poor Skyler- wanting to further distance herself from him- reverts to her maiden name, Lambert.

Also, I found this chart on color patterns in the show. Pretty interesting.

Todd is utterly soulless. When you think he can't be more evil, he does it. Anyone else half expect him to grab Brock and not only make him see his mom get shot but then shoot him too ("nothing personal, kid") all right in front of Jesse? They still need a hook for Jesse but it would've been in character. Ice cold.

And Jesse escaping made me wonder: where's he going to go? Who's house is he running to? The first cop? DEA? Badger/Skinny Pete?

I love how we can only see the world Walt's in now (snow, isolation, cold, boredom) and yet with the papers and bar TV, we realize the whole country knows who he is and is discussing everything there is to know about him. If you paused when the camera went close-in on the newspaper clippings, you could see all the private things about Walt's life/family is being discussed at water coolers and classrooms everywhere. Nice plot device- we get isolated as viewers just as Walt is.

So we're going to Nebraska for Better Call Saul. Seems about right.

He plays this role great. He is a true sociopath, but yet at times has a child like mentality or innocence. He is always apologizing about it being nothing personal although it clearly doesn't affect him.
He plays this role great. He is a true sociopath, but yet at times has a child like mentality or innocence. He is always apologizing about it being nothing personal although it clearly doesn't affect him.

And his cougar crush on Lydia is almost comical. "Here, let me hold your hand while I guide you through this pile of corpses me and my pals just made." Notice how he dressed up just to meet her in the coffee shop?
Just made the mistake of looking at the Emmy results. Cranston lost to Jeff Daniels? Aaron Paul and Peter Dinklage lost to Bobby Cannavale?


award shows are weird in the sense they are judging only based on one episode (which the show submits). believe the Newsroom submitted their pilot which apparently has some big Jeff Daniels speech. not sure what ep Breaking Bad submitted.

You would assume that BB would submit Ozymandias for Cranston next year, and he will easily win. Not sure what they would do for Anna Gunn or Aaron Paul (Jesse's reaction when Andrea was shot was amazing, but not sure he did much the rest of the episode)
Just made the mistake of looking at the Emmy results. Cranston lost to Jeff Daniels? Aaron Paul and Peter Dinklage lost to Bobby Cannavale?


Dinklage was in like 10 scenes last year on Game of Thrones. Underutilized to the 9s
This last season has been pitch perfect. I can't think of one mistake save maybe the petrol truck, but do we see it long enough to know if he has or hasn't changed plates/name tags on the side? Might be a small detail they missed. Stop the truck in the middle of nowhere, change plates and the location of the company on the side of the truck every 400 miles. But just show it once.

Anyway, having trudged through the last season on Dexter and given up on the last season of Weeds and that's just off the top of my head, no show besides maybe the Sopranos has had such an awesome final season. And the Sopranos characters have "grown" only smidgens over the course of the show. Breaking Bad every character save maybe Marie and Walt Jr. have changed over the course of 5 seasons as possibly any characters ever on TV. And to do that without mistakes? Just unbelievable. To have the balls/courage to linger on Walt in the cabin and still have the attention to detail to have the 2-3 minute scene on his wedding band? Unbelievable.
This last season has been pitch perfect. I can't think of one mistake save maybe the petrol truck, but do we see it long enough to know if he has or hasn't changed plates/name tags on the side? Might be a small detail they missed. Stop the truck in the middle of nowhere, change plates and the location of the company on the side of the truck every 400 miles. But just show it once.

Anyway, having trudged through the last season on Dexter and given up on the last season of Weeds and that's just off the top of my head, no show besides maybe the Sopranos has had such an awesome final season. And the Sopranos characters have "grown" only smidgens over the course of the show. Breaking Bad every character save maybe Marie and Walt Jr. have changed over the course of 5 seasons as possibly any characters ever on TV. And to do that without mistakes? Just unbelievable. To have the balls/courage to linger on Walt in the cabin and still have the attention to detail to have the 2-3 minute scene on his wedding band? Unbelievable.

Or maybe he has multiple plates on the truck like they do on 18 wheelers (or at least they used to...do they still do that?).

I think The Shield's final season is comparable to this one, but BB's final season is better, assuming they don't completely shit the bed in the finale.
this show really is storytelling at its highest form...just brilliant in so many different ways.
Some of my favorite shows of the last 10 years have had bad final seasons. I never loved Dexter but wholly hell this season sucks. Weeds sucked for like two seasons and I tried to get through the second to last one but just couldn't. Starting to get that sad feeling with Sons of Anarchy too. Seeing a thicker Jax with a bad hair Tara is just depressing. Even their sex is now just grudge fucking. The most interesting character is Jimmy Smits'. And what the fuck happened to Chuckie? Is he just gone? Shit like that. It's weak.

The Wire finished strong. The Shield did finish strong as I recall, you are right. I thought the later season episodes were better than the early season ones because they believed in their characters and story better maybe. Sopranos obviously. But Breaking Bad has gotten more publicity and there has been more anticipation for it than anything since the Sopranos. And I haven't read a critical word yet where as a lot of folks had trouble with the last few episodes of the Sopranos.