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Official 2012-2013 NBA Season postmortem

No trolling tonight. I feel dirty that Shane was a big contributor in game 7, much dirtier than any of you appeared to be while Danny Green was breaking records. To redeem myself in the eyes of the tobacco road gods, I will spray Lysol all over my body and take another trip to Cameron to defile it with my piss. Nevertheless, the King came through down the stretch and was cold blooded. But none of y'all want to hear that here and saying it doesn't make it any truer.

Tonight, I saw a Spurs fan wearing a Vinny Del Negro jersey. He is the only Spurs fan that I have encountered that has actually suffered through a shitty year. This man was around the last time the Spurs won less than 50 games. That was 1996. IT'S 2013! This is undoubtedly the worst that this guy has felt since the mid-nineties. That's astounding. The San Antonio Spurs make Bill Belichick and the Patriots look inconsistent. Screw Bill Simmons - Pop belongs on the NBA Coaching Mt. Rushmore without hesitation. Manu's best days are behind him, but I really think he gave it his all this series. Tony Parker is a French wizard, and has overcome that Frenchness by becoming the best PG in the league. Kawhi is the future, already showing strains of that typical Spurs cold-bloodedness. San Antonio's brass would be smart to build around him in a few years. Last but not least: the consumate champion, the big fundamental... the one and only Timothy Theodore Duncan. Duncan's greatness is not just in his consistency, but his ability to go about his business without making a scene. That's what real men do, and we would do our kids a diservice if we didn't point to him as a role model if they ask which athlete to emulate. 4 rings, 3 finals mvps, 2 mvps, 1 damn good player.

I thought it was last year, but I can say for certain that the NBA is back. Even if jaybone was wrong about everything again.
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Also the Texas Rangers fan in me feels for the Spurs fans. This feels a lot like the 2011 World Series
Playoff Pos Pool Final Results

1. toughlovedeac - 76
2. rjkarl - 74
T3. bdz - 70
T3. numbers - 70
5. shooshmoo - 68
6. truifh0 - 67
7. cdeacman - 66
T8. appetite - 63
T8. palma - 63
10. jaybone - 59
11. FYC - 58
12. buckets - 57
13. wakesquirrel - 56
14. bmoney - 55
15. texasdeac - 53
T16. TITSWF - 52
T16. cumberland - 52
18. isledeac - 51
19. redsoxfaithful - 49

Congrats to toughlovedeac. Every single one of us front running assholes had the Heat winning the ship except for Jaybone... who came 28 seconds and 5 points away from winning the pool along with the Spurs winning the Larry O'Brien. Everyone who participated please do your duty and pos rep toughlovedeac. Here is a fitting post to pos.
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I've been angrier about sports outcomes. But I legitimately haven't been this much #SadPanda since the '02 Kings-Lakers, which essentially ended my childhood. (Contrary to popular belief, after Game 7 of that series, I set nothing on fire, but took my golden retriever to the pond and threw rocks at ducks.)
Fuck it all. I know it's completely unlikely, but here's hoping Timmy D's got one more run in him. Somehow. Someway.

Did the golden chase the rocks?
Playoff Pos Pool Final Results

1. toughlovedeac - 76
2. rjkarl - 74
T3. bdz - 70
T3. numbers - 70
5. shooshmoo - 68
6. truifh0 - 67
7. cdeacman - 66
T8. appetite - 63
T8. palma - 63
10. jaybone - 59
11. FYC - 58
12. buckets - 57
13. wakesquirrel - 56
14. bmoney - 55
15. texasdeac - 53
T16. TITSWF - 52
T16. cumberland - 52
18. isledeac - 51
19. redsoxfaithful - 49

Congrats to toughlovedeac. Every single one of us front running assholes had the Heat winning the ship except for Jaybone... who came 28 seconds and 5 points away from winning the pool along with the Spurs winning the Larry O'Brien. Everyone who participated please do your duty and pos rep toughlovedeac. Here is a fitting post to pos.

we should all negrep redsoxfaithful too, right?
i knew goobs would be hating on manu, but he had a really good game and was the only spur who was playing aggressive on offense (maybe kawhi at times)
Before I take that long step off the balcony, a few thoughts. The Spurs had this thing won in 6. How they gave it away is somewhat irrelevant, once they did.

In these situations, regardless of the sport, one rarely gets a second bite at the apple. And if you do, it's not often successful.

ETA: Dammit! Some redneck parked a giant pick-up below me. I ain't doing a header into a fucking pick-up. I'd just be mamed, and then I would be even more pissed.

Chase, Roy, I need you back as soon as possible. Ryan, try to remember how to hit. Ruben, you have several bridges from which to choose. I'm sure you will find the Delaware quite invigorating.
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I believe you missed my point. Probably because I explained it poorly.

If you get beat in game 6, you have an even chance in game 7. If you had game 6 and gagged it, you probably won't get over the hump in game 7. LeBaron was a defeated man with less than half a minute left. The gag-job gave LeBaron new life, and he went ape-shit in game 7.

I never met a Red Sox fan who thought they'd win game 7 in the '86 WS. That's maybe the most classic example, just because it's the Red Sox.

#Bandwagon Boy
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Timmy may have 1 more in him, but imho, the Spurs need TWO more big men (Splitter and others not good enough) and a better backup PG.

Need THREE more guys.
Timmy may have 1 more in him, but imho, the Spurs need TWO more big men (Splitter and others not good enough) and a better backup PG.

Need THREE more guys.

I think they can get back with one more guy that can score both spotting up and off the dribble.
Thoughts on the Finals:

#1 - Injuries mattered a ton. Wade was a shell of himself for most of the series, and Parker clearly was bothered badly by his hamstring near the end of the series. This is all part of the game, and it was a ridiculous series anyways - but not having a healthy Parker and Wade was slightly disappointing as a neutral.

#2 - The old guys brought it more than I thought they could or would. Duncan, Allen, Battier, Miller, Manu - they all had their moments in this series. Way more moments than I expected. Duncan especially as the series went on got stronger and stronger, which was remarkable.

#3 - Danny Green games 1-5. Jesus.

#4 - Huge respect for Coach Spo, who at least held his own with Pop over the course of the series. Each game was a chess match, with moves and counter moves - the series played out so strangely partly because the coaches did such masterful jobs adjusting to each other. Most people going into the series thought Pop had a clear edge here, but I don't think it ended up that way.

#5 - Bosh's defense in this series was outstanding. He got muscled by Duncan one-on-one in the post on occasions, but his ability to close out shooters and snuff out pick and rolls faster than any other center in the league was huge down the stretch of games. That steal by Lebron at the end of Game 7 where the Spurs ran a Manu and Duncan side pick and roll and Bosh was just too quick for Manu and smothered him against the baseline was a great example.

#6 - Speaking of defense, Lebron on Parker in Games 6 and 7 seemed to me to wear down Parker more than it did Lebron. Lebron is probably a cyborg.

#7 - Kawhi Leonard. Holy shit what a series. I still think he's the evolutionary Shawn Marion (i.e - he can't be a primary offensive creator, but he's a brilliant second banana) but he defended Lebron as well as anyone in the league can, he absolutely boarded his ass off and he hit every shot he got in his favorite spots on the floor. He was easily the most consistent player for San Antonio over the 7 games.

#8 - I never will be able to stand Shane Battier. Just makes my skin crawl watching him. But damn if he isn't a winner.

#9 - Gary Neal is gonna Gary Neal. I don't know if I've ever seen a player throw up more ridiculous shots in one 7 game series than he did. To his credit, a fair number of them went in. He's gotta drive Pop absolutely bonkers.

#10 - Lebron is the best player on the planet, and it's not really close. What he's done the past two seasons is absolutely remarkable. He's played an inhuman number of games and minutes (including the Olympics) all while being the primary ball handler, primary post threat and defended the best opposing player. He's reached a level that very, very few players ever have and if you love him, hate him or are in between - at least you have to recognize and appreciate what he's become on the court. He's not Jordan (or Magic) - he's more of the evolutionary Larry Bird - but one day I'll tell my kids I watched him play in his prime.
Jaybone lost this one

I was Jason terryed. Again. So many good predictions all playoffs long. Including best finals game since bird and magic. Yet. Jason terried. Ugh. And it happened in real time for me. No dvr fast forward thru commercials allowing no time to linger on wounds. Real time pain. I even checked this thread at halftime.

Great series. I expect Manu to re- up for change. No way he can go out like that. He reminded me if those outdoor pickup games where the ball is just slightly lobsided making simple dribbling a challenge.

Folks have been writing off the spurs for 5 years. The aren't done quite yet.
Again, correct answers were YES, UNDER, GREEN, DUNCAN, UNDER, OVER, HEAT. Need 5/7 to get pos rep and 0/7 gets custom title plus neg rep. Possibly a trip to ban camp.

Headband YES
Largest Lead OVER
More threes GREEN
Spurs leading scorer PARKER
LBJ 4th points UNDER
Manu points OVER
Champs HEAT



4/7 no soup for you

Will LeBron wear the headband for the entire game Y/N (note that if it accidentally comes off and he puts it back on by the time play resumes after the next dead ball, that counts as him wearing it the whole time) Yes
Largest lead (either team) O/U 13.5 Under
More 3pt fg made Ray Allen or Danny Green? Green
Leading scorer for Spurs? Duncan
LeBron 4th Quarter (and OT if it goes) points O/U 11.5 Under
Manu Ginobili points O/U 11.5 Under
Who will be NBA Champions? Spurs
5/7, haev some pos

Yes, Over, Green, Duncan, Under, Under, Heat
5/7, haev some pos

1/7 JET

5/7 bonus rep for rocking some bcats gear last night
3/7, may want to tweak those probabilities, stat nerd
5/7, you got this prop thing figured out
Will LeBron wear the headband for the entire game Y/N (note that if it accidentally comes off and he puts it back on by the time play resumes after the next dead ball, that counts as him wearing it the whole time) NO
Largest lead (either team) O/U 13.5 OVER
More 3pt fg made Ray Allen or Danny Green? Green
Leading scorer for Spurs? Duncan
LeBron 4th Quarter (and OT if it goes) points O/U 11.5 Over
Manu Ginobili points O/U 11.5 Over
Who will be NBA Champions? Spurs
3/7, good luck to your daughter.

Thanks to everyone for playing along with the props all season. Next year I plan on actually tracking it all year, rotating responsible parties for coming up with the props, and generally having them when there are decent marquee games on TV.
Will the year of heart break continues. 49ers lose in the Super Bowl, wake retains [Redacted], and this. My 28 year old heart cannot take this.

I'm in that same boat (with a little older heart.) I fully expect the Braves to lose the World Series in 7 games come October.