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Drunk guy tried to break into my house last night


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2011
Reaction score
The Dash
At 5:45 this morning I was awaken by an odd sound outside that I thought was the wind. Then it occurred to me there was no wind last night....I went to the front door and looked out the window next to it to find a drunk guy trying to open my storm door. I yelled at him and could tell he was drunk and then headed back to my room to get my phone and call the cops. By the time I returned he was gone (maybe 10 seconds). I called the cops and they sent 2 cars out and arrived about 5minutes later. I explained to the officers, they walked around, woke up the neighbors but found nothing. Just then my neighbor across the street texts me that someone was trying to open his front door but when they couldn't, he watched them walk off up the street till out of view. The police took his info, looked around some more and left. I came back in and tried to go back to sleep. Around 7:20, the same neighbor texts me "Hey, I found the guy from last night. I was going to go get coffee and he is passed out in my SUV. What do I do?". We called the cops again and this time they sent 4 units. While we waited, we took pics of the guy and yeah, he threw up all over the neighbors SUV....

So is this anyone from the boards?
I bet your neighbor remembers to lock his car door in the future.
One of the doofi, it sounds like. Or BKF just found out that Bob Knight got a restraining order against him.

One of the two, I'd guess.
Nobody pressed charges but the police still had to take him to jail because he was too drunk still to be left unattended...
Someone probably got some nasty neg rep and drank their sorrow away.


A 5x drunk tried to break into a house in Virginia a couple of years ago and it cost him his life. The homeowner kept telling him to leave and called the police, but the drunk became belligerent and IIRC started bashing a door with patio furniture. He was also making threatening comments and saying he wanted to screw the guys wife. Dude blew him away with a 12 ga.
That sort of thing happened to my neighbor. He was away at College, and he came back drunk one night to his apartment complex. It was one of those confusing ones, and he went to the wrong door -- ie. he went to "his" door in the wrong building. He was trying his key and it wasn't working and the owner of the unit shot him through the door with a shotgun.

One of the saddest stories that I have ever heard. Such a nice kid.
My buddy did the same thing one night in law school. Went to his door in the wrong building. No consequences. Thank God.
People that use a shotgun through a door are the fucking worst. There are so many other options before killing a fellow human.

Call the fucking police, for instance. If the door is keeping you safe, stay behind it.
This happened to an acquaintance at the beer fest in Durham one year. He wandered off drunk at some point and we had no idea where he went. Later his mom (in another state) calls us and asks where the cops can drop her son. Turns out he had walked down the street, seen a truck that looked vaguely like his, the door was unlocked, he got in and was trying to fit his key in the ignition. The owner had come out thinking someone was stealing his truck, realized our friend was drunk and called the cops. They put him the squad car, and all he was just babbling incoherently with occassional "just trying to get home". So they started going through his cellphone dialing numbers and eventually got his mother. The cops delivered him to our door. He had puked and pissed himself in the back of the car and they just wanted to be rid of him, no charges.
Ah man. Great story from my freshman year at Wake of a drunk male cheerleader wandering our hall drunk. He was in the right building, but 2 floors up. Anyway, one of the guys on my floor had gotten up about 3am to go to the bathroom and left the door unlocked since he would be right back. Comes back from the bathroom and discovers drunk guy in his bed!! My friend wakes his roommate up who was on the bunk above, and they go get the RA. EVentually many people on the hall get woken up as the RA is trying to get this guy to get out of the bed, out of the dorm room and go back to where he came from. Nobody called the cops because we knew he was, but it was funny watching him futilely attempt to get into other locked dorm rooms on our hall at 3am.
That sort of thing happened to my neighbor. He was away at College, and he came back drunk one night to his apartment complex. It was one of those confusing ones, and he went to the wrong door -- ie. he went to "his" door in the wrong building. He was trying his key and it wasn't working and the owner of the unit shot him through the door with a shotgun.

One of the saddest stories that I have ever heard. Such a nice kid.

Holy shit man. Is the guy who killed him for trying to open his door in jail?
Holy shit man. Is the guy who killed him for trying to open his door in jail?

No, it was in a state where the "Stand your Ground" law protected the homeowner. The kid was a law student and a really nice person.
That's either a very shitty persecutor or a very poorly written law. There is a huge difference between defending your home or standing your ground and blowing through a door at an unknown target.
Alright, so I looked up the case, and it seems that I had a bunch of the facts wrong:

After he couldn't open the front door (with which he often had problems), he went around to the deck door and let himself in. He walked into the kitchen, and the homeowner immediately shot him in the eye with a .357 revolver. He was wearing a a suit. The homeowner was already in trouble for anabolic steroid abuse, and often walked the neighborhood brandishing his four guns and telling people he was in the FBI.

Sounds eerily familiar. I think this is more of a clear cut interpretation of the "Castle Doctrine" than anything with the Trayvon Martin case, since he was actually in his own home.

A good friend of mine was killed about 4 months ago under very similar and tragic circumstances. He was drunk and decided to dial up one of his hookups (I guess he had a few), though he had never been to her house. At 3:30 in the morning, he drove to her neighborhood and walked to the door of the house next door, thinking it was hers. She had told him that the door would be unlocked, so when he found the door locked he began ringing the doorbell. Inside the house a woman was by herself. She had a husband and kids but they were away so she called her husband to see if it was him ringing the doorbell. He said no it wasn't him and to call the cops, get the gun, and stay in the bedroom. My friend texted his hookup and said the door was locked, to which replied that he should walk around to the back door which was unlocked. So my friend walks around to the back of this house, again still thinking it's his hookup's house, and somehow gets into the house through the back door. The news story said he walked into the bedroom at which point the woman shot him three times and he later died at the hospital. To this day I still don't know if any words of warning were given or if my buddy had a chance to leave, but either way I can't really blame the woman for doing what she did. I just wish she had called the cops sooner or maybe have yelled through the door to go away. My buddy might have gone to jail that night but he'd still be alive. The woman and her husband had just bought the house and that was like her second night there. F'ing tragic.
That's either a very shitty persecutor or a very poorly written law. There is a huge difference between defending your home or standing your ground and blowing through a door at an unknown target.

I would think it depends on the particular state and the particular laws. In NC, you have the right to fire through a closed door at someone who is trying to get in from what I recall learning. In fact, as it has been explained to me, by a lawyer, you have more freedom to fire through an unopened door at someone trying to get in than you do once the door is open, because once the door is open, you must "feel threatened" before the use of deadly force is legally justified.
I'm wondering why your neighbor texts you instead of calling the cops first? Do they text you every time they have to make a decision?