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F is for Fascism (Ferguson MO)

The guilty ones probably did, but we should not have done it if it violated international law (and put other American lives in danger from retaliation), and almost assuredly, not all detainees at Abu Ghraib were guilty of crimes against humanity....though I don't feel any personal sympathy for those who were guilty of such crimes. I'm not sure that we knew...or cared....who was guilty and who was not guilty.

Personally, I think it is a poorly chosen analogy because the two reasons I gave for opposing it have nothing at all to do with the situation with Brown or Garner.

I just assumed you were ok with the U.S. using enhanced interrogation which uses outlawed processes since a cop killed a man with an outlawed maneuver. Wouldn't want you to be inconsistent or anything.
If you are going to quote my posts, I would appreciate it if you would quote the entire statement....or at the very least the entire sentence....rather than chopping it up and cherry-picking a few words from what I said. That is a very dishonest & unethical thing to do.

You said people deserved to be tortured. That's the part I wanted to focus on so I only included that statement.

And as you so eloquently explained to us on this very thread, what comes after the but doesn't matter. You either think people deserved to be tortured or you don't. You do think that some people deserve to be tortured. That's pretty sick, IMO.
RJ, You are the unquestioned King of Hyperbole on the boards.

So now I'm a right-winger, huh? And not just a right-winger...but an ultra right-winger!

(And, out of curiosity, how much further right is an ultra right-winger than just an ordinary, run of the mill right-winger? What would I have to do to move back from ultra right-winger to just be a regular old right-winger, standard class? Also, when did you receive all those proxys from "the rest of us" to be the board spokesman for them?)
Your not a right winger, just a racist commi.
You seem to be making a lot of assumptions here. That's probably not a good idea.

Based on your posts on this very thread, I'm assuming you're OK with Garner's death, and the means by which he was killed (by an outlawed chokehold). After all, he was a worthless POS and the world is a better place without him, right? So, I can logically conclude that you are OK with the CIA's torturous methods, most of which are outlawed by the Geneva Convention as you state, on Gitmo detainees who had committed crimes. I don't think is a big leap of logic; seems like a natural extension.

The U.S. violated international law by torturing people. The cop who killed Eric Garner violated his own department's rules and regulations by using an illegal method. You can't have it both ways.
Eric Garner's eyes:

Sharpton is in DC, for the record. He's not responsible for the NYC protest.
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Nope. Every human being deserves to be treated as such. That is a birthright. I'm sorry you don't think so.

So Donald trump deserves your respect? This is a pretty poor argument. Respect is earned not given. Decency should not be earned but respect is quite different.
What is disturbing about my link is that some of the protesters want to divide their contingent along racial lines. The white people who repeated the phrase "I Can't Breathe" were told to be quiet because whites can breathe just fine and, besides, the white marchers were benefiting from the system.
maybe dignity is a better word. I understand respect to be equivalent to treating someone with dignity. Every human deserves as much.

Agree everyone should receive dignity. Respect, not so much. Although I doubt many on this board treat Trump with much dignity. I certainly don't.
And the fact that Twitchy quotes Twitter accounts does not mean anything to you. I'm sorry. I should have used the network Sharpton works for.

I mean everything quoted on the interwebs, twitter, facebook, is pretty much gospel.....

Say that out loud man "Twitchy quotes Twitter accounts." Seriously...tell one of your bosses that you are sure of something because you read it on twitchy which quotes twitter accounts....
What is disturbing about my link is that some of the protesters want to divide their contingent along racial lines. The white people who repeated the phrase "I Can't Breathe" were told to be quiet because whites can breathe just fine and, besides, the white marchers were benefiting from the system.

The 2014 dumbest post of the year contest is rapidly getting more competitive.
And the fact that Twitchy quotes Twitter accounts does not mean anything to you. I'm sorry. I should have used the network Sharpton works for.

What the fuck are you arguing? That a shit website using social media posts is relevant? Dude -- what the fuck are you thinking?
lol Twitchy and lol Twitter aside, that was some solid concern trolling.