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Pit Pet Thread

Owning chickens is awesome (but, I guess, risky). We've been keeping chickens for a few years, the eggs are just the best eggs you'll ever eat, and the chickens can be really endearing and fun. My daughters love them and especially love collecting the eggs and taking them right inside to cook. We've got several different breeds: Buff orpingtons, Barred Plymouth rocks, Austrolorps, an Easter egger (she lays blue eggs), a sliver-laced Wyandott, a couple bantums, and we had (until last week) a female fighting cock. We rescued her from a place that was breeding fighting animals. We also had a Silkie bantum but she was killed by a hawk. Silkies are weird birds, genetic aberrants, but they are super cute and my daughter begged me for one. I'd be happy to tell you anything else, let me know how I can help.

Man, it's rare you find a username that fits a post as well as this.
7 Normal Things That Look Totally Different Through Dog Vision


How I see my dog vs. how my dog sees me

*Note: My dog is not actually effective at policing squirrels. He's more like a mall cop with severe ADHD.

My parents' house has a bunch of trees around, and big windows. When we're there my dog will just stare out the windows, constantly checking the branches for movement. If she sees anything (even if it's just wind blowing the branches) she'll run around barking, my parents' dog will join in, and the two of them will go racing out as soon as you open the door. Squirrels, man... squirrels.
I need some #vibes. Many of you know we lost both a dog and a cat in February. Our remaining dog, Ralph has developed something (and I am afraid it's serious) over the past few days where he has dark urine (maybe bloody), incontinence, lethargy, ataxia, loss of appetite...He also seems to have had a seizure in his crate yesterday because he had bloody gashes on his legs. We haven't given him his seizure meds (he's on a lot) because he's not eating, so I figure that's what happened, but I am just a mess about it today. He's at the vet and we're waiting to hear. He had a clean physical (besides his heart murmur and epilepsy) a few weeks ago.
serious vibes - hope you get some promising news for Ralph!
It's not good. Liver damage and possible kidney damage. At the vet to talk options
It's not good. Liver damage and possible kidney damage. At the vet to talk options

That really sucks, Chic. I wish I had words worthy of providing some comfort, but they don't really exist in situations like this.
Things not as desperate as we thought. Actually no kidney damage and they think they can reverse the liver damage. He has an ultrasound on Friday to check it out
That's encouraging! Continued positive thoughts!
Honest question, do you think you just have had bad luck in the healthy pet department or is there an environmental concern? I don't know the age of your pets but animals are usually hypersensitive to these things.
Honest question, do you think you just have had bad luck in the healthy pet department or is there an environmental concern? I don't know the age of your pets but animals are usually hypersensitive to these things.

Bad luck, (or not even really that- cat was 12 and had uncontrolled diabetes, other dog was 15 and it was just time). We have not seen any consistent symptoms between all 3 nor have we seen any reason for concern in our 2 young children, etc.
Anybody else have a dog that just HATES the rain? Ours refused to go outside for his morning walk today. I can get him out the door, but once he feels the rain he just freezes and lays down. I can't even encourage him along with treats and praise.

I'm assuming if he REALLY had to go to the bathroom, he'd go. Otherwise I'm just crossing my fingers that he doesn't have an accident before the dog walker comes this afternoon.
Ralph is totally on the mend. This liver supplement and reducing the doses in his seizure meds have almost completely turned him around!
Took my boy out for a walk on Folly Beach yesterday; not sure anyone out there had more fun than he did:

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