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New Hamshire Picks Presidents

Ball State Deac

Well-known member
Mar 15, 2011
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Alright, now that Iowa is done picking corn, it is time for New Hampshire to anoint a president for us. Of course, sometimes the guy that finishes second in NH actually wins the nomination, but whatever.

Doing absolutely no research (not even a google), I suspect Hill-dog will win NH by 6-8 points, and Trump squeaks out a victory.
Alright, now that Iowa is done picking corn, it is time for New Hampshire to anoint a president for us. Of course, sometimes the guy that finishes second in NH actually wins the nomination, but whatever.

Doing absolutely no research (not even a google), I suspect Hill-dog will win NH by 6-8 points, and Trump squeaks out a victory.

Sanders is up 17 points on Hillary in NH, based on an average of the five latest polls.
Sanders is up 17 points on Hillary in NH, based on an average of the five latest polls.

Latest UMass/Lowell poll has Bernie up 33 points as well. I think Bernie carries a good bit of momentum and crushes Hillary in NH. South Carolina is another story. Not sure how he competes there.
Also, as mentioned, Bernie is way up in the polls (has been up double digits for three months now). If he loses NH he should just concede immediately.
No chance Hillary even comes close to winning NH (nor does she need to). She needs to make a push, a good show for the media, and move on to Nevada/SC.

On the GOP side, it will be interesting to see if any of the "moderate" governors can make a dent. If Rubio makes another good showing, it's his nomination to lose.
Sanders wins NH, but its closer than expected.
Alright, now that Iowa is done picking corn, it is time for New Hampshire to anoint a president for us. Of course, sometimes the guy that finishes second in NH actually wins the nomination, but whatever.

Doing absolutely no research (not even a google), I suspect Hill-dog will win NH by 6-8 points, and Trump squeaks out a victory.

Aren't you from Indiana?
Bernie seemed pretty hyped on the results in Iowa, and with good reason. The inevitable* candidate beat him by a rounding error. Even if Hillary and [insert establishment candidate here] meet in the National Championship, can we get a bowl game with Bernie and Rand? I would pay actual money to watch those two debate.

Bernie seemed pretty hyped on the results in Iowa, and with good reason. The inevitable* candidate beat him by a rounding error. Even if Hillary and [insert establishment candidate here] meet in the National Championship, can we get a bowl game with Bernie and Rand? I would pay actual money to watch those two debate.


If they don't end up being the nominees, which may be likely, Rand and Sanders should hold a regular series of debates to help clarify the issues confronting the country. They could do a great public service.
If they don't end up being the nominees, which may be likely, Rand and Sanders should hold a regular series of debates to help clarify the issues confronting the country. They could do a great public service.

If nothing else, Hillary will need to know what her positions should be, which may be hard if Bernie suspends his campaign.
If they don't end up being the nominees, which may be likely, Rand and Sanders should hold a regular series of debates to help clarify the issues confronting the country. They could do a great public service.

You mean like, if they went back to the Senate and did their actual jobs ?

Wow. Had no idea that Bernie was up so high. Not good for the Dems IMO.
Wow. Had no idea that Bernie was up so high. Not good for the Dems IMO.


NH is an extreme northeast White Liberal College Educated State from Bernie's part of the country. Right in his wheelhouse.
New Hampshire has really weird politics that let it go back and forth as blue and red. There are the Iowa type crazies mostly populating the northern half of the state, intermixed with them are the Vermont hippie liberals, the southern border and coast is basically Massachusetts blue, and then central is normal Republican Red.
You realize those areas are all like 40 minutes apart, right ?
Also, based on your analysis and the population density of the state, the state should be solidly blue.
