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Trump Will Win the Nomination

I, for one, am glad that bkf has found his home. It seems like where he belongs with all of the other oawgs

I was gonna say the same thing but you beat me to it. I think when OWG's retire all they do it is around and bitch about the younger generation and how they never had to work hard, are too entitled, use phones too much, didn't ever have to use outdoor plumbing, never read by lantern light, and in general don't know how hard life was/is.

Its called progress and giving folks rights that should have had them all along.
The Fauxahontas name makes sense but calling her Pocahontas seems weird since Pocahontas was in fact a Native American

I don't think the man is a wordsmith. We've already been treated to 6 months of comic material. Imagine what this summer will deliver?
The Fauxahontas name makes sense but calling her Pocahontas seems weird since Pocahontas was in fact a Native American

Yeah, I like Fauxahontas too but Trump is calling Warren Pocahontas sarcastically and in a way most of his enthusiasts will understand. Trump really likes to dumb things down, and it's working. Wonder if he has read the parts about swaying crowds in Mein Kampf? (i.e. keep it simple and keep repeating) Naw, he probably just got that from Madison Avenue.
"Well my friend, I was going to reject your offer and take another one but I was talking to my internet friends and WakeForest22890 made a great point about someone with your characteristics being the right fit. Congratulations, you've got yourself a deal."
let's dispel with the notion that Trump doesn't know what he's doing. he knows exactly what he's doing.

It works with a party that is basically OWGs. It won't work in an electorate that is diverse. If you think he'll be able to say, "I didn't really mean it" to Hispanics, Muslims, Jews and women, you are living in a dream world.
"Well my friend, I was going to reject your offer and take another one but I was talking to my internet friends and WakeForest22890 made a great point about someone with your characteristics being the right fit. Congratulations, you've got yourself a deal."

I'd argue Obama's best 2 years are his last 2 years. They beat the hell out of years 5-6.

Way to set the bar high.

Nailing a "4" is better than nailing a "2" and at the end of the day (night?) it's progress but you are still only nailing a "4".
It works with a party that is basically OWGs. It won't work in an electorate that is diverse. If you think he'll be able to say, "I didn't really mean it" to Hispanics, Muslims, Jews and women, you are living in a dream world.

It's going to become increasingly difficult for any candidate to gain real broad support in this country as we become more and more diverse. Even your average white guy from NC isn't all that similar to your average white guy in California. The two party system makes less sense as the years go by.
There's nothing all that interesting about what Trump is doing. Most of the time he sounds exactly like a standard old white guy in a golf foursome. He's no different than he was when he got laughed out of politics during his previous runs at office - he's just capitalizing on the Republican-driven Nationalism movement and obstructionist governing.

The GOP set themselves up to be hijacked when they couldn't find any candidate strong enough to whittle the field down when it should have been.

But hijacking the Republican nomination and winning the Presidency are drastically different things even if the two-party system doesn't make it feel that way. If we're a month away from election night and Trump has transformed his campaign enough to win over hispanics, women, african americans, etc - THAT would be interesting. My guess is that he's not. He'll keep bullshitting his way through the campaign, either Hillary or Bernie will undress him during the debates, and the polls will slide back to what we knew all along - the US is never, ever going to elect Donald Trump.

The interesting part of all of this is the GOP allowing it to happen. Imagine Sean Penn or Oprah or Howard Stern stealing the Democratic nomination... It's amazing how out-of-touch an entire political party could become with its voters.
DCDeac is right. Trump is just saying what's been said by white dudes on the golf course and in chain emails for the last couple decades.
Ivanka Trump is way smarter than her brothers. Won't get into specifics, but readily acknowledges she doesn't agree with her dad on everything and that he's made mistakes during the campaign. That's perfectly rational and reasonable. Her brothers claim their dad's run a flawless campaign. Trump deserves a lot of credit for understanding GOP primary voters better than 16 hapless chuckleheads.

Trump can definitely win and his strategy is clear, but remains to be seen if ultimately it will be successful. Worked like a charm in the primaries when Jeb, Cruz, and Marco inexplicably acted like wedgies, swirlies, and pull my finger were futuristic MMA moves. Next POTUS runner up will be judged extremely harshly. Justifiably so for losing to a deeply flawed opponent.