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Chat Thread, in which numerous #olds discuss #mattresses

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Tough to vacation when dat life is so p sweet here in ole meeje. Erry day a p sweet vacation. However, I will be taking a long weekend to go to a p sweet hidden ole meeje beach not for you gringos to take my lady friend for Mother's Day tradition. Rubbins!
Does Steele's? I legit don't remember.

Oh man, good question. I just spent ten minutes looking at pictures online because the only space I couldn't picture was the back corner by the toilets by the doorway to the outdoor spot. Also couldn't really remember what upstairs looks like since I've only been up there like twice for trivia. Doesn't look like they have one. Sorry, plama, I was wrong. One of the best pubs in london doesn't have darts. Many do though.
Somebody let me try a caramel M&M today. I was pleasantly surprised at how good they were.
this post is hot fire (Tommy Elrod thread)

Decades long tenure as the AD of a P5 school that has won league championships in multiple sports and at least one national championship is #successing and probably a lot more #successing than being the Wolf of Greensboro, owning five Jiffy Lubes and a handful of laundromats. And don't think we don't know the point of those laundromats is to launder your dirty money;-) No offense, peace be with you.
Jaybone needs to stop trying to make fetch happen.

What's the worst of those catch phrases? Is successing worse than niky shooter?
Since I didn't want to read the entire thread, I am puzzled as what Richard Gere and a hose have to do with our own D (oral) Moore.
just clicked on a random page of that mafia thread. what the fuck does any of this mean? watchers? angels? mafia running backs?

Huh? Tim is fine. He claims watcher - saw me and tic visit dv7. I'm angel. Tic is maf rb.

It is known
re: summer plans, here's what I know so far:

Austin mid-June for a dual bday celebration with wake pals
San Francisco the weekend after Austin to visit a friend who's there for the summer
lots of beach weekends thrown in there for good measure/whenever i have time
cruise to some mexican places with the fam in september
I'd like to throw in something european to the mix maybe late summer/early fall, but we've gotta see
probably will also add a music festival with friends somewhere in there-- we did music midtown in ATL last year and may repeat depending on the line-up
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