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Mar 20, 2011
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Well Pit, woke up this morning to find someone had egged my recently purchased car. I'd left the apartment 20 minutes early to try to pick up a chicken biscuit on the way into work (McD, sadly) so I was able to clean some of the gunk off my windshield and driver's door window before departing. I can't think of any enemies I'd have except for this crazy bastard of an old man to whom I sold my last car. He had problems with it after the transaction (he declined to have it checked out by a mechanic, important detail) and accused me of lying to him about the condition (I didn't). In any case, it would be a pretty immature thing for a 65 year-old to do (not that I'd put it past him).

So, to help me feel better, why don't we all recount how we've been the victims of random or intentional vandalism. Schadenfreud and all.


Around 2006, when I was a sophomore at WFU, I'd driven out to Reynolds Park golf course to play a round with some friends. When I got back to my car (inconspicuous 90's Volvo), it had been keyed all the way across the hood, from one side to the other. Deep, down to the metal, right in the center. I was parked right next to the clubhouse in the middle of the day. I'm still a little mad about that one.
My parents had a house built in a new development that was a subdivision of old farmland. Several months after moving in someone went around spray painting on houses, driveways, and cars things like "FUCK YOU", "RICH BITCH", and "GET OFF MY GRANDADDY'S LAND". I was surprised how easily it came off my dad's car, the cement driveway was the hardest one.
My friend in HS had the tooliest red camaro and someone spray painted a green smiley face on the door, I told him to keep it cause it made the car look less douchey but he was pretty pissed about it.

I've participated in many more acts of vandalism than have happened to me, the one I really feel bad about is I went with some friends to egg a girl's car/house (I didnt even know her) and so we had a shitload of eggs and I smashed like a dozen on the roof of her convertible car and when she was cleaning it the next day she ripped the roof. thats like 8 grr to fix.
Once toilet papered my own house, because who would suspect it? Haha take that, mom and dad.
Yup, me and wakephan09. We did it after we TP'd my hot neighbor's house, to throw any suspicions off of us. Though it wasn't well thought out on any fronts, we did it in almost full daylight. We were so awesome in high school.
i guess you could say i "aided and abetted" in the "vandalizing" of a water tower in high school.

also two of my four tires got randomly slashed in a parking lot once. kinda brutal because i had just replaced my tires & rims and somehow the rims were ruined during this slashing too. no idea who did it either.
I guess i forgot to lock my car last night, was out for a beer or two and parked on the street. Someone stole the cash I keep in my center console (in case I need cash, don't have my wallet, whatever). There is usually $20-$50 depending....I think there was closer to $50. I'm a little pissed about that....I got in my car and noticed the glove box was open and thought that was weird, but it's pretty full (and I was digging around in there earlier that day) so thought maybe it just wasn't closed right. It wasn't until this morning when I wanted to get a couple singles out of my console for a drink from the convenience store that I noticed my money was gone.
At least they didn't steal my sunglasses....that would've really pissed me off....I know theft isn't vandalism, but i thought i'd share
I guess i forgot to lock my car last night, was out for a beer or two and parked on the street. Someone stole the cash I keep in my center console (in case I need cash, don't have my wallet, whatever). There is usually $20-$50 depending....I think there was closer to $50. I'm a little pissed about that....I got in my car and noticed the glove box was open and thought that was weird, but it's pretty full (and I was digging around in there earlier that day) so thought maybe it just wasn't closed right. It wasn't until this morning when I wanted to get a couple singles out of my console for a drink from the convenience store that I noticed my money was gone.
At least they didn't steal my sunglasses....that would've really pissed me off....I know theft isn't vandalism, but i thought i'd share

that sucks.
oh btw, this whole egg thing was defs just a random act of vandalism. happened to me one new years. just gotta laugh it off and go to the car wash. kids will be kids.
Had 2 friends absolutely trash (as much as you can do so without leaving damage) their HS baseball coach & teacher's car one weekend.

It was probably a ~2 hour process of strategically arranging saran-wrap, silly string, confetti, glass marker, and anything else they could find... Immature HS crap, but well done nevertheless.

The coach/teacher didn't mention it the next Monday at school & I guess my friends were starting to feel guilty because they thought they had taken it too far since he wasn't even acknowledging them.

One of the things they did to the car was slip a few handfuls of confetti into the sunroof so it would drop in the cabin the next time it was opened from the inside. IIRC, After about 4-5 days of silence, they were walking to practice & decided to check and see if that easter-egg had been found... It was then when they discovered that his black late-90's Nissan Altima did not have a sunroof.
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I had a buddy in college who removed a 10-foot inflatable spongebob from the roof of a Burger King with a pocket knife, and then drug it down I-95 from the back of his pickup truck.
I seem to remember some asshole running around campus one year knifing all the plastic windows of Wranglers. Such a dick move.
My dad and I went for an early (like 5 am) run one day when I was home visiting. It was still dark. We came upon about 10 kids rolling, egging, and landscaping a house. They froze like deer in headlights when we got on them, but we just laughed and ran by.
my little bro borrowed my car one weekend and in that short 36 hours he had it, the little punk campers at camp durant decided to 'trash' his (my) car.
he cleaned most of it (crumpled news papers fully filled the inside, etc) before coming home, but the thing that stuck around until the day i no longer had the jeep was the bags of confetti/glitter they had dropped into the air vents. The first time I turned on the air after he brought it back, i was barraged with sparkles... which would have been funny if it wasn't hot as balls, which meant i was sweaty and the stuff stuck to me for days. For the next year, every time the vents came on at least one errant piece of confetti would fly out or worse, get stuck in there just making an annoying flapping in the wind vibration noise.