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Latest complaint: squash


Well-known member
Mar 16, 2011
Reaction score
Squash is no good under any circumstances. It's a compilation of tasteless, poorly textured "vegetables" that are a cheap excuse for sides to an otherwise competent meal. I've had burritos with zucchini in them and thrown them away. Ruined by squash.

It's also a stupid game for snotty rich kids. Furthermore, I don't "squash" anything. I crush and destroy things. I have never squashed a bug, but I've destroyed my fair share.



Squash is no good under any circumstances. It's a compilation of tasteless, poorly textured "vegetables" that are a cheap excuse for sides to an otherwise competent meal. I've had burritos with zucchini in them and thrown them away. Ruined by squash.

Think of zucchini as different than squash. Like squash better, but squash and zucchini have to be prepared/cooked correctly to be any good.
Squash is awesome. Also its like the cheapest food ever, one of the easiest crops to grow, and can be prepared in like a thousand ways. I do enjoy boom's rants though.
Agreed on all points. Squash is terrible.
I love squash, but can understand how people don't (although not how you can lump all squashes together). I think when most people talk badly about squash they mean yellow summer squash and/or zucchini. But butternut squash is a whole different ballgame (and other winter squashes like acorn, etc). Butternut squash tastes pretty similar to sweet potato I think...and that is good.
I actually have the same, unduly strong feelings that Boom has to squash/zucchini. They ruin whatever they touch with blandness.
Used to hate it, now I can tolerate it and have had a few things where I actually liked it, but squash would never make the roster in my veggie plates that's for sure. Also had some fried zuchinni sticks as an app a few times which were surprisingly good.
Fresh summer squash and zucchini slivered and sauteed with onion and a touch of olive oil is one of my go-to veggies during the summer. Ultra easy to prepare and very inexpensive. You can jazz it up with crushed saltine or ritz crackers and shredded cheese.
butternut squash makes excellent soup as well. thanksgiving tradition in my house.
Zucchini lasagna is awesome, as is zucchini bread. It's also really good sauteed with parmesan cheese & minced garlic

Regular yellow squash I prefer in casseroles with lots of cheese.

Squash the game seems pretentious & unnecessary.
Decent game, but raquetball is better.
I don't like yellow squash, but like butternut, acorn, spaghetti and others. Yellow squash, zucchini and eggplant are just about the only foods I don't eat, so I think it's mostly a texture thing.
So, what are your go to veggies on the veggie plate? Those that never leave your rotation. Mine are probably collards, fried okra, fresh corn. Those are getting picked every time if they're on the menu. Mac and cheese and green beans are regular starters but not every game.