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Pit Kumite


Son of Mako's Mom
Nov 27, 2012
Reaction score
Title and aggression stolen from my main man Netflixandchill. Idea appropriated from GTB.

There's been a lot of aggression floating around these here boards lately. Blame it on 3 years of Trump, a decade of basketball irrelevance, or everybody's go-to scapegoat, RJkarl, but it seems like the OGB&B is a less friendly place these days. It's time to pop that belligerence boil and get it all out on the table, Pit Friends.

Whose ass do you think you can kick? Who can kick your ass? Where do you think you'd finish in the Pit Kumite.?Who would you most like to fight, and who would you most like to see fight? Since I'm lazy, we can abide by the rules of that beautiful JCVD film that I'm plagiarizing as we speak. Who will reign supreme?

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If 2,000 of them are bots, then I can probably beat at least 2,001 of the browsers on OGBoards.

If we do pure Olympic Karate scoring, I'm might be top 5%. If there's a floor game, I probably drop to the 10th percentile, at best.

Full on Thunderdome/Hunger Games? My zombie-apocalypse post of 10ish years ago on the old boards should let you know where I shake out on that one.
I want to fight Biff. Not because I dislike Biff or anything. He just seems like a pretty good measuring stick of masculinity. I'll even let him wear his golf spikes.
I want to fight Biff. Not because I dislike Biff or anything. He just seems like a pretty good measuring stick of masculinity. I'll even let him wear his golf spikes.


Same here... Just needs a little blood on his pink polo with the popped collar. That's all.
The question is who is the top 1%'er who has been taking private lessons in secret, shows up in loafers with no socks, and throws a flying armbar out in the first match.
I'm down here in the DeacsATS Basement Home Office and Gymnasium TM posting and lifting weights right now.

Have never felt more motivated.
I'm doing 1 armed pushups while we type this. I still haven't been able to catch that chicken I let go in my classroom about an hour ago, though.

Also, surely we're gonna get a classic RJ fisticuffs story out of this thread, right?
The question is who is the top 1%'er who has been taking private lessons in secret, shows up in loafers with no socks, and throws a flying armbar out in the first match.

This was my Cookout theory from earlier. Dude's a brain, fit, and sizable.

I'd wager that there is a large number of posters like him that are at or over 200 lbs. That's probably not too far out there. I'm right around 230. Body fat is probably between 15-19% at 6'4". There's always a bigger fish, so I'm not claiming a 1%er (especially because my ground game is fucking trash). 2,000 browsers? I think I could top 100.

This is actually what my fighting style would look like.

ETA: Couldn't get the .gif to work
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