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Tiger gets pinched

Sounds like oxy-something. I've been prescribed that shite a couple of times after sports injuries. I only took a couple of doses both times - made me loopy and nauseous - couldn't stand the stuff. Though I know people who love that shite.

This looks much better for Tiger from a public image perspective.
Sounds like oxy-something. I've been prescribed that shite a couple of times after sports injuries. I only took a couple of doses both times - made me loopy and nauseous - couldn't stand the stuff. Though I know people who love that shite.

This looks much better for Tiger from a public image perspective.

Could be a muscle relaxer too. I've taken flexeril before and it knocked me out in a hurry.
Sounds like oxy-something. I've been prescribed that shite a couple of times after sports injuries. I only took a couple of doses both times - made me loopy and nauseous - couldn't stand the stuff. Though I know people who love that shite.

This looks much better for Tiger from a public image perspective.

Yep- oxycodone. Took only one dose when I tore a calf muscle years ago and couldn't stand it either.

It's highly addictive stuff for those that don't get nauseous so I hear.
Sheet says he was on Vicodin, Torix (not approved in US based on what I just read but is a Cox2 inhibitor just like many anti-arthritic meds) and uses a portable liquid oxygen device.

You'd have to take a significant amount of Vicodin to end up in the state he did.
Yep- oxycodone. Took only one dose when I tore a calf muscle years ago and couldn't stand it either.

It's highly addictive stuff for those that don't get nauseous so I hear.

Yeah, just ask any cop. It's the starter drug for heroin since the docs stopped handing that shite out like candy.
Yep- oxycodone. Took only one dose when I tore a calf muscle years ago and couldn't stand it either.

It's highly addictive stuff for those that don't get nauseous so I hear.

It's also obscenely regulated in response to the opiod crisis. The government has effectively removed it as a tool for pain management.
Still guilty of a DWI if it was pills. And from the incident report it seems as though he was very impaired. They did a urine draw which is not the most reliable way of checking levels of intoxication from pharmaceuticals, they should have taken a blood draw. He was passed out in the roadway with the engine running. He is dead to rights.
Still guilty of a DWI if it was pills. And from the incident report it seems as though he was very impaired. They did a urine draw which is not the most reliable way of checking levels of intoxication from pharmaceuticals, they should have taken a blood draw. He was passed out in the roadway with the engine running. He is dead to rights.

He never should have been behind the wheel for sure and will pay a penalty for it.

Doesn't he also take Ambien? I remember reading he suffered from insomnia.
In all seriousness, Woods is lucky to be alive today. We could have woken up yesterday to stories that he died in an accident or killed someone else after passing out behind the wheel.
o.oo is sketchy but maybe his story checks out.

"D blew 000's". I'd say so.

Q: What is the legal standard of proof of DWI on narcotics? 0.000000 rules out alcohol; is it facts and circumstances test? If he was asleep at the wheel, how are we sure he was driving? Criminal lawyer check in?
In FL the standard is "Actual Physical Control" which means you don't have to be driving the vehicle, nor does it even need to have the engine running.
"D blew 000's". I'd say so.

Q: What is the legal standard of proof of DWI on narcotics? 0.000000 rules out alcohol; is it facts and circumstances test? If he was asleep at the wheel, how are we sure he was driving? Criminal lawyer check in?

I am not licensed in Florida but where I am being asleep at the wheel alone is not enough. The engine needs to be on. I have seen people charged with DWIs even when the car is off but the engine block is still warm or they left their keys in the ignition turned off.

As for proof with alcohol vs narcotics, there is no set number that you cannot go over. Typically they use the results in conjunction with the results of your standard field sobriety tests/officer observations to say that you were appreciably impaired. This is the same thing as alcohol... although blowing over .08 is a pretty surefire conviction, they can also convict you if you blew below .08 but seemed impaired to a certain statutory level.
Sheet says he was on Vicodin, Torix (not approved in US based on what I just read but is a Cox2 inhibitor just like many anti-arthritic meds) and uses a portable liquid oxygen device.

You'd have to take a significant amount of Vicodin to end up in the state he did.

Believe it depends on the individual. I took one Lortab after umbilical hernia surgery and was acting like a fool. A second dose would have put me in never-never land.
Believe it depends on the individual. I took one Lortab after umbilical hernia surgery and was acting like a fool. A second dose would have put me in never-never land.

Were you taking it 8 weeks after surgery?
In FL the standard is "Actual Physical Control" which means you don't have to be driving the vehicle, nor does it even need to have the engine running.

That's my memory of the case with booze, and with the per se standard greater than or equal to 0.08, the prima facie case makes itself. What then for prescribed drugs?

If the arresting officer's report is all they've got for Narcotic impairment, i guess they go on field sobriety failure. I guess if the urine comes back hot for prescribed drugs, is there some sort of standard that triggers a per se finding of impairment (e.g., what's o.08 equivalent for opoids you're allowed to have in your system?) I'm doubtful that there is one, but thought I'd ask. Maybe he can plead out to something lesser.

Of course, none of that matters to him. Seeing that police report recite a videotape serial number means that thing is coming out at some point. Can't be good for the old brand.
"D blew 000's". I'd say so.

Q: What is the legal standard of proof of DWI on narcotics? 0.000000 rules out alcohol; is it facts and circumstances test? If he was asleep at the wheel, how are we sure he was driving? Criminal lawyer check in?

Impaired driving cases are more difficult when something other than alcohol is the impairing substance in question. There isn't a set amount that can be tested for that would be definitive as there is for the .08 with blood alcohol. The best the state can do is provide proof that the impairing substance was present in the Defendant's system and then rely on the various field sobriety tests. It would then fall on the Court to determine whether the required elements have been met.

Based on the police report here, the evidence of TW's total failure to successfully complete any of the field tests would likely be pretty overwhelming at trial, as would the fact that he was stopped in the road with the blinker on and was asleep at the wheel.

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Still guilty of a DWI if it was pills. And from the incident report it seems as though he was very impaired. They did a urine draw which is not the most reliable way of checking levels of intoxication from pharmaceuticals, they should have taken a blood draw. He was passed out in the roadway with the engine running. He is dead to rights.

He probably is dead to rights. That said, this is a much more manageable situation from a public relations perspective. He should just plead guilty and not try to get off on some technicality. That way he accepts responsibility publicly, and he can maintain at the same time he had no idea what he was doing in a running but stopped car at 3:00 a.m. So while it's still a public black eye, it's nowhere near as bad as getting drunk and blowing a .20.