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Texas shooting

And the conspiracy theories from the right begin...

Couldn't even hack it in the AF? Definitely should've been a red flag.
Fuck any soulless fuck who advocates for "gun rights."

And fuck the goddamn NRA. Blast them into the sun.
Seems like most these mass shooters are weakling white types overcompensating.
Sure is sad that the GOP is so committed to cutting mental health services

Like one has anything to do with other, you mongoloid turtle.

I've said for a while that there needs to be a mental health check, but the primary issue with that is not guns, but rather existing medical privacy laws. Deal with those. I'm sure those Senators of both stripes could figure out a compromise as long as they themselves are exempt.
You gun fucks need to get your shit together. A bunch of people are being killed by the thing you love so much. Perhaps gun technology has outpaced the 2nd amendment and it's time to pump the brakes on your little hobby
You're talking about a group of people whose candidate bragged that he could shoot someone and not lose a vote. Presumably, by extension, Trump could have done this himself and still not lose a vote. Or does he lose the vote after 10? 20? The 14 year old girl? What if she was a Hillary supporter?

These events make me sick to my stomach.
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Out president is currently in a country of 120 million people and has only a handful of gun deaths per year.
This makes me sick. I hope those affected can find peace and quick healing to those injured.

I just heard an interview where the guy thought this would never happen in Texas because everyone carries a gun, and it gave them a sense of security.

Live by the...

Forget it.
You gun fucks need to get your shit together. A bunch of people are being killed by the thing you love so much. Perhaps gun technology has outpaced the 2nd amendment and it's time to pump the brakes on your little hobby

Gun technology has jack shit to do with it, and that comment is a big part of the problem. People arguing for gun control make that argument are immediately dismissed because they are rightfully dismissed as dipshits. But go ahead and say that knowing guns isn't relevant to the debate if that makes you feel better. Kind of like arguing gay rights always goes over well when one side doesn't know anybody gay. We have always had guns and didn't used to start blasting people until recent years. THAT is the issue that nobody wants to deal with and that is why you will pry my gun from my cold dead hands. You cannot ignore all the casual attitude toward violence, its pervasiveness on TV, in movies, in video games, and basically everywhere in life and then with any degree of authority and sense say that people owning something they have owned in abundance in this country since its founding is the problem. If all of our information went back tomorrow to the place it was in the 70s and 80s, you'd see a massive improvement in behavior, but it would occur over the course of a generation because we are all way too tainted at the moment.
Gun technology has jack shit to do with it, and that comment is a big part of the problem. People arguing for gun control make that argument are immediately dismissed because they are rightfully dismissed as dipshits. But go ahead and say that knowing guns isn't relevant to the debate if that makes you feel better. Kind of like arguing gay rights always goes over well when one side doesn't know anybody gay. We have always had guns and didn't used to start blasting people until recent years. THAT is the issue that nobody wants to deal with and that is why you will pry my gun from my cold dead hands. You cannot ignore all the casual attitude toward violence, its pervasiveness on TV, in movies, in video games, and basically everywhere in life and then with any degree of authority and sense say that people owning something they have owned in abundance in this country since its founding is the problem. If all of our information went back tomorrow to the place it was in the 70s and 80s, you'd see a massive improvement in behavior, but it would occur over the course of a generation because we are all way too tainted at the moment.

So what's the solution? How do we begin to reduce the number of Americans killed by guns?
Its possible for video games and movies to be a problem AND for it to be really fucking stupid to allow these guns on the streets at the same time.
It is awful to see these shootings, but after awhile you simply come to expect them, as terrible as that sounds. I'll admit that I've become completely cynical about the issue of gun control. After Sandy Hook I came to the conclusion that if shooting elementary school kids didn't lead to gun control reform, nothing ever would. And, nothing I've seen since has changed my mind. We're going to continue to have these shootings, and absolutely nothing is going to be done to help stop it. The NRA is arguably the most powerful lobbying group in Washington, and they aren't going to allow even limited reforms, it's that simple. In the next few days there will be the usual expressions of sorrow and "our thoughts and prayers" from leading pols, people outside the affected area/town will quickly forget, and we'll have another one of these mass shootings a few weeks/months down the road, and we'll repeat the process. People are addicted to guns in this country, as it gives them the illusion of control and power, and rural hunters have been convinced that the evil guvmint is going to take their hunting rifles, and so they'll block any changes. The only difference in these shootings is that, if the shooter is a foreigner/immigrant/Muslim, etc. it gives Trump and other right-wingers the opportunity to rant about the dangers of immigration and terrorism and gain points with their base. If it's a white dude/former military like this guy, they simply won't give a shit other than to issue the usual bromides to the affected families and community. Rinse, repeat.
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Gun technology has jack shit to do with it, and that comment is a big part of the problem. People arguing for gun control make that argument are immediately dismissed because they are rightfully dismissed as dipshits. But go ahead and say that knowing guns isn't relevant to the debate if that makes you feel better. Kind of like arguing gay rights always goes over well when one side doesn't know anybody gay. We have always had guns and didn't used to start blasting people until recent years. THAT is the issue that nobody wants to deal with and that is why you will pry my gun from my cold dead hands. You cannot ignore all the casual attitude toward violence, its pervasiveness on TV, in movies, in video games, and basically everywhere in life and then with any degree of authority and sense say that people owning something they have owned in abundance in this country since its founding is the problem. If all of our information went back tomorrow to the place it was in the 70s and 80s, you'd see a massive improvement in behavior, but it would occur over the course of a generation because we are all way too tainted at the moment.

Where's your evidence that we haven't always led the world in gun deaths per capita? Things have gotten worse, sure. But things have always been bad.
Fuck any soulless fuck who advocates for "gun rights."

And fuck the goddamn NRA. Blast them into the sun.

So anyone who advocates for personal ownership of guns to protect themselves and household should get killed mass execution style? Or just people who advocate for zero requlatuons?