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Mount Rushmore


Apr 4, 2011
Reaction score
Randleman, NC
What I want to know is when are we going to dynamite & tear down that abomination? Two of the four presidents on that monument owned slaves!!!

How could any non-racist person abide with allowing an evil racist monument like Mount Rushmore to continue to exist? Just imagine what people from other countries must think about the United States when they see something like that.
Teddy Roosevelt was probably the most racist of the foursome.
Teddy Roosevelt was probably the most racist of the foursome.

We just have a bunch of half-assed hypocrites on the boards....all of whom need to get off these boards which have turned into a worthless make-me-feel-better-about-myself liberal circle jerk....and get a fucking life.

If someone wants to be a lunatic about needlessly removing statues he shouldn't be half-assed about it. Go ahead and be a total lunatic.

Better yet, get a wife, family & job and forget about all this worthless bullshit. Join a civics club and spend some time contributing back to your community.

I wonder what percentage of posters here have ever belonged to a civics club....Lions, Civitan, Jaycees, Rotary, etc. My guess is that the percentage is extremely low. How about serving your community in local government? My guess is almost zero percent on that one. How about serving in the military? We have a few who would qualify there.

Well, in just those three areas alone I have contributed 50 years of service. 30 years in Lionism, 18 years in local government & 2 years of active military service.

To counter my 50 years of actual service, RJ & PH have contributed 132,000 posts to a chat board preaching about good citizenship.
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Not sure which part of that comment was directed at me.
We just have a bunch of half-assed hypocrites on the boards....all of whom need to get off these boards which have turned into a worthless make-me-feel-better-about-myself liberal circle jerk....and get a fucking life.

If someone wants to be a lunatic about needlessly removing statues he shouldn't be half-assed about it. Go ahead and be a total lunatic.

Better yet, get a wife, family & job and forget about all this worthless bullshit.

What is ignorant lunacy is to try compare Washington to Lee. By the words contained in the US Constitution, Lee was a traitor. By definition, he committed treason. There is no way around this. To have statues, schools, towns and roads named after is an abomination.

But you are trying to equate something that was wrong, but sadly legal, with treason.
What is ignorant lunacy is to try compare Washington to Lee. By the words contained in the US Constitution, Lee was a traitor. By definition, he committed treason. There is no way around this. To have statues, schools, towns and roads named after is an abomination.

But you are trying to equate something that was wrong, but sadly legal, with treason.

You should have taken my last advice....a long time ago.
I've been operating under the assumption that the reason BKF devotes so much time and energy to shouting at the rain was that he simply didn't get it. Well, I was wrong. BKF's problem isn't that he doesn't get it. BKF's problem is that he can't sell it!

The final speech from the American President. Fits perfectly for this thread.
You're so right BKF. I have no life...

Here's your personal jerk off video:

Monuments to Confederates celebrate the taking up of arms in open rebellion against the US government.

Monuments to former presidents celebrate their contribution to this country.

I have an issue with removing the statue of Robert Taney in Maryland. However you might have disagreed with his decisions, he was the chief justice to the US supreme court.
I guess they didn't teach the proper use of ellipses while BKF attended Wake. That's probably why he wouldn't go transcript-for-transcript with Ph.
Thomas Jefferson - over 600 slaves
George Washington - 140 slaves

Donald Trump - 0 slaves.

Just saying. You could just take down those two faces and put up an oversized Trump face instead.

The tunnels could start the movement.
Thomas Jefferson - over 600 slaves
George Washington - 140 slaves

Donald Trump - 0 slaves.

Just saying. You could just take down those two faces and put up an oversized Trump face instead.

The tunnels could start the movement.

Something tells me Trump's number is not for lack of trying.
Where did the Constitution say you couldn't secede ?
What is ignorant lunacy is to try compare Washington to Lee. By the words contained in the US Constitution, Lee was a traitor. By definition, he committed treason. There is no way around this. To have statues, schools, towns and roads named after is an abomination.

But you are trying to equate something that was wrong, but sadly legal, with treason.

Where did the Constitution say you couldn't secede ?

RJ, we are waiting.

SECTION 3. Clause 1. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open court.

If that description doesn't apply to Robert E. Lee, then I don't know who it would apply to.
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RJ, we are waiting.

First of all, I don't see or reply to Biff.

Secondly, I said nothing about secession. I said Lee was a traitor. ChrisL accurately quoted the US Constitution while I was out. He and I and the Framers all agree what Lee did was treason. By definition, one who commits treason is a traitor. Robert E. Lee was a traitor.

As I said, there's no justification in having statues to traitors.