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Trump Will Win the Nomination

Bob, if you don't make one of the Trump/Knight photos as your avatar, I don't know what to tell you
Have to admit, disappointed at how lowkey bkf has been about Coach Knight's endorsement. I expected him to be ecstatic but he's playing it cool on here. Hoping he's a little more excited about it off the boards.
This all ending with Hillary making Dean her Veep

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None of Clint, Palin, Sleepy, or Knight were even remotely coherent during their big endorsement cameos.

I thought that Coach Knight looked bad....even a little on the frail side from his normal appearance. He's a big dude. You don't really realize how big until you stand next to him in person. Of course, he will be 76 on October 25th. Haven't seen him or heard anything about any ongoing health issues, but I was somewhat shocked & surprised by the way he looked & sounded.
I thought that Coach Knight looked bad....even a little on the frail side from his normal appearance. He's a big dude. You don't really realize how big until you stand next to him in person. Of course, he will be 76 on October 25th. Haven't seen him or heard anything about any ongoing health issues, but I was somewhat shocked & surprised by the way he looked & sounded.

Didn't realize he was only 75. Left ESPN quietly and suddenly. He rambled quite a bit. Sadly don't think BK is all there mentally any more.
How do you think these ads will play in the fall?

1. Mira Lago in the background. - Sign American workers need not apply. Woman, "I applied and have 10 years experience." Man, "I applied and have worked at the best restaurants in FL." Woman with a child, "I applied but I'm an American. Donald Trump doesn't hire Americans to work the season."
Voice over: "Donald Trump says he'll bring jobs back to America but he won't hire Americans."

2. Turnberry in background- When Donald Trump bought Turnberry he promised the Scottish government 6000 new jobs. He created 60. He delivered 1% of what he promised. What will he deliver in America?

3. Trump Tower- Construction workers standing in front of it. #1- I've helped build lots of great New York buildings, but couldn't get hired here."

#2 "I worked dozens of sites in New York , but Donald Trump brought in Polish workers to build his building. not Americans.

#1 Bringing back jobs to America, yeah right.

#2 "Trump got fined $1,000,000 for illegal hiring. Why should we trust him?"

These are really easy ones.
Read Donald Trump’s ‘America First’ Foreign Policy Speech

Probably the most eloquent and structured he's been so far. Good job, Paul Manafort.

IDs five major weaknesses in American foreign policy, abridged and in brief:

First, our resources are totally over extended. President Obama has weakened our military by weakening our economy. He’s crippled us with wasteful spending, massive debt, low growth, a huge trade deficit and open borders. Our manufacturing trade deficit with the world is now approaching $1 trillion a year.

Secondly, our allies are not paying their fair share, and I’ve been talking about this recently a lot. Our allies must contribute toward their financial, political, and human costs, have to do it, of our tremendous security burden. But many of them are simply not doing so.

Thirdly, our friends are beginning to think they can’t depend on us. We’ve had a president who dislikes our friends and bows to our enemies, something that we’ve never seen before in the history of our country. He negotiated a disastrous deal with Iran, and then we watched them ignore its terms even before the ink was dry. Iran cannot be allowed to have a nuclear weapon, cannot be allowed. Remember that, cannot be allowed to have a nuclear weapon.

Fourth, our rivals no longer respect us. In fact, they’re just as confused as our allies, but in an even bigger problem is they don’t take us seriously anymore. The truth is they don’t respect us. When President Obama landed in Cuba on Air Force One, to leader was there, nobody, to greet him.

Finally, America no longer has a clear understanding of our foreign policy goals. Since the end of the Cold War and the breakup of the Soviet Union, we’ve lacked a coherent foreign policy. One day, we’re bombing Libya and getting rid of a dictator to foster democracy for civilians. The next day, we’re watching the same civilians suffer while that country falls and absolutely falls apart. Lives lost, massive moneys lost. The world is a different place.

His proposals, abridged and in brief:

First, we need a long-term plan to halt the spread and reach of radical Islam. Containing the spread of radical Islam must be a major foreign policy goal of the United States and indeed the world. Events may require the use of military force, but it’s also a philosophical struggle, like our long struggle in the Cold War.

In this, we’re going to be working very closely with our allies in the Muslim world, all of which are at risk from radical Islamic violence, attacks and everything else. It is a dangerous world, more dangerous now than it has ever been.

Secondly, we have to rebuild our military and our economy. The Russians and Chinese have rapidly expanded their military capability, but look at what’s happened to us. Our nuclear weapons arsenal, our ultimate deterrent, has been allowed to atrophy and is desperately in need of modernization and renewal. And it has to happen immediately. Our active duty armed forces have shrunk from 2 million in 1991 to about 1.3 million today. The Navy has shrunk from over 500 ships to 272 ships during this same period of time. The Air Force is about one-third smaller than 1991. Pilots flying B-52s in combat missions today. These planes are older than virtually everybody in this room.

Finally, we must develop a foreign policy based on American interests. Businesses do not succeed when they lose sight of their core interests and neither do countries. Look at what happened in the 1990s. Our embassies in Kenya and Tanzania — and this was a horrible time for us — were attacked. and 17 brave sailors were killed on the USS Cole.

And what did we do? It seemed we put more effort into adding China into the World Trade organization, which has been a total disaster for the United States. Frankly, we spent more time on that than we did in stopping Al Qaida. We even had an opportunity to take out Osama bin Laden and we didn’t do it.

And then we got hit at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Again, the worst attack on our country in its history. Our foreign policy goals must be based on America’s core national security interests.

In the Middle East our goals must be, and I mean must be, to defeat terrorists and promote regional stability, not radical change.

We desire to live peacefully and in friendship with Russia and China. We have serious differences with these two nations, and must regard them with open eyes, but we are not bound to be adversaries. We should seek common ground based on shared interests.
The amount of debt we could rack up by expanding our nuclear arsenal and increasing the number of troops would be staggering.