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CBM: X-Men '97 finale; My Adventures with Superman S2 May 25; The Boys S4 June 13

Haven’t seen the second episode, but I thought the first of Loki season 2 was really good, including the introduction of a great character. At least they’re great in that episode. I never got remotely this far in the comics.
Loki Ep1 was great....action-packed, great introduction of O.B. (Ouroboros) and loved the interplay between him and Loki/Mobius.

Episode 2 was a real WTF episode. It started out in the middle of a mission and you really get whiplash because there was no exposition or explanation of what they were doing or why...it really seemed like they cut a scene or two from the beginning. New Rockstars guy says it was like they cut a scene and hoped to do pickups this Summer to reshoot, but the strikes happened and they just had to roll with it.

But to bring in X-5 as Brad Wolfe and center soooo much of the episode about him when we have NO backstory of who he is or why he's doing what he's doing is just so strange.

And on top of that, they go and find General Dox, and then the "battle" is all of 45 seconds and then it's over.

It really made no sense and I think was by far the worst episode of the entire Loki series so far, but I still liked it. It had good moments, but the pacing and lack of exposition just took something out of it for me.

They better not be done with General Dox/Kate Dickie....she's too good an actress to just throw her out there for a short attempted coup of the TVA and then arrest her and be done.

There's only 4 episodes left and we haven't seen any of the Chicago World's Fair scenes or any of Victor Timely....and he's apparently super important for the season. The previews show him in the TVA with the group and either playing with a model of the Temporal Loom or is shown a recap of how Mobius took the device and connected it at the end of the walkway to grab Loki out of time.

And am I wrong, or did they not show more of Loki time-slipping in the previews of the show before the season started? Like they had him slip to that Jet-Ski dealership where the Wacky Waving Inflatable Tube Man was waving in the parking lot, and where Mobius supposedly is on the Sacred Timeline and we haven't seen that.

I think based on this episode and the fact that they need He Who Remains' Temporal Aura Scan to open the blast doors of the Temporal Loom, that they find Victor Timely at the Chicago World's Fair where Renslayer is and bring him back to scan his aura....as he's either He Who Remains before He Who Remains was He Who Remains, or all Kang's share the same temporal aura and he will be able to open the doors.

Regardless of what happens, Loki is my favorite Marvel property and I'm going to enjoy it no matter what.
The Daredevil revamp looks like a good move as part of a shift in strategy.

With Daredevil’s new direction, Marvel hopes to right the ship on a project with sky-high expectations. The show is Marvel’s first to feature a hero who already had a successful series on Netflix, running three seasons. But sources say that Corman and Ord crafted a legal procedural that did not resemble the Netflix version, known for its action and violence. Cox didn’t even show up in costume until the fourth episode. Marvel, after greenlighting the concept, found itself needing to rethink the original intention of the show.

Daredevil is far from the first Marvel series to undergo drastic behind-the-scenes changes. Those who work with Marvel on the TV side have complained of a lack of central vision that has, according to sources, begun to afflict the studio’s shows with creative differences and tension. “TV is a writer-driven medium,” says one insider familiar with the Marvel process. “Marvel is a Marvel-driven medium.”

On the Oscar Isaac starrer Moon Knight, show creator and writer Jeremy Slater quit and director Mohamed Diab took the reins. Jessica Gao developed and wrote She-Hulk: Attorney at Law but was sidelined once director Kat Coiro came on board. Production was challenging, with COVID hitting cast and crew, and Gao was brought back to oversee postproduction, a typical showrunner duty, but it’s the rare Marvel head writer who has such oversight.

Even though the company does not have a writers-first approach to TV, directors could feel short-changed as well. “The whole ‘fix it in post’ attitude makes it feel like a director doesn’t matter sometimes,” says one person familiar with the process.
As it moves forward, Marvel is making concrete changes in how it makes TV. It now has plans to hire showrunners. Gao’s postproduction work on She-Hulk helped Marvel see that it would be helpful for its shows to have a creative throughline from start to finish.

“It’s a term we’ve not only grown comfortable with but also learned to embrace,” says Winderbaum of showrunners and Marvel TV’s intention to hire them.

The studio also plans on having full-time TV execs, rather than having executives straddle both television and film.

“We need executives that are dedicated to this medium, that are going to focus on streaming, focus on television,” says Winderbaum, “because they are two different forms.”

It also is revamping its development process. Showrunners will write pilots and show bibles. The days of Marvel shooting an entire series, from She-Hulk to Secret Invasion, then looking at what’s working and what’s not, are done.

And just as Loki, which returned Oct. 5, marked Marvel’s first season two of a series (out of nine TV shows to date), the studio plans on leaning into the idea of multiseason serialized TV, stepping away from the limited-series format that has defined it. Marvel wants to create shows that run several seasons, where characters can take time to develop relationships with the audience rather than feeling as if they are there as a setup for a big crossover event.
You g d trekkers getting me pulled in to watch strange new world's. I'm about to fire up s1 finale you jerks.
Welcome to the club - SNW is far better than Discovery or Picard (although the third season of Picard was a major improvement over the first two seasons).
Such is the power of Jeffrey Combs that was made I care about a romance between an exocomp and a malevolent computer box this week.
Combs, imo, is one of the best character actors ever on Trek. Shran was one of my favorite characters on Enterprise, and he almost single-handedly made the Andorians one of my favorite Trek alien species. Wish they could find something for Combs to play in an episode or two of SNW.
Combs, imo, is one of the best character actors ever on Trek. Shran was one of my favorite characters on Enterprise, and he almost single-handedly made the Andorians one of my favorite Trek alien species. Wish they could find something for Combs to play in an episode or two of SNW.
totally; i love Shran
Gen V (now) --> Invincible Season 2 (Nov 3) --> The Boys Season 4 (sometime in early 2024?) should be a nice run on Amazon Prime.

Glad it looks like Sterling K Brown will be more than just an ancillary character. He’s got a great voice for this sort of thing. I’ve always thought they squandered him with that small role in the MCU.
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Yeah. He's a major character in the Invincible comics.
Combs, imo, is one of the best character actors ever on Trek. Shran was one of my favorite characters on Enterprise, and he almost single-handedly made the Andorians one of my favorite Trek alien species. Wish they could find something for Combs to play in an episode or two of SNW.
I'm normally not one to FIFY, but this one was too hard to resist. Not to sound like the guy that talks about seeing the Talking Heads at CBGBs in 1975, but I was on the Combs train after Re-Animator and From Beyond in the mid-80s. Lawd, he was so creepy. In Trek, Shran was certainly great but Weyoun is at the tippy-top of my list of favorite Trek villains. Put me as +1 for hoping he shows up on SNW, maybe even as old -man Shran, we don't know Andorian lifespans do we (unless they sacrifice themselves to stop from birthing a Gorn)?

To deaconson - One of us! One of us! One of us!

Loki continues to vex but entertain. I like it but I find myself in a perpetual state of "wait... what?"

I've been avoiding Gen V to binge it the week before the finale, which is soon. Fortunately it doesn't seem to get a lot of buzz on social media so I'm not spoiled for anything yet. It's going to be weird to see a Schwarzenegger that just looks and talks like some dude.
Finished "Castlevania: Nocturne". I enjoyed it even though it may hedge toward more young adult. At 8, 25-30 minute episodes it's not too much of a commitment. They had some really cool spells that will make you want to pick up an old Castlevania game.

Now for disclaimers: I never watched the first of the Netflix, Castlevania series, so I'm not sure if this ties into that universe directly or not. I don't think it's a spoiler to say that Nocturne is not a stand alone season, so they will at least be continuing the Nocturne universe if it gets renewed.
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Finished "Castlevania: Nocturne". I enjoyed it even though it may hedge toward more young adult. At 8, 25-30 minute episodes it's not too much of a commitment. They had some really cool spells that will make you want to pick up an old Castlevania game.

Now for disclaimers: I never watched the first of the Netflix, Castlevania series, so I'm not sure if this ties into that universe directly or not. I don't think it's a spoiler of any kind to say that Nocturne is not a stand alone season, so they will at least be continuing the Nocturne universe if it gets renewed.

It absolutely ties into the first series, which is very much worth watching.

I also finished Nocturne and liked the way it built up the characters during the season. Hopefully we don't have to wait long for season 2.
All Loki has to do is not blow the finale and I'm putting it at the top of the D+ MCU tier-list.
Halfway through the first episode of Gen V. Was not prepared for the "sex" scene. I guess I should've been prepared. But I was not prepared.
All Loki has to do is not blow the finale and I'm putting it at the top of the D+ MCU tier-list.

Episode 4 was the 1b to S1E6's 1a in ranking so far.

Per people "in the know", Episode 5 is THE episode. The episode to mindblow all mindblowing episodes.


My brain might spaghettify itself before we get there! (see avatar change)

Loki is my favorite thing the MCU has done behind only Endgame probably...and the very end of Infinity War.....depending on how this season finishes, it might take over the top spot, if it hasn't already.
I'm not as big on Loki as others. Too much "we have to put the thing in the thing or else" science fictiony elements. Obviously curious what happens next week, but it feels like 4 episodes of set up for a reset.