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Video Game Thread - The Last of Us = GOTY

Civ V scares me.... every time I start playing it again, I play it exclusively for 20 or 30 hours. It is absolutely the game I would pick in one of those hypothetical "one game for the rest of your life" polls. The expansions made it so much better, as well.

Hopefully you've been using the workshop mods as well. I'm amazed at what people have been able to create. I say with no exaggeration that there are a good number of mods that provide a fresher Civ experience than Beyond Earth.

Civ almost is already my "one game for the rest of my life", I guess about 80% of all of my game time is with it.
I think what I learned last night about the differences between it and LoL is that Dota is probably more unforgiving. There were a lot of things that I had either forgotten or just didn't know weren't features in LoL. I guess the big things to remember regarding the differences:

1.) Make sure you always carry a TP. I usually buy two in base whenever I die or go back, so that I have one ready to go after I TP out. If you get in trouble in lane and the other team doesn't have a stun (or if you can juke a bit), you can just TP to safety. Plus, it's super important for both defensive rotations and banking opportunities. You can buy them from the side shops as needed, and they're only 100 gold. Carry TPs!

2.) If you're a support, obviously you're supposed to buy wards and/or courier at start. In bot games, some dipshit carry will buy a courier, because role logic isn't necessarily great. You can "upgrade" the courier starting at 3:00 (it becomes a flying courier, with no pathing restrictions and faster movement) for 220 gold.

3.) In terms of lane support, obviously the biggest thing is lane control. You want to keep the lane equilibrium at a spot where a.) you're not susceptible to ganks, b.) your carry can reasonably last hit with ease / tower cover, and c.) you can potentially gank if the enemy carry is too far up. But, you also don't want to pull things too far back, because shitty pub carries (like myself) sometimes have issues with last hitting under friendly tower aggro, and that tower aggro can end up pushing the lane up even further when all is said and done. This has more to do with the safe lane than the hard lane (which is possible to "pull" back, but it's tricky to pull off well with a lot of heroes).

I guess I didn't realize that LoL doesn't allow you to aggro your own creeps with jungle camps, but that's a big part of it. An even bigger part is just denying creeps in lane. Usually, it's enough to handle denying like last hitting, but if you're focusing on lane equilibrium, definitely get a feel on when you should be auto denying friendly creeps as they get to 50% HP. That's probably a bigger "you'll learn that instinct in time" thing than anything else outside of general map awareness, so I wouldn't really sweat it for now. If your carry can handle the lane (and many safe laners can if the other team is running a solo offlane), your focus should be more on harass and zoning the enemy heroes out.

It might be more useful for you to join a game as a coach and just watch everything for a half hour or so. I realized last night that there was more to take in than I had assumed.
yeah that's a good summary of some major differences for supports. I think a combination of different zoom level, control scheme and items above killed me for my first two games.
Yeah. I have a lot more experience supporting than DAT LURKER (who I may cajole into posting some other tips). He primarily plays 1 roles.

I tend to like my supports to spend more time in jungle than in lane, because as a carry I feel like it maximizes efficiency to have the supports stacking jungle camps for later farm. Plus, especially in the shit-tier meta, where you can take advantage of bad opposing wards, roaming supports can get a lot of early kills.

I think we probably misguided you as far as hero selection goes. CM has the slowest move speed (and one of the lowest HPs) in the game. She's a really easy support to use once you get your bearings, but her survivability is shit. (She's also a hero for whom I don't typically level the ult until lvl 10 or so, because it's usually a non-factor early on.)

Wraith King, like I mentioned last night, is a traditional carry that really started getting play in the pro meta as a support a year or two ago. He's an interesting support because of his auras and the huge AOE slow on his ult (plus that spammable stun), but I forgot that the available Steam guides trend carry (most hybrid carry/supports have that issue), and again, he's not exactly mobile early on. The biggest advantage to him as a support is that he can convert to carry if the game goes late, which isn't possible for most hard supports.

Anyway, if you wanna practice some more at some point this week, I'll be around. DAT LURKER is between jobs right now, so he'd probably be able to teach you more during the day if you were up for it.
Basically Dota is about learning a bunch of circular patterns, from farming to ganking to knowing what the other team's patterns are at that moment. Literally how good you are at the game is recognizing what is going you and then being able to react quickly, whether that is TPing someplace to fight (which I think is the biggest difference between lol and dota) or just running away. It's a lot of early info dump, but most of the game is just familiarizing yourself with the items and heroes. Also, I definitely think you shouldn't go in with the mindset of "I have to support because I'm not good yet." Supporting imo is much more difficult and much less rewarding on a game-to-game basis.

Having said that the game is also all about stupid game mechanics. There's bullshit console commands RSF doesn't even know yet and he's been playing a decade or some shit. Just focus on the basics and find probably one hero you like that melds into how you play, whether that is being aggressive early to just being a farmer.
There's bullshit console commands RSF doesn't even know yet and he's been playing a decade or some shit.

Wo. Shots fired.

I KNOW about the console commands, but I don't really see how most of them make my life easier. I might have you show me how to use that shit tonight, though. There are a couple I've been wanting to try, I guess.
The Handsome Collection came out and I've been stuck on it all day. I put far too many hours into Borderlands 2 and can't wait to throw just as many in on PS4. I never touched the Presequal so I'm having a fun time being able to go in with all the DLC and get to experience another Borderlands story. It's also nice being able to get the full experience of 1080 60 fps seeing that I didn't play either on PC. Borderlands is so beyond addicting. Forgot how much I love this series. Also Gearbox throwing in 50 golden keys (25 for each game) makes things very nice!
I could never get into Borderlands. I loved everything about it, but it never seemed to save for me and I would have to redo the same levels over and over again. Maybe it was a bug that got updated out of it. I usually end up playing solo most of the time, do you have to do co-op for Borderlands 2?
I could never get into Borderlands. I loved everything about it, but it never seemed to save for me and I would have to redo the same levels over and over again. Maybe it was a bug that got updated out of it. I usually end up playing solo most of the time, do you have to do co-op for Borderlands 2?

That's so odd! I've done B2 both Co-op and Solo. It's incredibly pleasurable each way you play. I'm currently going through it on the Handsome Collection solo since none of my friends have it yet and am having a blast. There are parts where having another player can make things a little easier but in no ways do you have to play Co-op to succeed.
For me Borderlands is usually great for the first 10-15 hours or so.

To each their own. The one thing that I'm not the biggest fan of is that once the game is over the real endgame is just replaying the game with the same enemies but scaled. I would just rather there be different enemies once you replay the game.
Man, I feel like PS4 finally got an exclusive I'm actually jealous of w/ Bloodborne. So salty that isn't at least coming out for PC. :(