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The Pit Parenting Thread

lil' baby mdmh due in late March.

I don't think screening for allergies is a bad idea, but I do think its detrimental not to expose your babies to all the foods and allergens that they'll encounter in every day life at an early age.
Allergies really have less to do with exposure to the allergens at an early age and more to do with lack of exposure of other antigens at an early age.
I don't think screening for allergies is a bad idea, but I do think its detrimental not to expose your babies to all the foods and allergens that they'll encounter in every day life at an early age.

lol this is terrible advice
which is why i dunked my daughter in a pool of peanut butter mere hours after her birth
Holy shit is it better once they start sleeping through the night. Obvious, but damn, I feel human again.
Allergies really have less to do with exposure to the allergens at an early age and more to do with lack of exposure of other antigens at an early age.

I thought that too. But we eat peanut butter all of the time. I’m eating it right now.

First time we gave it to our toddler son, he threw up. Second time, we ended up at the ER.
Any of your kids’ legs get swollen after a flu shot (or I guess arm, if they got it in the arm). His thigh where he got a flu shot yesterday is warm to the touch, swollen, and a little bit of splotchiness.
Boy got his on Thursday and partied at a wedding last night and woke with fever today. Could almost see it coming he was spaced out
I thought that too. But we eat peanut butter all of the time. I’m eating it right now.

First time we gave it to our toddler son, he threw up. Second time, we ended up at the ER.

Throwing up is one thing. Red Splotches are another.
Send happy vibes over the next few weeks. We're transitioning from the swaddle and taking the paci away in a relatively short time.
Taking the paci away is hit or miss. She did ok Friday night, ok Saturday night, but last night was horrible. Woke up at 10:30 and screamed non-stop until 1am, no matter what we did to try and soothe her. Eventually she fell asleep, but we're both thoroughly physically and emotionally exhausted today.
i'd like to get the paci done with but we're a little too lazy; we've got her down to only using it in the carseat and for sleeping but I feel like it'll be a battle when we finally yank it. in other news, she strung 4 words together this morning.
One thing I am very grateful for is that both ours kind of naturally gave up the paci on their own (one at closer to a year and one closer to 6 months?). I fully admit it was nothing we consciously did, and if they had wanted it still, we would've probably strung it out for our own sanity.

I was a thumb sucker and have memories of having to go to a class / session or some such at the dentist to get me to stop, so I was probably well older than I should've been.

Thumbs and pacis are tough
Don't know why it's taken me so long but first time diving into this thread. Lot of good stuff here so keep up the advice. I'll join the party with my now almost 8 month old daughter who was 2 months early (2 pounds 6oz). Spent 6 weeks in NICU but is doing great and maybe developmentally around 6.5-7 months at this point.

I realized the other day she hasn't used paci in a long time. She's too content sucking on her hand or combination of fingers and ends up gagging herself at times. She also seems to like eating her clothes, bib, and basically anything she can get her hands on. We can't figure out if she's starting to teeth or not.

She thankfully hasn't had any adverse reaction to peanut butter when we have put it in her oatmeal and she's survived her flu shots.

She seems to have a cough that won't go away and is very snotty. Seems to have been around for a month. Wondering if it's seasonal allergies or what since she hasn't had a fever or acted differently.
Neither of ours have ever had a pacifier but they're both thumb suckers. Not sure what's worse.