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Do most guys watch ANYTHING with their woman? That's what two TVs are for. The few times HTTD watches anything with me he talks so much junk that I want to punch his face.

I'm pretty fortunate that my wife and I like most of the same stuff, so we watch almost everything together -- the HBO stuff (Boardwalk, Game of Thrones, Girls), AMC stuff (Mad Men, Breaking Bad), FX stuff (Justified, Louie, Always Sunny), NBC stuff (Parks & Rec, 30 Rock), the Real World, the RR/RW Challenge, Chopped, Happy Endings, New Girl, etc.

There are some more guy-ish shows I like that she has seen, but isn't really all that into -- Eastbound & Down, The League, Workaholics, and, to a lesser extent, Always Sunny.

For her, she likes watching the news way more than I do, and she will check out the occasional home design show, but overall she doesn't really do all the reality singing/dancing shows and that kind of junk.

I realize I'm exceptionally lucky.
man as much as I like college football, I'm just not that excited about the game tonight. hate both teams, but hate ND a bit more. compounding things is my roommate is a huge ND homer so it won't be pleasant to watch with her, and I don't care enough about the game to watch at a bar. it's terrible because she went to Clemson and is a huge fan of them, but likes ND even more because much of her family went there. said she would cheer for ND over Clemson if they played.
unbeknownst to me, another couple of people from my old job are now dating (sooo weird). I actually invited them to come with workhusband and i out for drinks tomorrow knowing that they were good friends, and i like both of them and she texts me this morning and is like "uhhh just in case you didn't know, we're dating now... it's hush-hush around the office but workhusband knows too". so now it's kind of a double date... except maybe not. but maybe?
Matt and I have some shows we watch together and his shows and E's shows all on the downstairs DVR, upstairs is all mine. I win.
i think i'm surprisingly not all that girly in my tv show choices (i'm religious about Mad Men, Happy Endings, Modern Fam, Nashville aaaaand glee (that one's a little girly but i can't quit it). although when all else fails if I just want something on the TV and don't have anything specific to watch, generally it's between E, TLC or HGTV.
I'm pretty fortunate that my wife and I like most of the same stuff, so we watch almost everything together -- the HBO stuff (Boardwalk, Game of Thrones, Girls), AMC stuff (Mad Men, Breaking Bad), FX stuff (Justified, Louie, Always Sunny), NBC stuff (Parks & Rec, 30 Rock), the Real World, the RR/RW Challenge, Chopped, Happy Endings, New Girl, etc.

There are some more guy-ish shows I like that she has seen, but isn't really all that into -- Eastbound & Down, The League, Workaholics, and, to a lesser extent, Always Sunny.

For her, she likes watching the news way more than I do, and she will check out the occasional home design show, but overall she doesn't really do all the reality singing/dancing shows and that kind of junk.

I realize I'm exceptionally lucky.

I like all of the TV shows that he likes (Mad Men, The League, Always Sunny, Breaking Bad) but I also like some pretty awful shows (reality TV) so those I watch on my own and I kind of like it that way.
My friend and I were talking about maybe mounting his tv in the main room and then putting mine on the entertainment stand so they'd be on top of each other. It would be pretty bro for sports watching but then I wouldn't have one in my room that I could claim for myself.

I only really watch two shows though and he watches one of them religiously as well (Mad Men)
I put my feelers out for potential roommate options over the weekend if I decide to go that route and have this friend of a friend interested. He's an absolutely fabulous gay man who manages food and bev. at the Umstead in Cary so I bet he'd have ridiculous event hookups. I just might have to consider this...
speaking of tv...the bachelor comes back on tonight! woohoooooooooooo! i know she doesn't win, but cheer for katie anyway. she's my yoga instructor, and is awesome :)
My friend and I were talking about maybe mounting his tv in the main room and then putting mine on the entertainment stand so they'd be on top of each other. It would be pretty bro for sports watching but then I wouldn't have one in my room that I could claim for myself.

I only really watch two shows though and he watches one of them religiously as well (Mad Men)

For almost as long as I have known Sleepy, he's had 2 tvs set up in his living room. It is a plus for watching sports, for sure.
I like all of the TV shows that he likes (Mad Men, The League, Always Sunny, Breaking Bad) but I also like some pretty awful shows (reality TV) so those I watch on my own and I kind of like it that way.

One thing is that between the Peanut and the dogs, we aren't really able to sit down and start chillin' until like 9 pm and then we only have like a 1-2 hour window before bedtime, so if we didn't watch the same stuff, we wouldn't have that time to hang out with each other, watch TV, and shoot the shit.

I have a really cool wife.
For right now HTTD and I are together a lot so spending a little time watching our own thing isn't a big deal. Plus our apartment is tiny so me being in the bedroom and him in the living room is almost like being in the same room anyway.
My fiancee and I watch pretty much all TV together. We've always both liked watching sports (football, at least; she's not that into basketball), and now that we live together I've started watching Project Runway (Tim Gunn what up?) and she watches all the netflix docs I stream in the evening.
we watch most of our stuff together too. can't say we each enjoy each other's stuff all the time (he hates the bachelor/bachelorette. i hate call of the wildman. we agree on most everything else), but we only have one tv, so we watch everything together. neither of us watches much tv though, so it's not that big of a deal.
We don't watch much TV at all, other than sports. Maybe 1.5 - 2 hours / night, and we generally watch together, or one of us will be doing something different.
We DVR our shows & then watch on our schedule. We watch Chopped, Castle, Walking Dead, Falling Skies, and Top Shot together. When I watch Law & Order: SVU, the hubby will fiddle around on his iPad. When he's watching hockey or EPL, I'll catch up on my reading. Works well for us.
I'm pretty fortunate that my wife and I like most of the same stuff, so we watch almost everything together -- the HBO stuff (Boardwalk, Game of Thrones, Girls), AMC stuff (Mad Men, Breaking Bad), FX stuff (Justified, Louie, Always Sunny), NBC stuff (Parks & Rec, 30 Rock), the Real World, the RR/RW Challenge, Chopped, Happy Endings, New Girl, etc.

There are some more guy-ish shows I like that she has seen, but isn't really all that into -- Eastbound & Down, The League, Workaholics, and, to a lesser extent, Always Sunny.

For her, she likes watching the news way more than I do, and she will check out the occasional home design show, but overall she doesn't really do all the reality singing/dancing shows and that kind of junk.

I realize I'm exceptionally lucky.

One thing is that between the Peanut and the dogs, we aren't really able to sit down and start chillin' until like 9 pm and then we only have like a 1-2 hour window before bedtime, so if we didn't watch the same stuff, we wouldn't have that time to hang out with each other, watch TV, and shoot the shit.

I have a really cool wife.

if i had a better command of the english language, i could have written the exact two posts with just a couple of tweaks on what shows we watch. GET OUT OF MY HEAD, SAY HEY!
Matt and I have some shows we watch together and his shows and E's shows all on the downstairs DVR, upstairs is all mine. I win.

This is basically my situation. My DVR is crowded by Disney movies and Octonauts.

My wife is an early sleeper so she's out after LJF goes to sleep. Sometimes before.
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