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Wisdom Teeth


Well-known member
Mar 18, 2011
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Pit, I'm getting 2 wisdom teeth out tomorrow morning. Any suggestions for what to do before/after? How long does it take to heal up, and what kinds of sedative are people taking these days? Thanks! Not looking forward to this at all.
You know the warnings you hear about NOT losing a clot and getting a "dry socket?" Believe them. You don't want to find that out the hard way. I'd rather get head from a pissed off badger than experience that pain again.
You'll probably be out all day afterward so just expect to sleep alot. I had mine out the week before the Meineke Bowl; I was healed up and able to play trumpet in the band a week later. Don't sweat it, it goes by quick once you go in. Felt like about 5 minutes total.
You know the warnings you hear about NOT losing a clot and getting a "dry socket?" Believe them. You don't want to find that out the hard way. I'd rather get head from a pissed off badger than experience that pain again.

Thanks. How do you keep this from happening?
Bullshit jokes aside, don't suck. Any kind of vacuum that you create (like sucking a straw or other "things") can cause the clot to come loose. And the millisecond it does, you'll know it because you'll hear the scream. Avoid hard foods- they can cause the clot to come loose too.
Had all four taken out with local sedatives only, much better experience than what my sister and others experienced with full sedation. Was not overly active for a day or two (my choice since I had four holes in my mouth) but did not have any complications. Only took one or two pain pills but that was right after the procedure and I didn't have pain, just did it in case. Definitely made sure to complete my antibiotics prescribed to prevent any infection. And I don't even think I had stitches either, the guy wanted the areas to heal naturally.
i've got to get mine out sometime soon. is it the thing that is usually covered by dental insurance?
yeah, i had all four out, slept a ton and then was fine the next day.
Bullshit jokes aside, don't suck. Any kind of vacuum that you create (like sucking a straw or other "things") can cause the clot to come loose. And the millisecond it does, you'll know it because you'll hear the scream. Avoid hard foods- they can cause the clot to come loose too.

Thanks...is this only for the first few hours, first day, first week, etc?
tell the doc to take all four out. No reason to go through it twice. It's really just a major inconvenience for a few days as long as you don't have complications.
Had one out earlier this year. 94 speaks the truth. Milkshakes help (with a spoon, not the straw); I think I stuck with soft foods and no straws for 3-4 days just to be safe. Don't try to tough it out; if you need the pain meds, take them.
no matter how good you FEEL (due to painkillers), 4 hours after the surgery, you should not be up and walking around. my head had a very unfortunate encounter with the mexican tile flooring in our kitchen when i tried this.

rent a bunch of movies and just chill out in front of the tv for the whole day. like others, i also woke up fine the next morning.
make sure you eat something. soup, milkshakes, whatever. i had a lot of trouble eating afterwards (mostly due to my eating parts being numb to hell) and, without food, got sick from the anesthesia. i'm not sure what all transpired but i ended up in a shit ton of pain puking while my mouth bled. worst day of my life.
I'll add this, if you can mentally stand being awake for it, have them do it without the full anesthesia, only local. I actually drove home from getting it done because I felt so good (even though I had my sister and mom with me).
At your age I assume you're just getting them pulled right? I had two pulled and two cut out back in high school. The two that were pulled were more difficult to heal, because when they cut them out, they suture the holes and you dont have to worry about the dry sockets as much.
I had all four taken out under sedation. I never got a dry socket, but I avoided straws and hard foods, like everyone has said. I didn't even wake up until the next day. Last thing I remember was countinng backward from 10 and then it was the next day. I didn't have much of an appetite for the next week or so, but no real pain...

...until the day I sneezed. Don't sneeze.