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VT/UVA, NCSU/UNC fan bases


Well-known member
May 3, 2011
Reaction score
Other than the "Ho....kies!!" chants back-and-forth from guys standing at the urinals, didn't think their crowd was too bad tonight. But one thing that did hit me (this being my first VT crowd) was that it reminded me of a UNC fanbase: pretty easy to tell who the alums and WalMart/ bandwagoners were. And that's the way it should be for a land-grant university, with it's "common man" connection to agriculture, mfg., etc. that touches everyday life for those who grind it out for a living; hard to picture those folks being UVA fans. Contrast that with here in North Carolina, where those same type fans should in large numbers naturally gravitate towards NCSU, but instead they're attracted to the "blue blood" culture that is UNC. I've had conversations with NCSU folks about how they've lost much of their non-alum fanbase to UNC over the years, and it's baffling for them as well.
Didn't see any bad behavior in my area of Section 9--I think we put enough of a scare into them in the 1st quarter that they never got comfortable enough to talk much trash. Plus, there's a pretty boisterous group of Wake fans in the row behind me (I'm in RR) that keep things relatively good-natured.

The only thing that annoyed me last night was that stupid, incessant drum beat that their band kept doing.
I about attacked one guy who kept screaming for their O-line to get a block every play with them up 18 with 4 min left right in my ear. I already get worked up during games like this it is not wise to do this near me during a game. He was standing below the score the entire game.
The Uva fans here are going to be insufferable today. Much worse than the Tech fans.
From my past experiences, VT is worst in ACC other than Miami and NCST. Glad you all had good experiences.
I thought the same thing. Their crowd wasn't that bad last night. Of course, I am comparing it to the last time they visited Groves Stadium. That might have been the worst experience I have had at Groves and it had nothing to do with the score.
Other than the "Ho....kies!!" chants back-and-forth from guys standing at the urinals, didn't think their crowd was too bad tonight. But one thing that did hit me (this being my first VT crowd) was that it reminded me of a UNC fanbase: pretty easy to tell who the alums and WalMart/ bandwagoners were. And that's the way it should be for a land-grant university, with it's "common man" connection to agriculture, mfg., etc. that touches everyday life for those who grind it out for a living; hard to picture those folks being UVA fans. Contrast that with here in North Carolina, where those same type fans should in large numbers naturally gravitate towards NCSU, but instead they're attracted to the "blue blood" culture that is UNC. I've had conversations with NCSU folks about how they've lost much of their non-alum fanbase to UNC over the years, and it's baffling for them as well.

It was night/day from the last time we played them at Groves.

And while there are a lot of VT fans who did not attend the school, they're not entirely distinguishable from some alums. They're plenty of unintelligible rubes who went to or go to VT.
Other than the "Ho....kies!!" chants back-and-forth from guys standing at the urinals, didn't think their crowd was too bad tonight. But one thing that did hit me (this being my first VT crowd) was that it reminded me of a UNC fanbase: pretty easy to tell who the alums and WalMart/ bandwagoners were. And that's the way it should be for a land-grant university, with it's "common man" connection to agriculture, mfg., etc. that touches everyday life for those who grind it out for a living; hard to picture those folks being UVA fans. Contrast that with here in North Carolina, where those same type fans should in large numbers naturally gravitate towards NCSU, but instead they're attracted to the "blue blood" culture that is UNC. I've had conversations with NCSU folks about how they've lost much of their non-alum fanbase to UNC over the years, and it's baffling for them as well.

Might have something to do with NCSU sucking ass for 20 years.
Contrast that with here in North Carolina, where those same type fans should in large numbers naturally gravitate towards NCSU, but instead they're attracted to the "blue blood" culture that is UNC. I've had conversations with NCSU folks about how they've lost much of their non-alum fanbase to UNC over the years, and it's baffling for them as well.

My perception is that most "working man" non-college-graduates in NC tend to be NCSU and Duke fans. On the other hand, the non-college-graduates who spend their time in tattoo parlors, roadhouse bars, and occasional weekends in the county jail tend to be UNC fans. NCSU and Duke both have a better class of "rednecks" than UNC does.
There are a fair number of redneck UVA fans too, especially in Central VA. But SW VA is a ton of bandwagon, non-VT alum fans.

I grew up in MD going to MD games, and MD is still my 2nd favorite ACC school. Saw 1 fight in all the time I went there, and I never had a problem going to a MD/Wake game at Cole wearing a Wake sweatshirt and cheering for Wake (but I tend to be polite and try not to be obnoxious in opposing venues). A certain Dick loving golf course designer apparently did have such problems there. Consider the source.

I've had season tix to UVA for 15+ years now. It really is a wine and cheese fan base largely. Which is good from a visiting perspective because you're pretty sure you won't be subjected to violence while you're here. And mostly friendly but with a few crazies just like everywhere. Stadium/JPJ aren't that loud or full unless UVA is having a good season and are playing a game against a good team. Also a pretty stadium if you're sitting high like we do and take a moment to take in the surrounding area. Only thing I find revolting here is the few guys who still wear the sockless loafers, oxford shirt, orange and blue striped tie and blazer - pants can either be shorts or khakis. Okay, and the V-sabre logo pants that my father wears are also revolting.

As for VT, I've been to 7-8 games at Lane (though never a hoops game down there - the 1 time I had tix we had an ice storm) and went down to N'awleans with a couple Hokie friends for the title game a decade ago. Blacksburg is a cute town. Would be a nice place to spend 4 years. And I've yet to meet a Hokie grad that doesn't insist that s/he blindly loves Tech. They must put something in the kool-aid there for the incoming freshmen. You should really go to a game at Lane - extremely loud and a great atmosphere. Very few wine and cheese types, but still a mostly good group of folks. They do have a few more over the line obnoxious folks than UVA, but not anywhere near the number that NCSU or WVU has. The UNC analogy is slightly accurate in that the VT grads are way more tolerable than their SW VA bandwagoners, but the students and grads are more akin to UVA students and grads.

I've lived almost all my life in MD or VA outside of my 4 years at Wake and look back at my experiences at all 3 of those schools fondly. As for visiting ACC fan bases, I still maintain that the friendliest, most avid and best traveling are Clemson and F$U. Worst traveling fan base in terms of behavior is NCSU, though they're not as bad as WVU (must not admit them into the ACC!). Worst traveling fan base in terms of traveling fans per capita is GT. I think I've seen more BC fans than GT fans (didn't see a single GT fan in the upper deck last week - and they were ranked #12).
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Bandwagon fans follow a winner which UNC has been and NC State hasn't been since the 1980's. If State ever goes on an extended run again their bandwagon will fill back up.
I was a little suprised at the behavior of some of our fanbase Saturday. Overheard in Sec 1 directed at Beamer ... " sit down you disfigured fuck!! " Had to laugh but still just wrong
I realized Saturday that I hate every school that has a fight song in which they spell their school name or mascot. Over and over and over again throughout the game. VPI, FSU, and Clemson are the worst offenders. Something about it is just intensely annoying to me.
I was a little suprised at the behavior of some of our fanbase Saturday. Overheard in Sec 1 directed at Beamer ... " sit down you disfigured fuck!! " Had to laugh but still just wrong

There's a bunch of little kids in Sec 1 and 2. People need to control their urge to sling profanity. It's one thing in the student or young alumni section but another in the more family oriented sections.
I realized Saturday that I hate every school that has a fight song in which they spell their school name or mascot. Over and over and over again throughout the game. VPI, FSU, and Clemson are the worst offenders. Something about it is just intensely annoying to me.

Holy shit. My mother posts on these boards.