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Official Russian Election Interference Thread

63 million people independently came to the mistaken conclusion that Dems were too inept to be that condescending. Obviously, moar self-important, windy speeches about their superior intellect, character and abilities will clear this right up. Next time will be different. I can feel it.

Super fresh take.
63 million people independently came to the mistaken conclusion that Dems were too inept to be that condescending. Obviously, moar self-important, windy speeches about their superior intellect, character and abilities will clear this right up. Next time will be different. I can feel it.

Bringing up the popular vote totals is probably not your best debate strategy.
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Bringing up the popular vote totals is probably not your best debate strategy.

American government is running out of types of power to take back from Democrats. Not sure that the lectures on strategy need to be flowing from Left to Right. I am sure that they will continue unabated by fact or outcome, though. This much you can take to the bank.
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American government is running out of types of power to take back from Democrats. Not sure that the lectures on strategy need to be flowing from Left to Right.

No way around it JH, the minority is ruling the majority. Vote for vote the Dems usually receive more...the conservative "philosophy" is winning largely because spatial manipulation, archaic pro-slavery institutions, and fear mongering.
No way around it JH, the minority is ruling the majority. Vote for vote the Dems usually receive more...the conservative "philosophy" is winning largely because spatial manipulation, archaic pro-slavery institutions, and fear mongering.

But never because you guys are missing something useful. Never that. You've got all the good ideas. It's the other guys that just don't understand... Ironically, the Trump-est take of all.
If this is all bullshit as jb, moon, sailor, and bkf claim, why oh why does this White House leak like no other? Even more so, why can't these idiots identify the leakers.
But never because you guys are missing something useful. Never that. You've got all the good ideas. It's the other guys that just don't understand... Ironically, the Trump-est take of all.

Never said Pubs don't understand. I said that Pubs are the minority in terms of population but they are the majority interms of government power. That is a fact. That means that fewer people in the country agree with their philosophy and policies then disagree, but they still managed to gain control of government power. The next part is an attempt to explain that apparent contradiction between popular preference and manifested power. I believe it's been done largely through spatial manipulation and fear mongering. Feel free to refute that with data on how more people like all these great republican ideas than democrat ideas.
Yay you know how to win elections despite being wrong On. Every. Issue. And he majority of Americans know it. You have just supported my argument that strategic messaging to the key counties to win with a minority on bad, unpopular and politically impossible ideas is what your party is good at. And you keep doing it post after post.
More likely that those assigned to find the leakers are themselves leaking stuff to the press.
There are people - GOOD PEOPLE - who voted for the Neanderthal for number of reasons or maybe one good reason.

The initial hysteria, resist, media frenzy, the Jill steins, the popular vote pushers, and the calls for impeachment election night only riled up Trumpsters. In their eyes, the guy is getting beat up. He hasn't had ANY cooperation since day one.

Nixon wasn't a bad guy, and when he covered up in Watergate (somewhat shocking) the investigation lead to his doom. The difference is trump is trump. Apprentice, casinos, shady, vulgar, women, beauty pageants, sleazy billionaires, real estate, etc. No surprises. What changed after he was elected? Zero acceptance and whining and bitching which frankly pissed off half of America. Not my President? It's over you lost.

Maybe if the hysteria that we saw the day after the election calmed down a little and D.C. shut up for awhile things may have been different. At least for awhile. Silence is golden.

What was the urgency to get him out? Was D.C. Afraid they would be exposed by a lit cannon? Are all the D.C. folks saints? Are they really worried about the country or their own asses?

Flynn was caught. Investigations started.. All the leaks and the anger out of congress was pathetic. They never shut up. That's the way to get the guy out? Maybe if there was acceptance and leakers,media and congress weren't trying to sabatoge the entire presidency, cabinet, appointees, staff, family, down to the janitor, America would have seen some stability. Let it go and quietly move on investigations instead of Russia, Russia, Russia. Massive leaks confusion denial and lies. Everyone! Not just Trump.

The inevitable will happen if there are still people with integrity out there. Hopefully our special prosecutor is one. Thank God all is quiet with regard to what he and his staff are doing. We don't need another shit show.

Because not everybody loves this country. They are self centered creeps who would sell their own mother out. Politics is dirty business.

Which is why it's good when people leak what these creeps are doing.
My opinion is I don't think you wrote that. If you did, my apologies. You are a fantastic writer.

No apologies. Is this sarcasm? Me writer? Uhh uhh. Ask the gang here. I'm equivalent to an 8th grader.
Isn't there a better way? Not right.

Would you prefer that we never found out that Trump and Co. met with Russians? Would you rather not know that the treasonous rat Jared Kushner committed a felony? Would you want to be in the dark that Trump fired Comey because he wouldn't pledge fealty?