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Do you vote for Trump?

Ball State Deac

Well-known member
Mar 15, 2011
Reaction score
To our republican posters, do you vote for this guy? Also, how are you comfortable being part of a party that has an electorate that puts this guy at 20%.

And don't get me wrong, dude is highly entertaining. But also crazy.
As a conservative, not a Republican, my response is of course not. He is not conservative--but he is a clown. Which is why libs are enjoying his 15 minutes of fame. He isn't crazy and I don't find him entertaining. His only talent is his knack for using the media for free publicity by saying stuff no one else will say. He will not get the nomination, but he may cause the GOP lasting harm if enough voters conflate his schtick with the party he has temporarily used to market himself.
Pretty long 15 minutes at this point. He has been ahead of the field since this summer and his lead has grown.
Libs are definitely enjoying the circus, but they are not the ones creating the circus.
I think that, as much as anything else, Trump's popularity is just an outlet for many people to show their outrage that has been building up for a long time about the way the political system has been run in this country. Different people are disgusted over different things....but there is widespread, pent-up outrage out there today. Some people are disgusted about the way money controls the system. Some people are disgusted that in spite of all the senseless firearm killings, nobody ever does anything about the ridiculous number of guns readily available to almost anyone...including assault-type weapons. Some people are disgusted that the welfare state is totally out of control, with widespread abuse everywhere. Personally, I'm disgusted with both sides. I'm disgusted with the Republicans because they don't have the balls to stand up to the NRA or seem to give a damn about the ridiculous income inequality in the country....and I'm disgusted with the Democrats because they don't have the balls to stand up to a bunch of BLM radicals, criticize perpetual criminal behavior, the lack of personal responsibility, or to do anything about the out-of-control welfare state. I could go on and on....but the point is that many Americans have reached the tipping point and their frustration in many cases is being manifested in support for Trump....no matter what he says or does. Obviously, Trump would be a disaster as president....but, evidently, many people have reached the point where they no longer give a damn.

I don't know what the answer is, but I don't think there is any question that much of the "system" is broken and nobody in congress seems to either know how or even care to try to fix it. Everything is like a political ballgame now....and because of gerrymandering...compromise is out of the question. Too many districts....on both sides....are now construed so that the biggest problem to remaining in office is a challenge from a more radical candidate in your own party. And that has led to worse & worse "governing" by our elected representatives. Many people have finally had enough.

Donald Trump isn't the answer.....but neither is Hillary Clinton. That's the problem facing the country today.
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I think that, as much as anything else, Trump's popularity is just an outlet for many people to show their outrage that has been building up for a long time about the way the political system has been run in this country. Different people are disgusted over different things....but there is widespread, pent-up outrage out there today. Some people are disgusted about the way money controls the system. Some people are disgusted that in spite of all the senseless firearm killings, nobody ever does anything about the ridiculous number of guns readily available to almost anyone...including assault-type weapons. Some people are disgusted that the welfare state is totally out of control, with widespread abuse everywhere. I could go on and on....but the point is that many Americans have reached the tipping point and their frustration in many cases is being manifested in support for Trump....no matter what he says or does. Obviously, Trump would be a disaster as president....but, evidently, many people have reached the point where they no longer give a damn.

I don't know what the answer is, but I don't think there is any question that much of the "system" is broken and nobody in congress seems to either know how or even care to try to fix it. Everything is like a political ballgame now....and because of gerrymandering...compromise is out of the question. Too many districts....on both sides....are now construed so that the biggest problem to remaining in office is a challenge from a more radical candidate in your own party. And that has led to worse & worse "governing" by our elected representatives. Many people have finally had enough.

Donald Trump isn't the answer.....but neither is Hillary Clinton. That's the problem facing the country today.

Trump is obviously a protest vote. Pubs voted their people back in during 2014 cycle and got beat totally flat-footed by Barry&Co. Establishment Pubs have not earned the confidence and support of the base, and telling some pollster you are so fed up you'd rather vote for a crazy yardbarker than a sitting U.S. Senator must feel pretty good. He will not be the nominee on his own merits.
Trump also appeals to the xenophobic vote that is protesting against a colored moslem in their White House.
Trump also appeals to the xenophobic vote that is protesting against a colored moslem in their White House.

You nailed it. I just got back from RNC headquarters and that is exactly what they were saying. Except some of the more progressive ones said "Negro" instead of colored.
You nailed it. I just got back from RNC headquarters and that is exactly what they were saying. Except some of the more progressive ones said "Negro" instead of colored.

Most just referred to him as "that boy". Or at least that's what my folks heard when they were at the meeting.
Most just referred to him as "that boy". Or at least that's what my folks heard when they were at the meeting.

I met your folks. Very nice couple, although I was a bit surprised to learn they are brother and sister.
Hillary seems pretty confident about going up against Trump, but that's a mistake. HRC is thoroughly unpleasant and damaged goods (as is Trump), but Cruz won't say the same things about Lewinsky and Bubba that Trump will. Hillary has a temper and will respond poorly. Cruz is a weasel and HRC can make him look bad based on his record. HRC should prefer Carson or Cruz in a general election over Trump.
Hillary seems pretty confident about going up against Trump, but that's a mistake. HRC is thoroughly unpleasant and damaged goods (as is Trump), but Cruz won't say the same things about Lewinsky and Bubba that Trump will. Hillary has a temper and will respond poorly. Cruz is a weasel and HRC can make him look bad based on his record. HRC should prefer Carson or Cruz in a general election over Trump.

There is a reason DWS is hiding Hilldawg from middle America.
I'm confused by the idea that the clear leader of what used to be a 17 person Republican field doesn't represent the interests of the party. I could see it if there were only a few options but Trump polls better than a wide variety of well known politicians who have been gunning for POTUS for years.
I have voted for the Republican candidate in every Presidential election since 1996. If Trump is the nominee, I will be voting for the Democratic candidate. Trump has absolutely no chance in the general election.
I'm confused by the idea that the clear leader of what used to be a 17 person Republican field doesn't represent the interests of the party. I could see it if there were only a few options but Trump polls better than a wide variety of well known politicians who have been gunning for POTUS for years.

Good point. I don't understand it either. If you have that many options then the only possible options that I see once someone is picked out of the group is: a) the people making up the party believe that this person is truly the best option to represent the party or b) the right people didn't run but that seems so silly since there were 17 people in it.
I'm confused by the idea that the clear leader of what used to be a 17 person Republican field doesn't represent the interests of the party. I could see it if there were only a few options but Trump polls better than a wide variety of well known politicians who have been gunning for POTUS for years.

I can help you with this. No one is a clear leader until the primary votes have been cast. Most poll respondents are almost certainly not GOP primary voters. Many may not be GOP or registered voters at all. For example, right now Cruz is running away from Trump in the polls that do reflect Iowa primary voters' sentiments. If Trump is crushed in Iowa, his aura could dim pretty quickly. I know Dems enjoy trying to tar the GOP with Trump, but you are getting way ahead of yourselves.