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Rejecting words and actions which perpetrate, support or encourage white supremacists

"No citizen should ever fear for their safety and security in our society. And no child should ever be afraid to go outside and play, or be with their parents, and have a good time."

This statement is another dog whistle acknowledgement to the Alt-Right/KKK/Nazi/white supremacists that the evil people of color and Jews are taking America away from us good white people.
This thread:





WTF are you talking about? What violent protests are good?
Guess everyone has short memories and can cherry pick what violent protests are bad and which ones are good.

Stop just stop. This one should not have happened. DESIGNATED hate groups should not be given the right to rally. That includes ALL HATE GROUPS. cut the crap here.

What hate groups other than Nazis are we talking about here?

I do agree with you that this rally shouldn't have happened. There is no such thing as a peaceful Klan or Nazi rally. The rally itself is an overt act of violence.
Alt-Right Media Framed Wrong Person in Car Attack, Labeled Him ‘Anti-Trump Druggie’

“REPORT: Driver in Virginia Car Attack Was Anti-Trump Protester,” Gateway Pundit blared, plus the name of the Michigan man, whose name The Daily Beast is withholding. “WOW! DUDE HIT THE WRONG CROWD,” the subheadline read.

The “report” Gateway Pundit cited was a now-deleted tweet by a Twitter user named @Aristotle_Code, who goes by “Michael” and whose profile picture is of a sportscar. “Michael” has less than a thousand Twitter followers.
Why Won't Trump Call Out Radical White Terrorism?

Trump, in his remarks on Saturday, refused to align himself against the so-called alt-right protest movement. His decision to maintain a neutral stance on the activities of the racist and anti-Semitic right has opened him to charges of hypocrisy; Trump is now refusing to speak plainly about the nature of a particular terrorist threat, a sin he continually ascribed to his predecessor.

But the issue here is substantially larger than mere hypocrisy. Obama carefully measured his rhetoric in the war against Islamist terrorism because he hoped to avoid inserting the U.S. into the middle of an internecine struggle consuming another civilization. But the struggle in Charlottesville is a struggle within our own civilization, within Trump’s own civilization. It is precisely at moments like this that an American president should speak up directly on behalf of the American creed, on behalf of Americans who reject tribalism and seek pluralism, on behalf of the idea that blood-and-soil nationalism is antithetical to the American idea itself. Trump’s refusal to call out radical white terrorism for what it is, at precisely the moment America needs its leadership to take a unified stand against hatred, marks what might be the lowest moment of his presidency to date.
OK, this is really awful stuff.

I won't actually link to it. But out of curiosity I went over to the "Daily Stormer" website. First (only) article I read was: "Heather Heyer: Woman Killed in Road Rage Incident was a Fat, Childless 32-Year-Old Slut". It's really despicable.

What in the world? How to deal with this mentality???
Some of the millennials on this board need to get a life...or a job, and not necessarily in that order. When you are under 30 years old (or over 40 in PH's case & over 60 in RJ's case) and have nothing else to do but make 40,000+ posts on a message board you need to take a closer look at your situation in life. As I said, those are addiction-level numbers.
Why discuss white supremacy when instead we can insult message board posters to deflect from the topic at hand?
Some of the millennials on this board need to get a life...or a job, and not necessarily in that order. When you are under 30 years old (or over 40 in PH's case & over 60 in RJ's case) and have nothing else to do but make 40,000+ posts on a message board you need to take a closer look at your situation in life. As I said, those are addiction-level numbers.

I'll go call my dad and ask him to give me a company. BRB.
Altright.com...almost equally distressing. Maybe more so since there's some traces of coherence to the filthy thinking.

Can't bring myself yet to look at a/the KKK website.


The common theme seems to be an impassioned sense of victimhood, mainly of whites and/or western civilization. The very fucking thing they decry in so many others.
Some of the millennials on this board need to get a life...or a job, and not necessarily in that order. When you are under 30 years old (or over 40 in PH's case & over 60 in RJ's case) and have nothing else to do but make 40,000+ posts on a message board you need to take a closer look at your situation in life. As I said, those are addiction-level numbers.

You're right I have no life. I can't multi-task.

But at least I have a moral compass. This is something you lack.

Something as easy as admitting you don't what the fuck you were talking about the BLM march in Dallas shows once again how devoid of integrity you are.
It's very telling that the Tweeter-In-Chief can't even retweet his daughter's tweet.
Is this the correct time to point out again that the person who claims that others take this message board too seriously literally spent hours upon hours deleting his old messages so that others couldn't search his past comments and literally changed his entire worldview because the people on this message board got so far into his head?
Is this the correct time to point out again that the person who claims that others take this message board too seriously literally spent hours upon hours deleting his old messages so that others couldn't search his past comments and literally changed his entire worldview because the people on this message board got so far into his head?
Is this the correct time to point out again that the person who claims that others take this message board too seriously literally spent hours upon hours deleting his old messages so that others couldn't search his past comments and literally changed his entire worldview because the people on this message board got so far into his head?

Yea didn't BKF have a shit ton of posts at one point? He's been on these boards forever. I'm old enough to remember Marxist BKF.